Chapter 1252 Dao Dao Zhai Guiding the Way

Dao Dao Sai said that for this reason, Inuyasha’s face was overwhelmed.

Inuyasha has repeatedly fallen into the hands of Spritemaru and Naraku. He is already quite angry and he is unwilling to mention it. As a result, Dao Dao Zhai fell well, and Inuyasha’s scar was uncovered at once, and it was almost impossible to sprinkle salt on the wound. If Dao Dao Zhai is not related to Inuyasha, maybe Inuyasha has already been slashed.

Even if the relationship is good, Inuyasha’s eyes are as fierce as he is about to kill.

However, Touzai didn’t seem to feel Inuyasha’s murderousness, and said to himself: “Inuyasha, it’s no big deal for me to help you again, but can you really kill Spritemaru and Naraku this time? Don’t let me go again. In vain.”

In fact, Mukuro would like to say that Inuyasha is doomed to fail.

If we don’t let Naraku and Ningkai Maru re-combine their powers into one, would they be worthy of their hard work?

But even if it was said, it didn’t make sense, so Mukuro held back.

Mukuro said indifferently, “Dou Touzai, you have lived for so many years. Don’t you know that there is no such thing as a must-victor in the world? You make Inuyasha stronger, so that he can kill Naraku a little bit more hopefully. The increase in Inuyasha’s strength is actually not a bad thing, is it? Maybe it can protect you.”

“Protect me?” Dao Dao Zhai snorted: “If he doesn’t kill me, I will laugh.”

Mukuro continued: “But he can help you block the Sesho Maru. You have a good relationship with the King of Tooth. Don’t you want to see his son become stronger?”

Totosai hesitated again and again, and finally agreed to Mukuro’s words.

He pointed in one direction and said: “For Mukuro’s sake, I will help you again. I do know a monster who practices immortal power. He lives in that direction. You should try to find him to practice. His name is Great Sage Demon Spirit, but if he is willing to help you, I can’t say, you have to convince him by yourself.”

As soon as Touzai finished speaking, Inuyasha turned his head grinning and looked at Mukuro.

Based on Mukuro’s knowledge of Inuyasha, as soon as his dog’s tail stood up, Mukuro knew what he was thinking.

Although Dao Dao Zhai pointed out the direction of the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit, there was no specific direction, and it was still not an easy task to find the other party. The easiest way to find someone, of course, is to let Mukuro find the spirit of the demon spirit great saint, and then move it instantly. This kind of thing is of course easy for Mukuro, but he really doesn’t want to do it.

After all, he has helped Inuyasha and others enough, it is not a crisis, there is really no need to use Teleport indiscriminately.

Mukuro said indifferently, “You can fly over and find it yourself. Don’t forget how Dao Dao Zhai told you. The Great Sage of the Demon Spirit may not agree to help you, but you need to convince yourself. If you let me use teleportation Taking you over will only shock the Great Sage Demon Spirit. Sincerely, he will definitely not see this kind of thing.”

Toukosai nodded with approval and said, “Mukuro makes sense, Inuyasha, hasn’t Mukuro taught you a kung fu called dance art? Don’t be too greedy. Depending on the speed of your flight, It won’t take long to fly over.”

Inuyasha couldn’t refute, so he nodded in agreement.

They flew out for a distance in the direction pointed by Totosai, and soon reached a lake. Mukuro floated on the lake, and they felt a strong breath in the lake. And even Mukuro can smell the sour odor from the pool. When a bird flew over the pond, the water in the pond suddenly rushed up, dragging the bird into the water like an arm.


Mukuro said lightly: “Inuyasha, since I have arrived, let’s get rid of this guy by the way. It doesn’t look like a good kind, and it will pose a huge threat to ordinary humans.”

“It’s okay to kill the monster.” Inuyasha said nonchalantly, “Is the monster you mentioned hiding at the bottom of the lake?”

“It’s probably not that simple.” Mukuro shook his head.

Because Mukuro generally feels the aura of a monster, the aura of the monster is very concentrated, after all, a person or a monster is so big, the aura will not spread too much. But the breath that Mukuro feels now spreads across every corner of the lake, and the strength of the breath is evenly distributed.

Mukuro said calmly, “The monster you are looking for is probably the pond itself.”

“Is the pond itself a monster?” Inuyasha’s eyes widened, as if it were difficult to understand.

Kagura suggested, “In any case, if you go down and try to attack, you won’t know. As long as there is a monster in the pool and it is attacked by you, he will definitely come out.”

Inuyasha thought for a while, and probably also thought it made sense, so he flew down and broke the wind.


Although Wind Wound has been reduced to Inuyasha’s normal attacking moves, his power is still there. After the small pool was attacked, the water surface suddenly split into two, and the breath Mukuro felt was also fluctuating violently.

At the same time as the breath changed drastically, the water in the pool turned into a human head, and it emerged and said, “Who is cutting me with a knife?”

Even though Inuyasha was wounded by the wind, this monster didn’t seem to have suffered any harm.

But when the water turned into the heads of monsters, Mukuro and others could finally see the situation at the bottom of the lake. There were countless humans, monsters, or Mukuro bones of ordinary birds and beasts.

Like what Mukuro and others have just seen, the monsters in the pond must often drag other lives into the water and drown them, and then eat them.

Coral’s expression changed and said, “That is Niudu, the monster turned into by the water of the swamp. I have only heard of him before, and it is the first time I have seen him in person.”

After a pause, she reminded Inuyasha again: “Inuyasha, be careful, Numato is different from the monsters you’ve seen before. He is very difficult to deal with.”

But Inuyasha obviously didn’t take Coral’s words to heart, and even said negatively: “You don’t need to remind you! Numato is not Spritemaru and Naraku. Is it so nervous to clean up this little monster?”

Inuyasha kicked his feet and rushed up.

Coral was helpless, so she shook her head and sighed.

A Li quickly comforted: “Coral, don’t care about Inuyasha. His temper is like this. He always has to suffer to understand what others say. You said that Numadu is difficult to deal with, what’s the matter? Does Numadu have any special abilities? ”

Mukuro said faintly: “The water flows even more with a knife. It seems that the body of Numadu is condensed by water. All physical attacks have no effect on him, including Inuyasha’s wind injury, and the diamond gun will not break. efficient.”

“So troublesome?” Maitreya was taken aback and said, “Fortunately Inuyasha is already proficient in Master’s dragon scale iron smashing ability, otherwise it is really possible that you can’t help Numadu. Using dragon scale iron smashing teeth, it should be easy to solve this kind of monster.”

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