Chapter 1288 Devour the broken moon of the underworld

“So, Inuyasha, you should understand that the current natural tooth also has the ability to swallow broken iron teeth, not that natural teeth can only be swallowed by broken iron teeth.”

Hearing the words of Sesumaru, Inuyasha’s expression was shocked. He understands, and finally understands why Sessomaru and Naraku are collaborating with each other. Because of Naraku, he gave Sessomaru an irresistible condition. Perhaps, the current Shashengwan has given up the pursuit of iron shattered teeth. But he is probably not reconciled to nature. Therefore, he would want to fight for the natural tooth. This battle, although he was fighting against himself, was also a battle between Born Tooth and Iron Broken Fang!

“I see.”

Inuyasha yelled and rushed up with his broken teeth. At this moment, he and Sashengwan Liyu became a battle. Inuyasha waved constantly, but his iron-smashing moves had been sealed and seized by the power of the mirror demon fragments. On the contrary, the natural strength of the teeth increased greatly, and Inuyasha fell completely under the control of the two people fighting.

Looking at this situation, the expressions of Shanhu and Maitreya were extremely solemn. However, in such a battle, Inuyasha gradually seemed to resonate with Iron Shards. Finally, he used the power of 16 Iron Shards to regain the power captured by Natural Shards.

At this point in the battle between the two people, there was a sneer in the expression of Sesho Maru.

“Using the blade contact, will the sealed demon power be regained? Interesting, since you have been able to achieve this level, Inuyasha, it means that you also have the qualifications to inherit the iron shattered teeth, then let me see Can you, accept this dying moon broken in the underworld!”

As Shashengwan said this, he directly held the natural tooth and used his full force to come to the Mingdao broken moon. A huge black ball appeared directly in the air and swallowed Inuyasha. Inuyasha fell into the broken moon of the underworld, and was about to be swallowed by the underworld. But at this time, he held the broken teeth in his hand and roared.

“I believe you, iron shattered teeth!”

With that said, Inuyasha slashed out. After the slash, it was unbelievable that the demonic energy all over his body broke out and turned into a Uzumaki, resisting the engulfing of Mingdao. Not only that, but Iron Broken Teeth absorbed the broken moon of the Underworld! After absorbing the broken moon of the underworld, the broken teeth turned into a pitch-black knife.

But at this time, watching Inuyasha use the broken teeth to absorb the broken moon of the Ming Dao, a smile appeared on the face of the Shashengwan. This smile, I don’t know if it is comforting or self-deprecating. He just looked at the natural tooth in his hand and let go of his hand. So Tianshengfang, as if possessing his own consciousness, walked towards Inuyasha hole.

Facing the attack of Tianshengfang, Inuyasha subconsciously raised his hand and directly cut off Tianshengfang. The broken natural teeth and two broken blades fell on the ground. In this battle, there is no doubt that Inuyasha won. But there is also no doubt that the Sanshengwan has been released. And the water is very powerful. It can be said that, just like his father’s will, he shattered the dying moon of Mingdao, half-pushed half-and-half, and gave it to Inuyasha.

He honored Admiral’s last will and fulfilled the responsibility of an older brother. As a price, he not only gave up the broken teeth, but also lost his natural teeth. After sending Tianshengfang out, Shashengwan didn’t say much, just turned around and wanted to leave.

At this moment, in his heart, he naturally believed that he was uncomfortable. Especially, Tianshengfang has been with him for so long, and finally ended up like this. But at this moment, Mukuro spoke up.

“Sashengwan, wait a minute.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Sesomaru naturally stopped, and he turned around.

“whats the matter?”

Sesumaru’s words fell, Mukuro raised his hand, and the broken natural tooth fell on Mukuro’s hand. Mukuro put the blades of the natural tooth together, and then it was incredible that the natural tooth healed by itself! Seeing this scene, Inuyasha and Maitreya were stunned, and Sesho Maru was stunned.

“The natural tooth is never a knife used to kill, but a knife used to save people. So it is precisely because of this that the natural tooth itself will never break.”

With that said, Mukuro grabbed the natural tooth and threw it at the Sesho Maru. As soon as Sashengmaru stretched out his hand, he caught Tianshengfang as if he couldn’t help it, he said.

“Nothing can be killed, only a knife that can be used to save people. Huh, is it dedicated to others? It’s really boring.”

But even though he said so, his face was full of surprises in the face of the lost natural tooth. It seemed like the joy of reuniting with an old friend. Putting Tianshengfang away, Sesumaru looked at Mukuro, and finally spoke.

“Thanks a lot.”

After speaking so coldly, he turned around and left. When Sasheng Maru left, Xia Jian and Xiaoling also left with Sasheng Maru’s figure.

After Sesumaru and the others left, Maitreya looked at Inuyasha and spoke.

“Are you okay, Inuyasha?”

“Of course it’s okay.”

Inuyasha nodded. Then he looked at the new iron shattered tooth in his hand, his eyes were very solemn, and he could feel the power of the broken moon of the underworld contained in the shattered shattered tooth knife. And not only that, through the battle with Tianshengfang, the connection between himself and Iron Broken Teeth seemed to be closer. Iron Broken Teeth really became his right arm.

400 “Next time, we must defeat Naraku.”

Inuyasha said so.

“Of course.”

Maitreya said so.

After that, everyone hurriedly returned to the village. Back to the village, nothing happened in the village. And when another figure of Mukuro came out, it naturally reintegrated into Mukuro’s body. After returning from this figure before, Naraku noticed the return of Mukuro’s breath and withdrew on the spot, without hesitation at all.

From this point of view, Naraku was quite acquainted. And Naraku’s purpose, which surprised Mukuro, turned out to be Kohaku. It seemed that he still wanted to capture the amber fragments. First, it made A Li lose the power to purify him, and second, he wanted to complete his jade of four souls.

“Hmph, ambition is really big. Well, if you really want it, why not give you the fragments of the jade of the four souls next time?”

The corner of Mukuro’s mouth curled up in a mockery.

This time Naraku struck, and everyone was shocked at last. But this is also normal. If Mukuro is there, no matter how much Naraku’s conspiracies are, there is no room for display. From this point of view, the existence of Mukuro has restricted Naraku to death.

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