Chapter 1275 Illusion

With that said, she stepped up.

And A Li followed her, and the steps that could not be climbed before seemed to be easily climbed all at once.

Go to the spiritual temple on the top of the mountain.

The mountain spirit seemed to casually take a bow from the shrine where it was enshrined, and threw it to A Li.

“This is it.”

After holding the bow, Ari was stunned for a moment.

“You can go save her.”

Shan Ling said so, and disappeared.

And Ari took the bow and walked down the steps.

When she reached the last step of the steps, she saw Inuyasha rushing over here holding Kikyo.

They are wrapped in spider silk everywhere.

Seeing this scene, A Li subconsciously wanted to hold the bow to rescue them.

But she couldn’t pull the bow away.

However, at this time, Inuyasha looked at her coldly and spoke.

“You don’t really want to save her!”

When Inuyasha’s words fell, Ari’s heart trembled.

In the next moment, everything in front of her disappeared.

I don’t know when, she has appeared on the cliff.

She was holding onto the cliff with one hand, and she was about to fall down.

The other hand is holding the bow.

The weight of the bow seems to have become very heavy.

At this time, it seemed that if she didn’t let go of the bow, she would really fall.

“what happened?!”

“How can it be so heavy!”

She struggled.

At this time, bellflower appeared on the top of the cliff.

She looked at A Li coldly.

“give up.”

“Anyway, you don’t really want to save me.”


Ari wanted to speak subconsciously.

But this time, her words hadn’t fallen yet, and Mukuro’s voice rang again.

“Hey, a little play is enough.”

“Ari was originally that kind of girl.”

“What is the difference between you pretending to be gods and playing tricks on people’s hearts like this?!”

As Mukuro’s voice sounded, Kikyo-like mountain spirit showed an expression of incredible shock.

“You are?!”

Just as she said that, Mukuro snorted coldly.

“Resolve the illusion.”

“Otherwise, I will destroy your entire hill.”

As Mukuro’s words fell, an indescribable atmosphere of terror enveloped the entire Azusa Mountain.

At this moment, the entire Zishan was trembling.

It seems to collapse anytime, anywhere.

Under such a terrifying aura, how could the illusion be maintained.

Suddenly collapsed.

But A Li’s figure fell straight down.

But the next moment, she felt that a pair of big hands caught her.

It’s Mukuro!

Mukuro hugged her.

She looked around subconsciously.

Mukuro stood on the steps.

And she was held in Mukuro’s arms, with a new bow in her hand.

“Thank you, Mukuro.”

Ari said to Mukuro.

But when her words fell, Mukuro said the same.

“Thank me, it’s early.”

“Now, hurry up and save Kikyo and them.”

“The situation has gotten worse.”

“Just now, when you got the bow, Kikyo and Inuyasha, I’m afraid they have all been captured by Naraku.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari’s heart trembled.

But she squeezed the bow in her hand and spoke.

“I see, only I can save them now!”

Seeing Ari’s expression, Mukuro nodded and smiled.

Naraku is very smart.

He already understands.

Mukuro would not kill him casually.

Unless he does it himself.

And the scope of his death is to deal with Coral, Kagura, and Ari.

As for him to deal with Inuyasha and Kikyo, it was their own battle.

Just like humans, they don’t participate in the struggle of ants.

Knowing this, Naraku naturally understood that he had a sense of action.

Mukuro and him, in fact, had no grudges.

Or, it’s a bit ugly.

He Naraku is not qualified to be Mukuro’s enemy.

Even if his power is ten thousand times stronger, it is the same.

He only needs to deal with Kikyo and Inuyasha, Gangfang, Maitreya

After that, as far as he is concerned, he has no enemies to deal with.

Mukuro hugged Ari, and the two of them disappeared from where they were.

When they appeared again, they had already appeared in the air.

In the front, Inuyasha, Maitreya, Gangtooth, Coral, Kagura, Kohaku, they are fighting against Naraku.

So many of them joined forces to deal with a Naraku.

But there was no way, so many of them were completely suppressed by Naraku.

Even the situation is completely one-sided.

But at this time, steel tooth yelled abruptly.

He rushed towards Naraku.

And it was unbelievable, this time, the jade of four souls on the steel teeth legs exudes light.

Naraku’s tentacles and spider silk, which were touched by the light, all collapsed.

Then he rushed forward, purifying Naraku’s body by a large chunk.

However, the next moment, Naraku’s body changed, tightly wrapping Steel Tooth, and at the same time a large amount of miasma filled him, trying to contaminate Steel Tooth.

The situation seemed extremely critical.

At this time, the arrival of the same A Li was also suitable to the extreme.

Everything seems to be an arrangement of fate.

In Ari’s ear, Mukuro said.

“Look at Kikyo!”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari looked at Kikyo.

Kikyo was lying on the ground, she seemed to be dead.

On her chest, there was a dark ball of light.

“This is?!”

“Nairo hid the fragments of the jade of the four souls in Kikyo’s body.”

“So just now, Cuizi’s will was activated on the steel teeth leg, and it was not able to purify him. That’s why.”

“Now, you should understand what you are going to do.”

Mukuro’s words fell.

A Li nodded.

Then she was held in Mukuro’s arms, but opened the bow in her hand.

A demon-breaking arrow appeared.

Then it shot directly at the bellflower on the ground.

The bow and arrow came out and hit Kikyo’s chest accurately.

With this demon-breaking arrow, it hit Kikyo’s chest, and Kikyo’s body suddenly burst into an amazing light.

The demon-breaking arrow purifies the miasma of platycodon.

At the same time, the light shone brightly, and the spiritual power of the whole body exploded.

Surprisingly, the demon-breaking arrow that Ari shot over was reversed and shot towards Nayao in the sky.

The arrow hit Naraku.

In an instant, the amazing purifying power clashed with the evil spirit.

The dazzling light and terrifying power raged, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

The figures of Kikyo and Gangya fell down.

And Naraku’s figure had shattered and disappeared.

All that was left was a cloud of mist.

And this cloud of mist rolled around and escaped.

After the figures of Gangfang and Kikyo fell down, everyone hurriedly surrounded them.

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