Chapter 1290 Mountain Manor

He swishes and stood up from the ground. It can be seen that there is a slight reddish trace on his brows, but he is desperate and just jumps directly toward the depths of the forest ahead!

Looking at Maitreya’s movements, Coral was quite speechless. And Ari and Kagura looked at each other, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“This fool.”

Inuyasha covered his forehead and couldn’t help but said. He has smelled the demon spirit of the fox, and the front is probably the old nest of the fox monster!

“Okay, if you’re worried, let’s go over and take a look.”

Mukuro said so. After his words fell, everyone walked forward together. When a group of people walked through the forest and came to the depths of the forest, they quickly followed the light of the lights and saw a huge and luxurious farmland! The manor is brightly lit, with red lanterns hung everywhere, which looks very magnificent.

From the manor, there were laughter and laughter, constantly spreading out. And at the entrance of this magnificent manor, there are many young girls in gorgeous clothes standing. These girls are young and beautiful, their clothes are exposed, slim, and they are constantly scratching their heads toward the crowd.

“Uh… uh! Is this heaven?!”

Looking at the scene 473 blankly, Maitreya, who was standing in front of the crowd, seemed to have drool in his mouth.

“This…what the hell is going on? Is it a trap of monsters?”

Coral couldn’t help but said.

However, Coral’s words fell, Mukuro held back his smile and spoke.

“Look at it.”

Mukuro said so, stretching his finger in one direction. In the direction of Mukuro’s finger, this person can see, there is a wooden sign standing there. There is a sentence written on the sign, please rest assured to live here, it is absolutely safe.

Seeing these words, Inuyasha was so speechless for a moment. Isn’t this telling everyone that this is dangerous? There is a saying, there is no silver three hundred taels here!

“Uh… Mukuro, what the hell is this place?”

Inuyasha asked Mukuro.

“Well, a very interesting place. Well, you will know later. In short, there is really no danger here. In this world, there are many monsters who like to hurt humans. But there are also many, being close to humans and keeping themselves. The rules of the monsters exist.”

Mukuro replied. Hearing Mukuro’s words, everyone nodded, naturally a little relaxed in their expressions.

When Mukuro said this, Maitreya couldn’t wait. He drooled and walked towards the entrance of the manor.

“Oh, come on! Come on!”

Under the greetings of these beautiful young girls at these doors, Maitreya walked over. Then in the silent eyes of everyone, Maitreya was dragged into the manor by a few beautiful girls, and then he didn’t know where he was dragged.

Seeing Maitreya being pulled away, Shanhu couldn’t help but said.

“Do you want to bring him back?”

Her words fell, and Mukuro smiled and said at this moment.

“It’s okay, don’t worry. Let him go, this place is not life-threatening, it’s just that, he must suffer a lot tonight. But this is also a small lesson for him.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Inuyasha shivered, looking at Mukuro with speechless eyes.

“Then you just deliberately said that there is no danger here…”

With that said, Inuyasha looked at Mukuro’s gaze, and couldn’t help feeling a bit cold.

Mukuro laughed loudly when Inuyasha looked at it, then he spoke again.

“Go, let’s go in too.”

Under the leadership of Mukuro, everyone approached the door of the manor. When everyone came over, the beautiful girls standing at the door immediately enthusiastically pulled everyone into the manor. Later, under their leadership, Mukuro and the others quickly dispersed and were pulled into different rooms.

When Mukuro was being pulled by these girls, he stretched out his hand and hugged Ari, Coral and Kagura. So, the four of them walked together. On the other hand, Kohaku, Inuyasha, and Qibao were dragged to where they went.


Looking at the companions who were deliberately separated by these young girls, Shanhu couldn’t help but speak. But at this time, Mukuro reached out to her, shook his head, and signaled her not to worry. Looking at Mukuro’s movements, Coral naturally said nothing.

The four of Mukuro and the others, dragged by two girls, passed through the manor, but they came to the backyard of the manor. Unlike the noise in the front yard, the back yard is very clean and has a very quiet feeling. And at this time, the two girls who were pulling and pulling, looked serious.

The two of them turned their minds, bowed to Mukuro and them, then stretched out their hands and made an inviting gesture.

“Dear guests, adults, wait for you inside.”

“Well, let’s lead the way.”

Mukuro said so.


The two young girls said so. Then the two of them, taking Mukuro in this way, walked towards the front.

At this time, Coral couldn’t help but asked Mukuro.

“Mukuro, what is this place?”

Not only coral, even Ari and Kagura have a puzzled look on their faces. Seeing their puzzled expressions, Mukuro smiled and said.

“This is the place where the fox monsters are used for exams. Among all the monsters, the fox monsters have always had superior powers and talents, and they abide by the rules and rarely harm humans. And these fox monsters are set up to teach and test the younger generations. An exam. Here is the exam room. The content of the exam is very simple, that is, trick the monsters passing by into this manor. Then let the little foxes taking the exam in the manor play tricks on those monsters or exorcists. And passers-by. They are scored based on whether they are successful or not. This determines their standing.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Coral showed the same gaze.

“I’ve heard my father say before that the fox monsters like to tease people. It turned out to be such a thing.”

Coral’s words fell, and at this moment, Kagura covered his mouth with a smile.

“It seems that Tonight, Inuyasha and the three of them will be teased miserably.”


Mukuro couldn’t help but nodded with a smile.

Led by the two girls, Mukuro and the others came to the backyard. When they walked into a room, the decoration inside the room was very elegant, sitting on the ground was a very graceful and luxurious woman. She was sitting on the ground, with a teapot and cups in front of her. From the tea spout of the teapot, steaming steam constantly emerged. It was obvious that it was filled with hot water.

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