Chapter 1277 Flower Village

This village seems very special. Blooming flowers are everywhere around the village. A lot of flowers are planted, making the refreshing fragrance of flowers permeate the whole village. Even compared to flowers, the crops that can be seen in the fields and in the village are very scarce.

This village seems to be a village surrounded by flowers. However, the villagers in the village seem to be living very happy and very rich. After communicating with the villagers, Inuyasha and the others quickly learned about it. It turns out that this village is indeed a famous flower village.

In the village, ordinary crops are rarely planted, but a large number of flowers are planted. Earn enough money for living by selling flowers to surrounding villages and even towns. And in the village, people believe in Hua Xianren. They believe that the flower fairy protects the village. Therefore, although the crops in the village are scarce, they never encounter natural disasters. The weather is smooth every year, and heavy grain can be harvested.

Hearing the explanation from the villagers, Inuyasha and the others were naturally relieved. The villagers in the village are very hospitable. They brought Inuyasha to the village, a place dedicated to entertaining guests. Warm hospitality is also a characteristic of this village. Even some big names and generals often come to this village as guests. Warmly entertaining guests here is also a means to enhance the reputation of the village.

After the two old men took Inuyasha and the others to a place specially provided for passers-by to rest, they left.

“Goodbye, if you have any needs, you can also talk to the people in the village.”

Faced with the warm reception of the old man, A Li naturally waved his hand goodbye to the old man too busy. Coral, Kagura and others do this too. Maitreya, on the other hand, looked full of interest. It seems that I want to go into the village and go around. Then look again to see if there are any beauties that fit his aesthetics.

“Um, I’m out…”

“Not allowed!”

Just after Maitreya’s words fell, Inuyasha said silently.

At this time, Coral also said silently.

“At this time, it’s not such a leisure time. And although the village looks very peaceful, I don’t know if Naraku will come and attack. In short, at this time, we still stay together. Better.”

Although she is better to stay together. But everyone’s eyes still looked at Mukuro unconsciously. Indeed, at this time, it is safer to stay with Mukuro. Naraku’s methods are indeed very impressive. If you walk away from Mukuro, you might have to be killed by Naraku immediately.

“Today, everyone should rest early.”

Ari said.

“So is Inuyasha.”

She looked at Inuyasha and added another sentence.

However, Ari’s words fell, and Inuyasha snorted coldly at this time.

“It’s hard to stay still.”

His words fell, and Coral also spoke.

“You are really squeaky and crooked, let you rest earlier, so you can rest earlier. Really, what’s wrong with A Li!”

Coral’s words are obviously quite uncomfortable. Coral’s words fell, and Kagura gave her a hand, motioning her to speak less. After being pulled by Kagura, Coral didn’t say much in the end, but she still whispered.

“We are also very sad about Kikyo, but is this the time to lose our temper to our companions? Only by working together is the most important thing to defeat Naraku. What’s more, Mukuro has already said that he has a way to save Kikyo. Yes. Just let us wait for a while.”

As the coral’s words fell, Inuyasha’s face became even more ugly. But in the end he didn’t say anything, just leaned against the wall, holding iron and broken teeth alone. He closed his eyes and said nothing.

At this time, compared to Shan Shan’s words, Ari still looked at Inuyasha with a worried look. Her face seemed to have the word worry written on it. But in the end, she didn’t say much. Instead, he turned his gaze to Amber. When Kikyo is the last time, tell her and let her guard the light of the last hope. But to be honest, after Kikyo used the Four Soul Jade Fragments of Steel Teeth, there was nothing he could do with Naraku. Let alone her.

Even if she got the bow and the four-soul jade fragments of amber, could she really be able to purify Naraku? In her heart, there was no confidence at all. What’s more, the jade fragments of the Four Souls are equal to Amber’s life. In her heart now, she is also very confused…

But at this time, Mukuro spoke up.

“Do not worry.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari looked at Mukuro. Seeing the smile on Mukuro’s face, Ari’s heart was slightly relaxed, and she was also a little relieved. If Mukuro is there, she really feels more at ease. Although Mukuro won’t help them kill Naraku, if Mukuro is there, Ari is still full of confidence in his heart. For her, Mukuro is equivalent to a strong support. As long as she is dependent on Mukuro, she is not afraid of anything.

Especially when she thought of the things before, her heart was still quite warm.

“Thank you, Mukuro.”

Ari said to Mukuro.

Everyone stayed in this room, and the villagers provided quilts and also brought them dinner at night. The content of the dinner is all light food. Like some shortbread cookies, and some tea made from flowers. Everyone has eaten these foods. Although it is very light, it tastes quite good.

After dinner, as the sky gradually became completely dark, everyone rested early. After all, they have to continue their journey tomorrow to pursue Naraku.

Flowers are planted everywhere around the village. Even the place where everyone rests is full of flowers. Therefore, the house is filled with the scent of flowers. Even at night, when everyone was resting, the fragrance of flowers still seemed to linger around the nose with 5.8.

“The nose, the nose is so uncomfortable, and the eyes are itchy.”

Inside the room, lying on the tatami, Qibao couldn’t help but said. As he spoke, he rubbed his eyes.

At this time, Inuyasha, who had been sitting, also spoke.

“This floral fragrance is getting stronger and stronger! There must be a problem with this floral fragrance! There are too many things that are wrong in this village.”

Accompanied by such words, at this moment, Mukuro sat up and spoke.

“This village has problems.”

With that said, Mukuro said with a sneer.

“Come here all.”

Mukuro pointed to the window and said.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha and Maitreya looked at each other subconsciously, and finally nodded.

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