Chapter 1253 Sesho Maru shot

After Inuyasha was able to temporarily control the dragon scale iron smashing teeth by virtue of its immortal power, Maitreya and others seemed to believe more and more in the ability of the dragon scale iron smashing teeth, and even Inuyasha became more and more dependent on that power.

Seeing that the attack of the iron fragmented tooth could not harm the maru du, they immediately thought of the dragon scale iron fragmented tooth.

But Mukuro always felt that it was not a good thing.

Mukuro said lightly: “Mile, do you really think that the dragon scales and iron teeth can absorb the demon power of Niudu?”

“Of course.” Maitreya said confidently: “Didn’t Inuyasha used dragon scales and iron teeth to defeat the cat demon hidden in the nun? It should be very simple to absorb the demon power in the water.”

Mukuro knew he would say this, and couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly.

Of course, Mukuro didn’t argue with Maitreya either, because it didn’t make sense. Only using facts to make him see clearly was the easiest way.

At the same time, Inuyasha had already thought of the ability of the dragon scale iron smashing teeth, and used the dragon scale iron smashing teeth to cut towards Numadu.

Inuyasha shouted loudly: “You monster’s abilities are indeed very special. Even the wind wound and the diamond gun can’t do anything to you, but no matter how powerful you are, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of dragon scales and iron teeth.”

Inuyasha pierced the dragon scale iron teeth into the water, madly absorbing the demon power of Numadu.

Maitreya said excitedly: “Mukuro, look, dragon scales and iron teeth can kill Marudu.”

Mukuro didn’t bother to argue with him, and said flatly: “You can keep watching.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Numato suddenly rolled up the stormy sea, causing a waterspout to appear on the swamp, drawing Inuyasha into it. Although Inuyasha’s dragon scales and iron teeth are still absorbing the demon power, the water spout also involves Inuyasha and the knife.

Numadu’s head also appeared in the waterspout: “Kill me? Do you think that if you absorb my demon power, you can kill me? Don’t be naive. The entire swamp is a part of my body. With your knife How can it be absorbed cleanly?”

Coral was shocked and said: “If this continues, Inuyasha will be drowned before he absorbs the opponent’s demon power. What should I do?”

“let me do it!”

Maitreya knew that it was not the time to believe in dragon scales and iron teeth, so he rushed up and opened the wind cave.

Since Mukuro learned how to use qigong waves, Maitreya hasn’t used his wind cave for a long time. After all, every time he uses the wind cave, it will make the wind cave bigger. When the power of the wind cave can no longer be suppressed, he will even be absorbed by his body.

But even so, he still chose to use the wind cave, which has shown that the current situation is very bad.

In front of the huge attraction of the wind cave, the water of the swamp was quickly sucked away, and the pressure on Inuyasha was gradually reduced. But Master Maitreya didn’t hold on for long, he was exhausted and panting, his head was covered with cold sweat, and his face was very pale.

He reluctantly put away the wind cave and said, “I’m sorry, the evil spirit of Numadu is too strong, even I can’t absorb it.”

Mukuro said calmly: “Look, even Maitreya’s wind cave can’t be absorbed cleanly, not to mention Inuyasha’s dragon scale iron broken teeth. Don’t force the dragon scale iron broken teeth too much.”

“Mukuro, I can only ask you to do it now.”

Suddenly, Ari said, “Even dragon scales, iron and broken teeth can’t kill Numadu. Now you are the only one who can save Inuyasha.”

Mukuro was startled, but he didn’t expect that Ari would suddenly ask himself to do it.

And now it’s not a question of whether he wants to make a move, but even if he makes a move, things will be very troublesome.

Because the body of Numadu is water with demon power, it is completely immune to physical attacks. Even Mukuro’s fists or qigong waves can never cause any damage to Numadu. Of course, this does not mean that Mukuro is totally unable to do anything, such as destroying the swamp with a powerful qigong wave.

But doing that would be a bit big.

Mukuro refused without thinking, “Don’t count on me for this kind of thing, you can look for Sasomaru.”

Mukuro has sensed that the Sesumaru guy may have sensed the change in the atmosphere of the battle between Inuyasha and Numadu, and he has arrived nearby. The current killing pill should be Master’s relatively advanced Underworld Moon Broken, so it should be enough to kill the marsh crossing.

At the moment Mukuro’s voice fell, Sesumaru slowly walked to the marshland with Xianjian and Xiaoling.

He said faintly, but one can always tell that he is despising Inuyasha: “Iron Teeth seems to have added a lot of strange abilities, but it is sad that even this kind of miscellaneous fish monster can’t kill. Inuyasha, in your hands Above, Iron Broken Tooth is just a sad knife. You have forgotten its original meaning.”

Inuyasha hadn’t reacted yet, and Numadu couldn’t help it.

He furiously said: “What are you talking about? You said I’m just a monster fish?”

Numata’s expression was severely distorted, and he seemed to be really angry.

You know, his body is water, which is immune to almost all physical attacks, even Inuyasha’s dragon scales and iron teeth can’t help him. Numadu must be very satisfied with his strength, but Sasheng Maru actually said that he was just a monster, if he could bear this kind of humiliation, he would really be hell.

Of course, Mukuro also knows that Sasomaru may not think like this in his heart, but this guy has always been so crazy.

Numadu burst into flames and immediately abandoning Inuyasha, he rushed toward Sasaomaru fiercely.

The crisis of Inuyasha was also lifted.

Inuyasha fell to the bottom of the marsh pond full of withered bones and said, “The true meaning of the broken teeth? What do you mean?”

Inuyasha looked at Mukuro suspiciously.

This kid is really not stupid, knowing that even if you ask Sesho Maru, she can’t tell him the answer, so he came to ask Mukuro.

Mukuro said lightly: “Look at the battle between Sessomaru and Numata first, and then ask me if you still don’t want to understand by then.”

At the same time, Numadu has officially fought against Sasheng Maru.

Sesumaru’s performance is indeed much easier than Inuyasha. Even though Nuwa dashed at him fiercely, he stood still and motionless, and then simply waved his natural tooth. In an instant, a black crescent-shaped crack appeared in the void, swallowing the marsh swallow. The meniscus-shaped rift is certainly not as big as Numato’s body, but because Numato’s body is water, it flows straight through.

When Numadu’s body all flowed over, his breath also disappeared.

Inuyasha was dumbfounded: “How could this be?”

Mukuro said calmly: “It’s the broken moon of the underworld. I should have told you before that it is the new power of the natural tooth of the Sesho Maru, which can directly send the opponent to the underworld. Of course, if the opponent’s strength is too stronger than the Sesho Maru. Many, even if there is a broken moon in the underworld, it is useless.”

“For example, an opponent like you?” Maitreya asked.

Mukuro coughed slightly and said, “Why do you have to compare me? Don’t forget that even if I go to the underworld, I can come back by myself.”

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