Chapter 1278 Flower Emperor

According to Mukuro’s signal, Inuyasha, Maitreya, Ari, Shan Shan all quietly got up, and then moved to the window. After reaching the window, they cautiously looked outside from the window, and at this time, when they saw the scene outside, they were all stunned.

Outside, the night was shrouded, and darkness ruled the earth, but in the sky and in the starry sky, the prosperous stars blinked and shone with starlight, and the bright moon was sowed down, like the moonlight of silver water. Under the shroud of these rays of light, you can see that in the flower fields of the village, the villagers in the village seem to come out of their homes in twos and threes.

After they walked out, the whole body swayed and walked into the flower field. Standing in the flower field, their expressions showed intoxication and excitement. It seems that all of them are indulging in the fragrance of flowers in the flower fields.

But the next moment, an extremely terrifying situation appeared. The eyes of these villagers were full of blood, and what was even more frightening was that they closed their eyes one by one, as if they were sleeping and sleeping. Such a sight is really terrifying! And even more terrifying things have just arrived.

Under the eyes of everyone, the villagers wandered in the flower field and intoxicated, and then when these villagers were indulged in the fragrance of the flower field, from the flower field, among the flowers, they unexpectedly protruded. Like tentacles like flower stems and vines, these tentacles are wrapped around the villagers.

After the blood dripped from the eyes of the villagers, these blood and tears were actually absorbed by these terrifying vines and flower stems. For a while, these situations are simply creepy.

“Blood and tears! What the hell is this?! What are these flowers?!”

Ari looked at the scene in the flower field, her expression was full of horror. She covered her mouth with one hand and couldn’t help but said.

Coral and the others can see clearly in these situations. At this time, the coral couldn’t help but said.

“This, do you want to help them.”

Coral’s words fell, Maitreya said affirmatively.

“This kind of thing can never be left alone!”

While he said this, his eyes kept falling on the young girls in the village. His expression was filled with anger and righteous indignation. With that said, he rushed directly to the door and kicked the door open. After kicking the door open, he rushed into the flower field, holding a lot of magic charms in his hand, and threw it directly at the villagers in the flower field!


He snorted sharply.

As Maitreya’s words fell, these charms burst and turned into thunder and lightning. These lightning bursts destroyed all the flower stems and vines in the flower field. And those flowers were also destroyed by thunder and lightning. The villagers screamed and fell directly to the ground.

After these villagers fell to the ground, Maitreya subconsciously wanted to go up and check their situation. But at this time, what made him unbelievable, the villagers, one by one, lost their human form, and then turned into local people. They are all clay figurines!

Watching these villagers fall to the ground, turning into a puddle of mud, Maitreya’s expression is full of horror. Not only him, at this time, from the room, other people also rushed out. One by one, looking at the appearance of these villagers on the ground, they all showed incredibly shocked expressions.

“What the hell is this happening!”

Inuyasha’s expression was also full of horror. Subconsciously, he directly pulled out the broken teeth from his waist. Coral and the others also have a creepy feeling. Only Mukuro’s expression is still calm.

“These are the soil that nourishes the flowers and allows the flowers to thrive. Oh, look, these bright flowers, they are swaying, are they very happy, and these clods, look at them, are they? It is also full of happiness.”

A weird, male and female voice sounded. Then the night breeze was blowing, accompanied by the rich fragrance of flowers, a large number of petals were floating, and then a figure dressed in luxurious clothes appeared on the flower field. He is wearing a tall hat and holding a folding fan in his hand. Looks like a man and a woman, very coquettish.

Hearing this voice, looking at the figure that appeared above the flower field, Inuyasha and Maitreya showed solemn expressions. At this time, in the flower fields around the village, after this strange person appeared, many villagers gathered around.

They were shed blood and tears, while swaying, walking towards this side, looking extremely terrifying. At the same time, they were still moaning in their mouths.

“Sir Flower Emperor…Sir Flower Emperor, we have not turned into mud.”


These villagers kept moaning, their voices were extremely terrifying. It makes people feel a strange scalp tingling.

Seeing such a horrible situation, Inuyasha finally couldn’t help it, and he sternly shouted at the guy called the flower emperor by the villagers.

“Youkai! What the hell did you do?!”


The white-clothed man in luxurious clothes showed a sneer while holding the fan in his hand.

At this time, Maitreya’s expression was quite ugly, because he had not been able to feel any evil spirit from his body. And he can be sure that when Inuyasha called this person a monster, he definitely didn’t feel any monster energy from this guy.

“Before calling me a monster, did you feel the evil spirit? No, what you felt should be the peaceful atmosphere in this village.”

The Emperor Hua said calmly. Accompanied by such words, the Emperor Hua took the fan in his hand, as if he just waved his sleeves casually, and then a breeze blew towards everyone. In this breeze, there is also an extremely strong floral fragrance.

Sniffing the fragrance of flowers, Inuyasha’s face was extremely ugly.

“It’s this nasty smell again!”

His expression was full of anger.

At this time, after smelling the fragrance of flowers, the coral shook abruptly and went straight down. Fortunately, Mukuro was standing next to the coral. He stretched out his hand to hold the coral in time.

“Well, is this woman worried about her younger brother?”

When the coral fainted, the person named Huahuang spoke.

Not only that, at this time, behind Maitreya, from the flower field, a large number of tentacles spread, and they wanted to reach him.

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