Chapter 1291 Fox’s exam

At this time, she bowed to the four of Mukuro, stretched out her hand, and made an inviting gesture.

“Dear guest, please.”

Mukuro nodded, and then sat in front of the lady with Ari, Kagura, and Coral. After the four of Mukuro and the others sat down similarly, the lady immediately poured tea for them.

Lifting the teacup, Mukuro squeezed it slightly, and the smell of his nose immediately spread throughout his body. Mukuro couldn’t help but nodded.


And the three of A Li, as they tasted the tea, also showed a look of surprise in their expressions. They didn’t seem to expect that a simple cup of tea could be so delicious.

“Thank you for your praise.”

The lady said with a smile.

The lady in front of her, of course, is undoubtedly a fox monster. And it’s a fox monster with a fairly high cultivation base. At least her ability, even if it was not as good as the current Naraku, was definitely not much worse. Even if it was Naraku, I was afraid that she would not be willing to provoke her easily, she could definitely be regarded as a monster leader.

However, even the real monster leader, in front of Mukuro, can only be regarded as a trivial ant. I’m afraid, the other party obviously sensed Mukuro’s horror, so he invited Mukuro to come here. He didn’t dare to let the little monsters play tricks on Mukuro.

With the ability of these little fox monsters, it is impossible to tease Mukuro. Secondly, although it’s just a small trick, if Mukuro really angers Mukuro, that’s a terrible thing.

After they tasted the tea in Mukuro, the lady clapped her hands again, and then from outside the house, there were young girls immediately, bringing up various and hearty delicacies to entertain the four of Mukuro. .

Under the hospitality of the noblewoman, the four of Mukuro naturally ate and drank enough, and then slept a sweet and beautiful sleep. In contrast, the Inuyasha trio and Qibao are obviously much more tragic. With Mukuro and the others waking up in the morning, the luxurious manor last night has disappeared. Inuyasha was embarrassed, holding Qibao in his hand in desperation. On the other hand, Maitreya and Amber were directly tied by the five flowers, with tortoises painted on their faces, hanging upside down on the tree!


Ari looked at the Qibao held by Inuyasha, with a look of surprise. At this time, Inuyasha just looked at Human Qibao viciously and spoke.

“Look at how I clean up you!”

Inuyasha’s words fell, Qibao trembling, with two big bags on his head, and in his arms, he was holding something like a famous post. On the post, it was written as eight people! There are a total of thirty-six levels in the Yokai Examination. It is equal to the recognition of the fox monster’s cultivation base. Obviously, Qibao also participated in this exam this evening, and most of them made fun of Inuyasha. Under the positive eight, it is the twenty-fourth grade. With his skills, being able to obtain the twenty-fourth rank of the demon fox official position is already quite remarkable.

This is also the result of his teasing Inuyasha. In terms of Inuyasha’s strength, he was considered a very powerful monster, and it was impossible for ordinary little foxes to tease him. And Qibao learned about Inuyasha’s personality and temperament, and then he knew how to do it. Naturally, the chance of success would be very high. However, as the price of getting the official position of the demon fox, he was definitely beaten by Inuyasha.

At this time, Shanhu looked at Maitreya and Amber, but his face was speechless. She was not surprised at all that Maitreya was recruited. Amber also followed the trick, she really couldn’t understand it.

With the help of Mukuro, Maitreya and Kohaku were finally rescued from the tree, but even so, both of them seemed to be filled with a lot of wine, and the whole person was a little confused.

Everyone continued to pursue Naraku’s breath, and finally chased after another two days. Everyone finally caught up with Naraku’s breath. At this moment, A Li could see clearly. On the opposite side of the mountain in front, there were still spider silks hanging down from the sky. This spider silk is obviously the work of Naraku!

After seeing the spider silk, under the guidance of A Li, everyone rushed towards the other side of the mountain. There are spider silks, which inevitably shows that Nai fell over there and engaged in conspiracy! As soon as I thought of this, there was naturally some precipitation in everyone’s hearts. They pursued Naraku in order to destroy Naraku. But it is conceivable that when they pursued Naraku, Naraku naturally wanted to destroy them. This point is the same on both sides.

Previously, Naraku used spider silk to contaminate the bellflower. As a result, Platycodon grandiflorum was eventually sealed. Just thinking of this made Inuyasha’s heart filled with hatred.

Under the chasing of everyone, they quickly rushed to the other side of the mountain. On the other side of the mountain, at the foot of the mountain, is a village. At the end of the village, there is a hillside. On the hillside, there are steps spreading to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, it is a temple! Spider silk hung from the sky and fell into the temple.

Followed the spider silk to the village at the foot of the hill. At this time, the villagers in the village soon discovered the arrival of Inuyasha and Mukuro.

“You… are you?”

The villagers in the village asked Maitreya.

“I am a wandering mage. I saw that there are some strange places in your village. May I ask if anything strange has happened in this village recently.”

Maitreya said to these villagers. But when his words fell, the expressions of these villagers were filled with extremely sad expressions. They looked at each other and nodded.

“A terrible thing has indeed happened here. It has to be talked about two days ago. Originally, here we were guarded by a maiden named Hitomi, but one day we met a monster in the field. Master Hitomi shot, I defeated the monster. But the spider silk on the monster fell on Mr. Hitoko’s body, and as a result, she was very sick. After that, Mrs. Hitoko told us, let’s chop off her head immediately after her death. Come down and bury it in two places.”

As these villagers said, their expressions became more and more sad. Obviously, the maiden called Hitomi in their mouth was really loved by them.

“Later, Lord Hitomi really died, but we dared not hurt her body. In the end, after discussing it, we buried Lord Hitomi’s body behind the temple. But as a result… As a result, Lord Hitomi’s body was resurrected like this. NS!”

Their words fell, and at this time, in the air, laughter sounded like a silver bell.

“A visitor is here? Hehe, you guys, so say, let you separate your head from your body, don’t you?”

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