Chapter 1239 Fight to the death

Coral is obviously misunderstood. Mukuro wants to catch up just to see the situation. It doesn’t mean that he will take action.

But just a misunderstanding made Coral so happy, as if Mukuro could solve any problem as long as he was willing to take action. Mukuro was helpless. They trust themselves so much, Mukuro is very satisfied, but Coral’s attitude also shows that they have begun to rely on Mukuro in their hearts, Mukuro is not willing to see such things.

Mukuro refused without hesitation: “Coral, I know you have a good intention and don’t want Inuyasha to be too embarrassed, but you have to figure out that I am doing no good for Inuyasha now.”

Kagura said calmly: “Mukuro is right. Inuyasha’s self-esteem is too strong. Even if Mukuro takes a shot to solve his opponent, he will not be happy. In the long run, it is not wise to let Mukuro take action every time a strong enemy appears. way of doing.”

Coral nodded helplessly and said, “I understand, I hope Inuyasha can really think of a way to clean up the Pluton beast. The part of the Pluton beast that is not covered by the armor may be a weakness.”

As soon as the voice fell, Coral flew up with Mukuro, Inuyasha and others.

After flying for some distance, Mukuro found that the dark clouds in mid-air had disappeared, and the fellow Plutonmon also landed on the ground.

In front of Plutonmon, there is also a handsome man holding a sword. It is Inuyasha’s brother-Sesumaru!

Mukuro said lightly: “Interesting. It seems that Sesomaru couldn’t help but want to intervene because he sensed the battle between Inuyasha and Plutonmon? If he hadn’t stopped him, Plutonmon must have escaped.”

Inuyasha landed quickly, and shouted loudly, “Sahshowan! Don’t be nosy! That’s my prey!”

Sashengmaru said blankly, “If you have the ability to kill him, I’m not interested in snatching your prey.”

He kicked his feet and easily jumped to the top of a house not far away, and didn’t mean to leave.

When Inuyasha saw something was wrong, his face turned green.

He just came to Haikou and said that the Pluton beast was just a prey, but Sesumaru stopped to watch the show. Once Inuyasha’s strength was sorry for his bragging rights, his face was not so embarrassing. However, after Plutonmon got a complete armor, his strength was even higher. Inuyasha had a great deal of difficulty even injuring him, let alone defeating him.

As for letting Sesho Maru leave, it is even more unrealistic.

Inuyasha bit his scalp and used the dragon scales and iron teeth to slash towards the Pluton beast.

Coral and the others chased up and were surprised to see Inuyasha making use of the dragon scales and iron teeth.

Coral was surprised: “Does Inuyasha know what he is doing? After the Pluton beast gets the complete armor, his strength has become much stronger. If the dragon scale iron teeth absorb his power, it will definitely be too hot.”

Maitreya shook his head and sighed: “Inuyasha still loves face too much. Even if the Sesho Maru is nearby, there is no need to work hard for face. If the demon power of the Pluton beast erupts like the venom last time, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Mukuro said lightly: “Don’t forget that Inuyasha is the real owner of Iron Shards. He knows Iron Shards better than you guys. Since Inuyasha decides to use Dragon Scale Iron Shards, it means it’s no longer necessary. Look at the result. Besides, it is better for Inuyasha to pay a price than Plutonmon’s armor is snatched by Spritemaru.”


When the Iron Broken Tooth hit the Pluton Beast’s body, the Pluton Beast’s breath quickly weakened, and a large amount of demon power was absorbed into the Iron Broken Tooth, which changed the color of the Iron Broken Tooth.

Mukuro said lightly: “It seems that the dragon scales and iron teeth are indeed effective for the Pluton beast, but it is a pity that the Pluton beast is not a fool, and it is impossible not to resist.”

“How can you resist?” Shanhu said after a moment, “Didn’t you say that? He also has a particularly strong defense, and his counterattack ability is actually not worth mentioning. Then what is the meaning of his resistance?”

Mukuro laughed and laughed, feeling that Coral had clearly misunderstood what he meant.

Mukuro said that the attack power of the Plutonmon is not worth mentioning, just relative to his defensive power. It is not that the Plutonmon really has no counterattack ability. If he doesn’t even have the ability to kill opponents, it is impossible for him to survive in the cruel world of monsters.

Mukuro said lightly: “The specific situation, you will understand when you look at it slowly.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, the Plutonmon retracted his hands, feet and head into the turtle’s shell, like a real turtle. After his hands, feet and head were all retracted, he spun again at high speed and bounced Inuyasha and the knife away. The ability to bounce off Inuyasha with the power of rotation is enough to show the powerful attack power of the Plutonmon.

Inuyasha was shot and flew more than ten meters away. After landing, he immediately looked at the Sahomaru not far away, and then rushed to the Plutonmon, shouting angrily: “The King Kong spear broke!”

Maitreya shook his head and said, “Mukuro, are you sure Inuyasha is not fighting for face?”

Mukuro smiled and said: “I have never denied this. I just said that Inuyasha used dragon scale iron to break his teeth because of his own reason. Apart from dragon scale iron, he has no other means of attack to hurt Pluton. Beast.”

“Then why did he use the King Kong spear to attack the Pluton Beast again?” Kagura asked inexplicably.

Mukuro looked at the Plutonmon and said, “In order to stop the spinning Plutonmon, if the Plutonmon keeps spinning, Inuyasha can’t even get close to him, let alone attack? But is there any effect on the King Kong gun break, and it is not It’s easy to say.”

Inuyasha’s diamond spear pierced the void and blasted the Plutonmon with a piercing sound. The power was indeed amazing.

But the power of Plutonmon’s own rotation was amazing, and he even bounced off Inuyasha’s diamond spear.

King Kong gun break is invalid!

Sashengmaru was watching the show and said calmly, “What a great shell.”

Dreamy Shiraya suddenly appeared next to Sesumaru and said: “The shell of the Plutonmon is also the hardest in the monster world. It seems to be harder than the diamond of Inuyasha. No wonder the ghost pill will hit his idea. But why did Naraku want to. How about helping the sprite pills? Don’t understand, it’s just because the heart is in the sprite pills, so you have to protect the heart?”

Sesumaru glanced at Yoruichi of Dreamy White, and did not speak.

Dreamy White Night still said to herself: “Are you Inuyasha’s brother Sasomaru? You and Inuyasha are so far apart in character.”

Shisheng Maru still didn’t say a word, but the eyes that glanced at the White Night of Dreams were already much colder.

Dreamy White Night probably also sensed murderous intent, and quickly closed his mouth, never daring to talk nonsense anymore.

Maitreya saw that Inuyasha couldn’t help the Pluton beast, he slowly flew forward and said, “Inuyasha, should I give the Pluton beast to me? I can use the wind cave to absorb him, no matter how hard his shell is, it doesn’t matter. My wind cave broke out early, but it was better than letting him be absorbed by sprite pills.”

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