Chapter 1276 Sealed Platycodonis

Gangtooth struggled and got up from the ground, as if his injuries were not serious.

And Kikyo, her appearance is very miserable.

She looks very weak.

She looked at A Li.

“Feel sorry.”

“I lost to his evil spirit.”

Seeing Kikyo’s miserable look, Ari also looked sad.

“Don’t… stop talking.”

She said to Kikyo.

However, Kikyo smiled bitterly.

“My own business, I know.”

“I can’t do it anymore.”

“The next thing, I can only rely on you.”

As these words fell, Kikyo stretched out his hand with difficulty and grabbed Ari’s hand.

“Be sure to, hold on, the jade of the four souls of amber, the last light.”

“That is, that is the only hope…”

Looking at the appearance of Kikyo, Ari nodded vigorously.

Then she spoke.

“Now, is there any way to save you?”

Facing Ari’s words, Kikyo just shook his head with a weak motion.

Seeing her, Ari looked at Mukuro subconsciously.

But Mukuro also shook his head.

He can easily destroy the entire planet.

540 But if he saves Kikyo, he really can’t do it.

Kikyo itself is dead.

Let him save a dead person, how can he save it? !

Unless, he returns to the Dragon Ball world and makes a wish to the Shenlong to bring Kikyo back to life.

“Sorry, I can’t do it either.”

“If it can be done, I will help you resurrect her.”

Mukuro said so.

Mukuro’s words fell, and Inuyasha’s expression was hard to see the extreme.

The expressions of other people were extremely sad.

However, when the previous words fell, Mukuro hesitated and spoke again.

“Actually, there is probably another way.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha seemed to be excited all at once.

He grabbed Mukuro.

“Save her! Save her!”

“Don’t get excited.”

Mukuro said so.

“With this method, I can’t tell you yet.”

“But so far, she must be sealed up first, so that she can continue her state under the seal.”

Mukuro said so, stretched out his hand, and drew a ninja formation on the ground.

Then in Inuyasha’s gaze, Mukuro knotted his hands and said.

“Sealing Techniques!”

As Mukuro’s words fell, Kikyo’s figure distorted, turned into a light, and fell into the Ninja formation.

And inside the Ninja formation, the extra is a crystal bead.

There is a seal on this crystal bead.

Picking up a bead, Mukuro throws it to Inuyasha.

“keep it carefully.”

Watching Mukuro’s movements, Inuyasha hurriedly caught the bead that sealed Kikyo.

Then he looked at the bead in his hand and solemnly put it away.

Put it in his arms.

That way, it looked like an extremely precious treasure, even more precious than one’s own life.

“Hope, I hope Master Kikyo can really be resurrected.”

Amber said worriedly.

His words fell, and Coral spoke.

“Most definitely!”

“As long as Mukuro has said, he will definitely do it.”

Coral’s words fell, and Kagura nodded.

She is now full of confidence in Mukuro.

Because Mukuro was the one who saved Naraku from the terrible demon.

She could feel Naraku’s killing intent.

But in Naraku’s killing intent, she was filled with helplessness again.

She could understand that it was Nara’s fear of Mukuro.

Because she was afraid of Mukuro, she didn’t dare to kill her.

Kikyo’s sacrifice was not in vain.

Although she lost to Naraku.

It was not possible to thoroughly purify Naraku and the jade of the four souls.

But again, it caused serious damage to Naraku.

Now, it can be said that Naraku, the weakest moment.

It’s just a pity that the Four Soul Jade Fragments of Steel Teeth were lost.

Now only the four-soul jade fragments of Amber were used to purify Naraku.

In line with the truth of taking advantage of his illness and wanting his life.

Everyone, naturally, had to hurry to chase Naraku.

At this time, Gangya proposed to leave.

“Sorry, my four soul jade fragments are gone.”

“If I follow you, it’s just a burden.”

Faced with such steel teeth, everyone can only nod their heads.

This is also Gangya’s own choice.

Without the power of the jade fragments of the Four Souls, it was indeed difficult for him to contend with a monster like Naraku.

His power, even if he took part in the battle, as he himself said, it was just a burden.

He didn’t want to drag everyone down.

Especially Inuyasha.

From this point of view, Gangya can also be regarded as a person with responsibility and burden.

When I am able, I will help you.

Help out of everything.

If I am incapable, I will quit by myself, and I will definitely not drag you down.

There is no even the slightest hypocrisy and Gu Ying’s self-sorrow.

“Skinny Wolf…”

Inuyasha looked at Gangya, subconsciously trying to say something.

But Gangya stretched out his fist and punched Inuyasha fiercely.

“Goodbye, stupid dog!”

With that said, Gangya left in stride.

After Gangya left, everyone looked at his back, still a little sad.

But now is not the time to be sad, the top priority now is to pursue Naraku!

Everyone was chasing Naraku’s breath, and finally, on the occasion of another evening, everyone came to the outside of a small village.

This small village looks very quiet and peaceful, like a paradise under troubled times.

And around this small village, there are a lot of flowers planted everywhere.

These flowers exude a sweet, very intoxicating fragrance.

“It’s a floral fragrance.”

A Li showed a surprised look.

“This scent makes people feel like they want to relax.”

Coral couldn’t help but said.

And Kagura also spoke.

“Here, it seems that everything is surrounded by flowers.”

But at this time, Maitreya was stunned for a moment.

“Where are Inuyasha and Qibao?”

With a suspicious look, he looked behind.

I saw Inuyasha and Qibao hiding far away.

And the two of them, pinching their noses.

Inuyasha looked uncomfortable.

“It’s really pungent.”

Inuyasha said irritably.

“This kind of smell makes my ears dizzy.”

And Qibao was lying on Inuyasha’s back, also looking dizzy.

“I’m already, it’s no longer good.”

Obviously, the floral fragrance here is too strong.

And their sense of smell is too amazing.

In such an environment, it has had an astonishing impact on their sense of smell.

But at this time, from the village, the villagers saw everyone coming, but they greeted them kindly.

“It’s a traveling traveler.”

“Welcome here.”

“Come in quickly, and stay here tonight.”

“We can stay overnight.”

They look very simple and hospitable.

Facing their invitation, A Li and Shan Shan all smiled.

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