Chapter 1254 The essence of broken teeth

Shashengmaru snorted coldly, turned around and left, giving the impression that he was here to save Inuyasha.

After Sessumaru left, Mukuro looked at Inuyasha again: “Inuyasha, how about it? Do you want to understand the true meaning of iron shattered teeth?”

Inuyasha smiled awkwardly, coughing slightly and said: “Haha, do you still need to talk about this kind of thing? How can I not see something that can even be seen by the Sasheng Wan? Go, let’s go to the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit. When I meet Sesei Maru and Naraku the next time, I will definitely be able to exert the true power of the iron shattered teeth and make them regret that they underestimated me!”

Inuyasha’s words were full of fighting spirit, but Mukuro always felt that he did not have much confidence.

Since this kid said that he had seen the true meaning of iron shattered teeth, then he had to say it. What’s the use of talking in the vernacular?

Maitreya shook his head and said, “I don’t think Inuyasha understands anything.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Isn’t this obvious? He is trying to face and suffer. But forget it, when he sees the demon spirit, he will naturally understand what is going on.”

“Could the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit tell Inuyasha the true meaning of iron shattered teeth?” Maitreya was slightly surprised.

Mukuro said indifferently, “Remember what I said at 16? Although Xianli allowed Inuyasha to safely use Dragonscale Iron Teeth, it was only temporary. What Naraku really wanted was to make Inuyasha and Manimaru hurt both, and then sit back. Fisherman’s benefit. In that case, do you think Naraku has a reason to give Inuyasha a real power? Naraku has a conspiracy.”

After all, Inuyasha is a knife that kills enemies with beheading, and an attacking knife.

Killing the enemy is its real function, not for carrying all kinds of messy abilities.

Those messy abilities can only serve to kill the enemy, and can’t dominate the host. This is the essence of iron and steel.

However, this truth must be understood by Inuyasha himself before he truly understands it. It is meaningless to tell him by Mukuro.

Maitreya certainly didn’t understand the reasoning. After hearing Mukuro’s words, his face changed greatly: “Nara has a conspiracy? Then why didn’t you tell Inuyasha earlier and let Inuyasha do what Naraku wanted?”

“Because as long as Inuyasha understands the true meaning of Iron Broken Tooth, Naraku’s wishful thinking will be lost.”

Mukuro said lightly: “Since Naraku’s conspiracy can be dismantled so easily, why defend him like a thief? It is a good thing even if it is only temporarily safe to use the dragon scale iron to break the teeth.”

After Numadu’s matter was settled, Mukuro and others didn’t talk nonsense, and flew directly to find the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit.

Although Mukuro can’t directly use teleportation to take them to find the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit, a demon who cultivates celestial power, and the aura of a great demon is indeed very special. Finding him is like finding the Big Dipper in a starry sky. simple. Since the position of the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit can be found, it is of course no problem to show the way to Inuyasha and others.

After arriving at the residence of the Great Demon Spirit, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others slowly landed.

This is a prosperous town. There are all kinds of vendors and farmers walking around in the town. It is far more prosperous and much larger than the average village. It is certainly not easy to find a reclusive demon spirit in such a town, so the talents such as Inuyasha and Coral looked at Mukuro as soon as they landed.

Mukuro didn’t bother with them, and walked straight ahead, and finally stopped under a bridge.

There is a small space surrounded by broken bamboo mats under the bridge.

Inuyasha will be suspicious: “Mukuro, don’t tell me, the demon spirit great sage we are looking for lives in it.”

Maitreya laughed dryly: “It’s a bit ridiculous. The Great Sage of the Demon Spirit should be the most powerful person in the town? Even if you don’t live in a place like the City Lord’s Mansion, you shouldn’t live under the bridge…”

Mukuro said indifferently: “A strong person must live a rich and luxurious life. It’s just your wishful thinking. Ordinary people yearn for a life of worry-free food and clothing, so they want to live in the largest house and eat the best when they are strong. Wear the best clothes, but when you’re really strong, the things you want will change.”

“Forget it, we are not here to discuss this issue.”

Maitreya gave up: “Since we have come to the place where the Great Sage Demon Spirit lives, let’s go in quickly.”

Maitreya pulled open the broken bamboo mat and got in with one head. Coral and others followed closely, and Mukuro walked to the end.

After actually walking into the place where the Great Demon Spirit lived, Maitreya was visibly startled and stunned: “This is where the Great Demon Spirit lives? But isn’t it a broken bamboo mat outside?”

Coral’s eyes widened and said, “Am I dazzled?”

Mukuro looked forward, and saw the fragrance of birds and flowers in front of him, and the clouds and mist lingered in front of him, which looked like a fairyland in the hearts of the world. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes when you came in, who would believe that this is a small space surrounded by broken bamboo mats under the bridge?

But Mukuro has seen too many such situations, so it’s not surprising at all: “Don’t Buddhism have such a saying? One flower and one world, one tree and one floating, one grass and one heaven, one leaf and one Tathagata. The demon spirit is great. At most, space is used here, it’s not a big deal. As long as the cultivation base is reached, anyone can do it.”

After a pause, Mukuro reminded them again: “The main purpose of your coming here today is not to find the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit, so that he will teach Inuyasha to use Iron Shards? Hurry up and find the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, an old voice suddenly sounded: “Are you 457 looking for me? I’m here, please help me.”

Following the reputation, I saw an old man who was as thin as a paper man hung on a lotus like a rag, swaying with the wind.

“Bu?” Qibao looked up blankly.

Maitreya said, “But can cloth speak?”

A Li was smarter and guessed: “Is he the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit?”

Inuyasha and others rescued the great demon spirit and brought them to a nearby house.

The great demon spirit stretched his waist and said: “Finally saved, are you Inuyasha? I heard Dao Dao Zhai said. I want to train you, although I want to say that, but… this is impossible. , You guys go back.”

Inuyasha was taken aback and stood up and said, “What? What did you say? If I refuse to take the initiative, you dare to refuse me?”

“Inuyasha, calm down.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Now you have to ask others, and if you want to ask others, you should show an attitude of asking, don’t be so arrogant. The demon spirit great sage refuses you regardless of the face of Dao Dao Zhai, there must be his reason.”

The Great Sage Demon continued: “It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but last night, when I was practicing, I was attacked by a monster and my internal organs were escaped, so I became as thin as paper. If it’s not like taking the internal organs back, There is no way to practice.”

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