Chapter 1241 Brothers join forces

Inuyasha’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly stared at the part of Kaijinmaru that was not covered by the armor, including his head.

Even if you don’t need Inuyasha to say it, you can see what he is thinking just by looking at his eyes. He wanted to attack the part that was not covered by the armor, and directly inflicted heavy damage on the sprite pill. But Inuyasha seems to have forgotten one very important thing, that is, Sprite Maru is not a Plutonmon, he has a strong self-healing ability.

It is precisely because of his strong resilience that Inuyasha has repeatedly cut his arm before, so that he can recover again and again.

Even if you attack a place where he is not covered by armor, it doesn’t necessarily hurt him.

However, Inuyasha thought he had discovered the weakness of Sprite Pill, and he had obviously ignored this point.

He pulled out his broken teeth and rushed to Sprite Pills and said, “You idiot, Shasheng Pill, let me go! If you hit like you, you won’t be able to kill Sprite Pill until the year of the monkey! Didn’t your father teach you? You have to kill the enemy directly. Attack the key!”

Sesumaru is an extremely arrogant person, and his pride is even higher than Inuyasha. At least in Mukuro’s impression, there is probably only one Vegeta whose pride is stronger than him.

When Inuyasha taught him this way, Mukuro had basically foreseen Sesomaru’s rage.

But it was strange that when Mukuro looked at Sasaemaru, Sasaemaru still had no expression at all, and there was only a trace of mockery in his eyes.

Mukuro’s heart moved, and he had to admit that Sesei Maru’s observation ability was superior to Inuyasha.

Yes, although only part of the body is protected by the armor, the remaining part seems to be the weakness of the princess, but even if the princess does not have amazing resilience, it is absolutely impossible to easily attack the part that seems to be weak. . After all, if it were so easy to deal with, Spritemaru and Naraku wouldn’t have to spend a lot of time robbing Plutonmon’s armor.

Sesumaru must have seen this and laughed at Inuyasha.


When Inuyasha slashed towards the neck of Manimaru, the armor on Manimaru’s body moved at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, just to protect his head. Inuyasha’s iron shattered teeth slashed on the armor, of course, it had no effect at all.

Even because the force of the counter-shock was too great, Inuyasha flew out directly.

He fell to the ground and said, “How could this happen? His armor can be changed position at will?”

Sessumaru swept towards Inuyasha coldly, without speaking.

Mukuro said indifferently, “As you think, that is the truth. Don’t forget that the body of Spritemaru is made up of countless bodies of monsters. It is a very simple matter to move the position. If Naraku and Spritemaru are connected Nothing like this can be done, and they are not worthy of being your opponent.”

Inuyasha’s face blushed, very embarrassed.

He had just taught Shashengwan brazenly, but he was beaten in the face in an instant, which was too sour.

He cheeked and said, “Then what should I do now? Can I just wait for Spritemaru and Naraku to work hard?”

“You two brothers, let’s try it together, anyway, Sesho Pill can’t help but shoot.”

At the same time, Sesei Maru has launched a fierce offensive against Mangyomaru, fighting ghosts and gods with a large number of afterimages constantly placed on the armor of Mangyomaru, and the sound is also endless.

Even the demon power used by Sesei Maru continued to grow stronger.

Inuyasha groaned for a moment, and swung his knife to attack again.

Strictly speaking, this battle seems to be the first time the Inuyasha brothers have joined forces.

While watching the battle, Maitreya said, “Mukuro, what do you think? Does their brother have a chance to win?”

Coral groaned: “I’m more curious about it, that is whether Sprite Maru needs demon power to move the armor. If necessary, Inuyasha and Sesei Maru keep attacking, can it consume Sprite Maru’s power consumption? Exhausted?”

I have to say that Coral does make a good suggestion.

No matter how powerful a person is, once the power is exhausted, he can only be slaughtered. Even a strong man like Mukuro, once consumed all his strength, it is difficult to resist Inuyasha’s broken teeth.

Of course, there are almost no people who can exhaust Mukuro’s power.

But Sprite Maru is not Mukuro, it’s actually much easier to exhaust his power.

Mukuro said lightly: “In theory, as long as Sprite Maru’s power is exhausted, it can indeed kill him. However, Sesei Maru and Inuyasha’s attacks are actually more expensive. Are you sure Inuyasha brothers have exhausted Sprite Maru?”

Coral’s face changed, and she was speechless.


At this moment, the power of the Sesho Maru broke out to a limit, and the Ghost Fighter in his hand was like an indestructible spear, actually pierced into the armor of the Ghost Maru.

Maitreya was taken aback and almost yelled out.

“It’s so amazing!” Maitreya was surprised: “The Pluton beast’s armor must have become stronger on the body of the princess. But the pluton can be pierced by the ghosts and spirits. Is his demon power really that powerful?”

Kagura said: “It’s definitely not possible to rely on Douguishen’s sharpness alone. It should be the demon power of Sesho Maru that makes Douguishen unprecedentedly sharp.”

“In short, we finally have the hope of defeating the ghost pill.” Coral said excitedly: “As long as the killer pill works harder, the armor of the princess pill can definitely be broken. This time, we can’t let the ghost pill go. pill!”

Mukuro said flatly, “Is it that simple? Don’t treat Sprite Maru as a wooden person who can’t fight back.”

“Is there a way for Sprite Pill to resist?” Coral, Master Maitreya and others were all taken aback.

Mukuro said lightly: “You don’t know if you continue to watch.”

At the moment Mukuro’s voice fell, Kojimaru twisted his body, bringing up a powerful twisting force, and forcibly twisted Sesumaru’s fighting ghost gods, and at the same time thrown away Inuyasha who attacked him.

Where did Seseiwan think that there would be such a change, but he was shocked and couldn’t react at all.

Jie Jie Wan took the opportunity to counterattack, and a large piece of meat grew out of his body to wrap the Sesang Wan.

Maitreya said in amazement: “Didn’t the Sprite Maru just use this method to absorb the Pluton Beast? Does he want to use the power of the Sesho Maru as his own?”

Coral changed color and said: “Don’t be kidding, the sprite pill is already very difficult to deal with. If he absorbs the power of the sasei pill, the only person who can deal with him will be Mukuro.”

Maitreya rushed up and said, “I want to stop him. I can’t let him succeed anyway!”

Maitreya rushed up quickly, raised his hand and shot out a wave of qigong waves and said: “Sprite pills, if you have the ability, you can try to block my attack!”

Boom boom boom!

Maitreya’s qigong wave hit the body of Jingjingwan, making a thunderous explosion.

But the brows of Jie Jie Wan did not frown from beginning to end.

In other words, Maitreya’s attack seemed shocking, but he had actually ignored it.

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