Chapter 1289 The real villain

Wisdom and strategy are indeed very important. Sometimes, an excellent strategy can even reverse the situation, defeat the strong with the weak, and play with a stronger opponent than yourself. Or, to some extent, strategies and tactics are also part of strength. Just like lucky.

It’s just a pity. Conspiracy is effective for a certain degree of enemy, but if the enemy’s power is strong enough to crush you, or surpass you too much. Strategies have no meaning at all. One sentence is right. It is called Yilijiang Shihui. As long as the strength is enough, no matter what conspiracy you use, it will be enough to crush your body and crush it upright.

For Naraku, the current Mukuro is like this. Although he did everything possible, he thought out countless conspiracies and various strategies. It’s a pity that in front of Mukuro, no matter how shrewd and tricky the conspiracy is, only Xie Cai is the only one. This is the saddest and most desperate thing.

Similarly, this is also the scary place of Naraku. Even in the face of a powerful enemy like Mukuro, who could not resist at all, he did not give up. Instead, he worked hard again and again, trying to fight Mukuro with his own strength! And this, perhaps, was the reason why Mukuro didn’t slap him to death, but always let him struggle.

He wanted to see, under such an absolute power gap. To what extent Naraku can do it. Compared to crushing an ant to death, watching the ants continue to struggle and resist, isn’t this more interesting?

After everyone returned to the village. Naturally, Inuyasha and the others immediately checked the situation in the village. Seeing that it was impossible, Naraku retreated immediately. It did not cause any harm to the village. None of the villagers in the village were killed.

From this point of view, Naraku is also smarter. Rather than a villain who is mentally retarded. Some stupid villains, seeing that they can’t hurt the protagonist, often use methods to kill the protagonist’s relatives and friends, as well as the innocent weak, in order to vent their anger or show their strength. To do so can be said to be very meaningless and stupid.

A truly shrewd villain would never do such a thing. Like Naraku, his purpose has always been clear. Grab the jade of the four souls and increase your strength. Kill Kikyo and Inuyasha who might pose a threat to you. All the things he did were centered on these. There will never be any other unnecessary actions.

Everyone in the village is okay, Inuyasha and the others are naturally relieved. But then, Inuyasha proposed and called Ari back to chase Naraku together. This proposal, everyone naturally nodded in agreement. Unconsciously, since when, Ari’s power has also become an important part of defeating Naraku.

Especially after Kikyo entrusted Ari, Ari’s role became even greater. Mukuro and Inuyasha traveled to the real world through the Well of Bone Eating, and soon successfully brought Ari back.

After Ah Li came back, everyone started on the road again.

Along the way, while rushing to track Naraku, Inuyasha was also constantly acquainted with the power of the new iron shattered teeth. The power of the broken moon of the underworld is still very difficult for the Master, even if the power of the broken teeth swallowed the natural teeth and got the power of the broken moon of the underworld, it is obviously not a simple thing to complete the Master.

While rushing, Inuyasha practiced, still spending a lot of effort to master this trick slowly. It can be said that this is quite a terrible trick. Send everything into the underworld. If this trick is used well, even Naraku’s miasma can be solved with this trick. From a certain point of view, it can be said that this move is Inuyasha’s new ultimate move that can be used to deal with Naraku.

A Li went back to Hyundai, and went back to see his family. Her mental state seemed to be refreshed a lot. The original anxiety in my heart also completely settled down, turned into excitement and confidence. From her smile, one can feel that kind of powerful belief.

This time it struck, although Naraku had a very good plan. It’s just a pity that, in terms of the result, he not only failed to achieve his goal, but exposed himself. His appearance and the breath left behind gave Inuyasha a clue to pursue.

Following Naraku’s breath, everyone kept searching. After walking for two full days, by the night of the third day, everyone encountered a strange jungle. The jungle was dark and silent, as if something terrible was hidden. And even more terrifying is that in the jungle, there are some weird blue fire floating.

Seeing these weird flames, Qibao Little Fox said unexpectedly.

“Is this my kind?”

“The fox fire of the fox monster?”

Hearing Qibao say this, Maitreya subconsciously wanted to step forward to check it out. At this time, Qibao, who had been lying next to A Li, jumped over from A Li and fell into Maitreya’s arms.

In this way, one person, one fox, cautiously walked towards the secluded jungle in front. Just when the two of them wanted to walk over, it was abrupt, but two strong winds came from the jungle, and these two strong winds slammed Maitreya and Qibao’s eyebrows fiercely.


All of a sudden, Maitreya and Qibao screamed, and both of them were beaten out and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the strength of the strong wind coming over is not too great. It was just that Maitreya and Qibao were knocked down to the ground, and it did not cause any substantial harm to the two of them.

“What the hell is going on? Is it the enemy?!”

Inuyasha frowned slightly, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand and held it on top of the broken teeth. Not only Inuyasha, at this time, Coral and the others also showed an expression of waiting. Among the people, at this time, only Mukuro’s expression became a little weird, and his face seemed to have a weird expression that was not a smile.

Looking at Mukuro’s appearance, Inuyasha and Coral both showed doubts. They seemed to want to ask questions, and at this moment, from the darkness of the forest, the fluttering fox fires disappeared.

“This is?”

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment. He heard clearly, and from inside, a young woman laughed. And ahead, at the end of the disappearance of those foxfires, there are also lights that light up.

Hearing the joyful and laughing voices of these young women, Maitreya who fell to the ground seemed to be energetic.

“It’s a beautiful girl!”

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