Chapter 1240 Pluton beast is absorbed

Maitreya’s expression was very solemn, as if he was ready to die.

Since Mukuro joined their array and helped them eliminate a lot of monsters, Maitreya’s opportunities to use the wind cave have become less and less. After the wind cave became less used, the expansion speed naturally slowed down. Maybe Maitreya had gradually forgotten the threat of the wind cave to his life. In this case, he was forced to use the wind cave again, and his mood was naturally very bad.

However, he can still choose to use the wind cave in order to weaken the sprite pill, which is very rare.

It’s just that Inuyasha obviously doesn’t approve of his approach.

Inuyasha looked at the Plutonmon in mid-air and said, “Do you think it’s that simple? Look at what’s in mid-air.”

Maitreya hurriedly looked around the Pluton beast, and saw hundreds of the most violent beasts flying nearby, staring at Maitreya.

As long as Maitreya dares to use the wind cave, the most fierce victories will definitely be absorbed. By then, I am afraid that the Pluton beast has not been successfully absorbed, and the fiercest victory will have already poisoned Maitreya first.

“Have you seen?” Inuyasha said with an iron face, “Naraku will never let you absorb the Pluton beast easily unless you don’t even want your own life. If you really do that, Naraku will be very happy because it can The power threatening him is missing again, understand? Get out of me!”

Maitreya was startled and couldn’t help being silent.

What Inuyasha said was true, and it was really not worthwhile to exchange his life for a Pluton beast.

Because even if the Pluton beast is dead, the sprite pill can be replaced by other things, and there is more than the Pluton beast that also has strong defense. And the Pluton beast in the world is not necessarily the only one.

Just while Maitreya hesitated, the sprite pill suddenly emerged from mid-air, and a mass of white meat directly included the Pluton beast and pulled it towards him. Such a powerful absorption method reminds Mukuro of Majin Buu, who also has the ability to absorb. Inuyasha and the others obviously didn’t expect the Sprite Maru to appear suddenly, and they were shocked.

Mukuro stepped forward and said calmly: “It’s too late, the Pluton beast was finally absorbed by the sprite pill. Now I can only find a way to defeat the sprite pill that absorbed the Pluton beast. Of course, you can also choose to leave him alone and let him Fight against each other with Naraku, and then take advantage of the fisherman’s benefits. You can choose any one you like.”

Maitreya smiled bitterly and said: “Now is not the time we want to reap the benefits of the fishermen. Even if it’s just the sprite pill now, it is very difficult for us to kill him.”

Inuyasha thought for a while, and suddenly said in a deep voice: “Mukuro, listen to what you mean, does Naraku have a way to deal with such sprite pills? Then can we wait until then and kill both Spritemaru and Naraku in one breath.”

Apparently, Inuyasha was already tempted.

To some extent, killing Spritemaru and Naraku in one breath is indeed a very good choice.

Because both of them are very difficult to deal with, with Inuyasha’s strength, no matter which one of them is singled out, there is no big chance of winning. Even if he wins by fluke, it is just a miserable victory. But if you wait until Naraku and Spritemaru kill each other and both lose, they come out to pick up the bargain, the result may be completely different.

Of course, this is not completely risk-free.

God is fair, and often there are many benefits, which are accompanied by many risks.

Mukuro said lightly, “Inuyasha, are you sure you want to wait for them to fight each other? Then you have to be mentally prepared.”

“What kind of psychological preparation?” Inuyasha asked strangely, as if he hadn’t understood the truth that opportunities always accompany risks.

Mukuro simply said: “When Spritemaru and Naraku meet, there may be two unexpected results. One of them is that they find you are staring at you, so they work together to solve you first. In this way, you You have to deal with the stronger Sprite Maru and Naraku at the same time. This possibility is very high.”

Inuyasha’s face sank, and then asked, “What about the second result?”

Mukuro continued: “The second result is that one of Spritemaru or Naraku is absorbed by the other, and then gains unprecedented power. When Spritemaru’s power and Naraku’s power merge together, what kind of qualitative change will occur , You can imagine it for yourself. I even guessed that Naruto’s separation of the heart may be a last resort, but it does not mean that he has absorbed that force.”

Inuyasha’s face suddenly became ugly.

After all, just a sprite pill that absorbs the Pluton beast, the strong defense power it possesses is enough to make Inuyasha speechless…

Moreover, his own lethality is also very large, and he also has a special ability to absorb demon power.

Needless to say, Naraku’s strength is so powerful, the combination of these two strengths is enough to make Inuyasha scorched.

Of course, Mukuro’s mood is completely different from Inuyasha, perhaps because the Saiyan cells in the body are at work. The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is.

Even if he knew how to toss Naraku, he couldn’t be his opponent, he was still full of expectations.

Maitreya saw Mukuro’s expression and couldn’t help saying, “Mukuro, I know you are very excited. The strength of Spritemaru and Naraku makes you look forward to it, but can you understand our mood and calm down a little bit?”

Mukuro laughed blankly, and quickly put away his smiling face and said, “Since you say that, then I’ll restrain myself a little bit. Actually, you don’t have to worry too much, right? It’s really not possible. Finally, Naruko and Ningjinmaru will be handed over to me. No, if I really want to go out, Naraku and Ningjin Maru will definitely have a winner.”

Shanhu suddenly interrupted and said, “Don’t say so much. The most important thing now is to get rid of the sprite pill. It just so happens that the Sashi pill is here. If the Inuyasha brothers join forces, there may be no chance of winning.”

At the moment the coral’s voice fell, Sesho Maru didn’t know whether he saw that Inuyasha was not the opponent of Sprite Maru, or saw the growth of Sprite Maru, and felt that he could not let him continue to grow stronger with 2.9. Instead, he threw away the dreamy white night, slowly flew towards the sprite pill, and finally landed in front of the sprite pill.

He pulled out the fighting ghosts and stabbed them out without saying a word.

Inuyasha said dissatisfiedly: “Hey! What do you mean? That’s my prey! Don’t interfere!”

Sesumaru sneered disdainfully: “Don’t hold on to it, you are not his opponent.”


After the sprite pill absorbed the Pluton beast, his body was immediately covered with the Pluton beast’s armor. Sesei Maru’s fighting ghosts and gods stabbed up, just making a piercing crashing sound, and did not add any damage to the ghost pill. Of course, because of the size of the armor, the armor can only protect part of the body of the sprite pill, and there is no way to cover the whole body.

In fact, even if it can cover the whole body, the sprite pill does not necessarily do that. After all, it will seriously affect flexibility.

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