Chapter 1242 Sprite Maru escapes

“Is this the power you learned from Mukuro?”

Jiejinmaru looked down at the armor being attacked. There was no expression on his face, and he didn’t know what he was thinking: “It’s a great power, but compared to Mukuro, your power is too weak, too weak. I sympathize with you a little bit. If you are half as strong as Mukuro, I am already a corpse.”

Maitreya’s attack came to an end, and the effect of the attack can also be seen.

Maitreya’s offensive just now was indeed fierce, but it did not leave even a trace on the armor of Spritemaru.

At this moment, Inuyasha suddenly jumped out and slashed at the meat wrapped around the sashiwan pill, as if he wanted to save the sashiwan pill out. However, the reaction of the ghost pill was very fast, and it was directly blocked by the armor.

He said coldly: “Would you like to use Maitreya to divert my attention, and then take the opportunity to save Sanshengwan? Unfortunately, the armor is already a part of my body. As long as I move my mind, I can shift my position. Your sneak attack can’t be effective. You It seems that I care about the appearance of the Sanshengwan. How about I send the Sanshengwan a ride?”

As soon as the voice fell, the piece of sprite pill that was wrapped around the kill pill suddenly shrank and suddenly became a lot smaller.

Even Mukuro couldn’t help but be frightened.

If another creature is wrapped in this way, and shrinks again, it must have been crushed into flesh.

I have been following the evil view of Sashengwan and saw this scene, and couldn’t help shouting in horror: “Master Shashengwan! It’s over! Master Shashengwan must be squashed like a soft persimmon!”

Ari also worried and said, “Mukuro, Sasomaruta…”

Sasaemaru is Inuyasha’s elder brother. Even though their brothers don’t seem to be very harmonious, Inuyasha certainly doesn’t want to see Sasaemaru die in the hands of Inuyasha. Ari and the others are Inuyasha’s companions, and they must have similar thoughts.

Ari now speaks, presumably because he wants to learn about the Sansei Maru from Mukuro’s mouth, but also hopes that Mukuro can save Sansei Maru.

Mukuro said indifferently, “Don’t worry, it’s not that easy to die. Their brother is also the son of Tooth King. Tooth King is also a famous monster. No matter how bad he is, his son cannot die easily. On the hand of the pill.”

The most important thing is that Mukuro can still feel the powerful scent of the Sasheng pills.

Ari was pleasantly surprised and said with a sigh of relief: “Really? That’s good.”


At this moment, a demon-breaking arrow flew from a distance with a piercing whistling sound and pierced the armor of the pill pill. The indestructible armor of Sprite Maru was not enough to see in front of the Demon Arrow, and it was pierced all at once.

Mukuro looked back and saw a woman standing on the ground with her bow in her arms, with Kohaku behind.

Of course, only Platycodon grandiflorum can shoot this kind of demon arrow.


At the same time that the sprite pill was hit hard, the shasong pill that was bound also exploded with great power, pushing the sprite pill’s meat apart.

Xie Jian was pleasantly surprised: “That is the barrier of natural teeth!”

Mukuro said lightly: “Yes! It’s because of the barrier protection of the natural tooth that the Shishengwan can hold it. With the Inuyasha brothers teamed up, plus a platycodon, it should be very troublesome to deal with even if it is a spritemaru, maybe I really hope to keep him here forever.”

You know, the devil-breaking arrow of platycodon is always the biggest nemesis of the monsters, and it is the natural restraint power of the monsters. Even the armor that Kaijinmaru obtained from the Plutonmon could hardly resist the frontal attack of the Demon Arrow.

As long as the Inuyasha brothers are fighting head-on and entangled Sprite Maru and keep him from getting close to Kikyo, it will only be a matter of time before Kikyo uses the Demon Arrow to play Death Sprite Maru.

Jie Jie Wan obviously realized this too, and his face changed immediately.

At the same time, the fiercest victory in mid-air likes to be ordered, and they all dived down and attacked Inuyasha and Sashengwan. A large number of poisonous insects instantly blocked the void and couldn’t see the surroundings completely.

Maitreya opened the barrier to block the fiercest victory and said, “What does that fellow Naraku want to do? Do you want the fiercest victory to join the battle?”

Coral vigorously waved the flying bones and attacked the most fiercely: “But what is the fighting power of the fiercest victory? They can only be used to restrain the mage’s wind cave.”

Of course, what Shan Shan said was not wrong. Under normal circumstances, because the most violent battle power was infinitely close to zero, Naraku only used him to seal Maitreya Mage. But now it’s not a general situation. If you use it well, there are actually many uses for the most fierce victory.

Mukuro said lightly: “Did you not find out? Your vision has been blocked, and then whether Spritemaru wants to escape or attack you, it will be very convenient… Maybe it is difficult to attack Inuyasha and Sessomaru, but if you attack the coral, Qibao, you are almost bound to die.”

Of course, with Mukuro here, he can’t let something like that happen, but it is an indisputable fact that the fiercest victory will block their line of sight and make things troublesome.

Shan Shan and the others were taken aback, and quickly watched carefully.

After finally waiting for them to disperse all the fiercest victories, the figure of the ghost pill had disappeared without a trace.

Mukuro said indifferently: “Sure enough, Manimaru had already escaped. He knew he couldn’t beat the Inuyasha brothers and Kikyo, so he sacrificed the most fierce victory and escaped. Manimaru was really sorry for his life. It’s not like trying to kill him. Easy thing.”

“Failed again.” Maitreya sighed: “If this goes on, when will we have to wait until we can really kill Naruko and Kaiganmaru?”

Sasheng Maru didn’t say a word, turned around and left.

Inuyasha quickly picked up the broken ghost god on the ground and said, “Sasasumaru, you don’t want to fight ghosts anymore?”

Sesei Maru replied coldly: “The broken sword is not worthy of nostalgia. I will look for a second sword.”

Inuyasha was startled and couldn’t help sighing, “Yes, I can only find a second sword. His natural tooth is a knife that can’t kill, and it can’t be a real weapon.”


Mukuro disapproved: “It’s too early to say that this is in 3.3. In fact, the natural teeth hides a peculiar lethality. Forget it, now I tell you, you don’t understand it. You continue to think of ways to improve your strength, I’ll talk to Shashengwan.”

Mukuro made a teleportation and disappeared directly in place.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the vicinity of Sasaemaru, and Sasaemaru was standing in a daze by a small river.

He turned his back to Mukuro and said, “Is it Mukuro? What are you doing here?”

Mukuro was startled, he couldn’t think that his identity would be seen all at once, but isn’t Sesho Maru unable to feel angry?

As if knowing Mukuro’s thoughts, Sesei Maru replied, “I can smell your scent, and you are the only person who can suddenly come close to me without being noticed by me.”

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