Chapter 1274 Zishan Lingmiao

“When you touch these spider silks, you are contaminated by Naraku!”

Mukuro said so.

Mukuro’s words fell, and Ari was startled.

Because of Mukuro’s shot, the spider silk in the sky seemed to have given up and no longer continued to hang down.

After Inuyasha and the others came out, he was holding Kikyo, his face was quite ugly.

The appearance of Kikyo is a bit awful.

Her face was pale and her expression seemed very weak.

“This is Naraku’s conspiracy.”

“His spider silk contains his malice.”

“Now his malice has entered my body through the spider silk, polluting my body.”

“Doing so will deepen my miasma wounds.”

Accompanied by such words, she did not know where to take out a bow.

But the bow string has broken.

“With this bow, you can purify the miasma.”

“But now the bowstring has broken, and the backup bowstring is in the spiritual temple on Zishan.”

As he said this, Kikyo looked at Ari.

She handed the bowstring in her hand to A Li.

“The Spirit Temple on Zishan…”

“Well, that dumb dog, has the place where Kikyo secretly met?”

Gangfang said like this.

His words fell, this time Inuyasha held Kikyo and gave him a fierce look.

“Go get the bowstring?”

Ari froze for a moment.

Kikyo nodded towards her.

“And I 223 can’t leave.”

“I left the enchantment at Humber. If he leaves this enchantment, the jade fragments of the Four Souls on his body will be contaminated.”

“And if I leave this barrier too far, this barrier will also fail.”

“This is the only way we can deal with Naraku right now.”

Kikyo’s words fell, and Ari nodded.

“I see.”

With that said, she immediately looked at Inuyasha.

“Inuyasha, stay and protect Kikyo.”

“Leave it to us to get the bowstring.”

With that said, she seemed relieved.

Seeing Ari’s appearance, Inuyasha hesitated for a moment, and finally didn’t say anything.

Immediately, Ari said to Mukuro again.


Mukuro nodded.

With the protection of Mukuro, the bowstring will naturally be no problem.

Seeing Mukuro nodded, Inuyasha and Kikyo were relieved.

At this time, Gangfang said.

“Stupid dog, do you want me to stay too.”

“If Naraku comes to deal with you again, it may be difficult to protect Kikyo with your strength alone.”

At this time, Kikyo shook his head.

“With Kohaku, Naraku wouldn’t dare to show up now.”

Say this sentence.

The meaning is already obvious.

Obviously, Naraku was really afraid of the purifying power of the jade of four souls on Kohaku’s body.

That’s why I did everything possible to contaminate platycodon and amber.

And if he appeared, Kikyo would naturally abandon it and die with him.

Leaving Inuyasha to guard Kikyo, Mukuro and Ari went to the place Kikyo said.

On the way, Ari couldn’t help but said to Mukuro.

“Mukuro, will Naraku really be purified by amber’s four soul jade fragments?”

“There is a possibility.”

Mukuro replied.

When Mukuro’s answer fell, Ari hesitated and spoke again.

“I can feel that Kikyo hates me.”

“No, it’s not disgusting, but grudge.”

“This mood, maybe I also have it.”

Her words fell, Coral persuaded.

“You don’t need to think too much.”

But this time, Mukuro spoke again.

“Actually, this time, it is also a test for you.”

“If you don’t want to save her, this time, you probably won’t be able to find the bowstring.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Ari was stunned for a moment.

But then, her expression revealed sadness and incomprehension.

“Why does she always do this temptation thing!”

Her words fell, this time, even Mukuro didn’t know how to answer her.

Under the rush of everyone, soon, they rushed to Zishan.

And on Zishan Mountain, looking down from the sky, on the earth, Zishan Mountain is wrapped in abundance of greenery.

There are flourishing trees everywhere.

But there is no spiritual temple in sight.

“We have to go down.”

Mukuro said.

Everyone fell at the entrance of Zishan Mountain.

At this time, I finally saw it clearly.

On Zishan, there is a stone step leading to the top of the mountain.

And the stone steps keep going up.

On the top of the mountain, there is a temple.

“That is the spiritual temple?!”

Maitreya couldn’t help but said.

“Okay! Then we will rush up!”

Gangya said excitedly.

Mukuro smiled slightly at the look of steel teeth.

But he didn’t say much.

Everyone stepped on the steps and went up.

At first there was nothing.

But soon, Gangya’s face changed slightly.

“We, it’s been a long time.”

“But why, it still feels like standing still?”

When his words fell, A Li’s expression was shocked.

She thought of the words Mukuro had just said. If she didn’t really want to save Kikyo, I’m afraid she wouldn’t even be able to find the bowstring.

“Is it my cause?!”

A Li blamed himself a little, but a little angry.

For her.

In my heart, there is indeed a bit of a stubborn stalk of Platycodon grandiflorum.

But this is just a normal thing.

After all, who looks exactly like himself.

And this person is still his own past life.

There will always be some grudges in my heart!

Because of this kind of grievance, you can’t find the bowstring by yourself? !

This is too much.

Just as Ari was thinking this way, Mukuro’s voice rang from her ears.


Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari was startled.

She raised her head subconsciously, and immediately made her unbelievable. All of her surroundings, Mukuro and others, suddenly disappeared.

She was the only one left.

And it’s even more amazing.

At this time, from the spiritual temple on the mountain, something white seemed to float down!

Seeing this, A Li’s eyes widened.

The white thing quickly fell down and stopped in front of A Li.

At this time, she could see clearly that this white thing turned into a figure.

“This is… fog?!”

She was a little surprised.

At this time, despite her surroundings, Mukuro was no longer visible.

But Mukuro’s words sounded again.

“It’s the mountain spirit.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari’s heart settled down.

At this time, she looked at Shan Ling, and Shan Ling turned into a human form, and her face also began to become hazy and clear.

In Ari’s unbelievable gaze, Shan Ling’s face and appearance turned into a bellflower.

Seeing this, A Li’s heart trembled.

But she nodded towards her anyway.

“Master Mountain Spirit…”

Her words fell, Shan Ling said.

“It’s here to get the bowstring, come with me.”

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