Chapter 1293 Rescue Hitomi

But this time, Mukuro’s words fell, but the surrounding villagers said tremblingly.

“Then… can you help us save Hitomi-sama?”

A villager said to Mukuro.

“Even if it is to save Hitomi-sama’s widow Mukuro back.”

Another villager said.

The words of these villagers fell, looking at their pitiful appearance, at this time Inuyasha spoke.

“Where is the time to say this now! But no matter what, she must be caught first before speaking. And if I can recover her, I must try my best to save her!”

When Inuyasha’s words fell, Coral and the others nodded.

“There is one thing that makes me very concerned. That is the last words left by Hitomi. Why did she deliberately leave such a will? After she died, she would separate her head and body for burial?!”

At this moment, Maitreya spoke again.

“Does she mean to say this deliberately, is to worry that she will be resurrected in such a sad form?”

Maitreya’s words fell, and he subconsciously looked at Mukuro, as if he wanted to ask Mukuro’s opinion.

“Almost. And, in Naraku’s meaning, it is nothing more than not wanting to show up in person, but wanting to use Hitomi to deal with Ari.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and everyone nodded thoughtfully. Mukuro’s words made sense, and Naraku naturally didn’t dare to show up in person now. To show up in person, that meant that he exposed himself to Mukuro. Although these times, even if Mukuro shot, he did not really kill Naraku.

But with Naraku’s disposition, of course he would not be lucky enough to appear in front of Mukuro at will. But it was one thing that he didn’t dare to appear in front of Mukuro, and he wanted to deal with Ari. As well as grabbing the four soul jade fragments from Amber’s body, then the way he can choose is naturally to use others. Using kind and innocent witches is naturally his strongest choice.

“Nara, the Damn it guy! He is hurting and using the witch again!”

Thinking of this, Hitiko’s fate seemed to remind Inuyasha of Kikyo’s tragic fate! At this moment, his heart was naturally full of hatred for Naraku. Kikyo and Hitomi are so kind and beautiful, they didn’t do anything wrong. But Naraku hurt them, making their beautiful lives wither. Thinking of this, Inuyasha really wanted to tear Naraku to pieces.

“Nara, this guy is really annoying. But now I say it is useless, the most important thing at the moment is to take back Hitomi’s widow Mukuro first.”

Mukuro said so.

“Look there, if I’m not mistaken, Hitomi should have returned to the temple on the mountain. And that temple is now mostly completely polluted by Naruko and turned into a dangerous nest.”

While talking, Mukuro stretched out his hand and pointed to the temple on the hillside. His eyes can clearly see that a large number of spider silks hang down from the sky and fall around the temple. The entire temple repeatedly seemed to be completely wrapped in spider silk.

“It doesn’t matter we go! As long as we can save Hitomi!”

At this time, Ari said so.


Hearing Ari’s words, Shanhu and Inuyasha both showed moving eyes, and the villagers around were moved even more and couldn’t help tears like rain.

“Kiji, is that why you chose Ari…”

Seeing Ari’s appearance, Inuyasha’s eyes moved slightly, but in the end he didn’t say anything. He just turned his head and looked at the mountain as well. At this time, he also saw clearly. Around the temple on the mountain, there are spider silk everywhere! Those spider silks fell from the sky and wrapped around the temple, making the temple on the mountain look like a spider’s nest.

“Ali, let’s go with you!”

Coral said to Ari.

“Huh! That guy Naraku is really arrogant. With so many spider silks, the whole temple is wrapped up grandiosely. Is this provoking us?!”

At this moment, Inuyasha said suddenly.

Inuyasha said so and looked at Mukuro subconsciously. But Mukuro just smiled and said to Inuyasha.

“If you want to save her, then use your true skills. If you want to rely on my strength, it won’t work.”

Mukuro said casually. Inuyasha’s plan, Mukuro naturally saw clearly. He deliberately said that Naruto was provoking, that he wanted to use agitation to spur Mukuro to take action. For Mukuro, his shot is just a simple matter. However, this kind of opportunity, rather than solving everything by himself, Mukuro wanted to leave this opportunity to Ari, so that Ari can get a real trial, and then use this to gain the power to defeat Naraku.

Mukuro’s words fell, and Inuyasha’s face blushed slightly, but the next moment, he still spoke.

“Well! In that case, let me save her!”

Inuyasha said so. When his words fell, A Li nodded and also spoke.

“Don’t worry! We will all participate in this battle, let us join forces to rescue Hitomi from Naraku’s hands!”

“Well! We must be able to defeat Naraku’s conspiracy once again!”

Coral said the same. Her expression was full of confidence.

A smile appeared on Ari’s face when she heard this. Then she spoke.

“Let’s go!”

Her words fell, and a group of people followed the steps of the hillside and rushed directly towards the temple on the mountain! As everyone rushed up along the stone steps of the hillside, a large number of spider silks continued to fall down from the sky.

Facing these spider silks, Inuyasha shouted loudly.

“Everyone, be careful! I’ll do it…”

However, Inuyasha’s words have not yet fallen. From behind him, a ray of light rose into the sky. This beam of light swept across and directly swept away all the spider silks that were hanging down from the sky! Even then, a more amazing beam of light rose into the sky, and the source of the spider silk that directly dropped from the sky was destroyed!


Maitreya said in surprise. If there is such a thing, of course Mukuro made the shot. At this time, Maitreya obviously did not expect that Mukuro, who had just made it clear that he would not make a move, would actually make a move. At this time, Inuyasha was naturally quite unexpected.

“Well, although I won’t help you deal with Naraku, but if these spider silks have fallen, even if I am within the range of the attack, there is no way.”

Mukuro said so.

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