Chapter 1236 Pluton beast

Mukuro suddenly felt sympathy for Inuyasha.

With Inuyasha’s strength and physique, this level of injury certainly won’t kill him.

But even Inuyasha, in a short period of time, he would never want to move freely. In this case, there is not even a person to comfort and take care of, which is a bit miserable. Of course, even if someone is willing to take care of it, Inuyasha’s temper may still refuse and feel embarrassed.

Maitreya obviously had the same idea, and said nonchalantly: “What’s the big deal? Anyway, you can’t die. The monster’s wounds healed quickly. Just wait a minute.”

Inuyasha was speechless immediately.

Mukuro shook his head and had to explain: “Then I will talk about the situation of the White Night of Dreams. Like I said earlier, the White Night of Dreams is a clone of Naraku, but he is different from the previous clones, and there is no evil in his heart. Maybe it’s because the clones with evil thoughts in the past will be selfish, betray Naraku.”

Of course, this is just Mukuro’s own guess.

After all, without evil thoughts, there would be no reason to betray Naraku.

Moreover, as Naraku’s clone, once Naraku died, he didn’t want to live, so he could only help Naraku.

Inuyasha smiled triumphantly and said, “Haha, Naraku has today too, first Kagura, then Shiro and Chiko. Naraku has a psychological shadow, right?”

Coral pondered, “This is not the time to be happy, as Mukuro said, it is impossible to betray Naraku in the White Night of Dream. It is not good news for us that Naraku has a loyal assistant.”

Mukuro nodded and said, “Coral is right. Even if the combat effectiveness of the Fantasy White Night is basically negligible, it cannot be denied that he will provide a lot of help to Naraku. Hey! There is a situation!”

As Mukuro was talking, he suddenly felt a powerful fascination, and there was also the aura of Shisheng Maru and Sprite Maru nearby. These breaths are not far away from each other, and even if nothing happens now, it is basically certain that something will happen immediately. So Mukuro didn’t even think about it, and immediately told Inuyasha what he had sensed.

After they knew the situation, they couldn’t help but be in a dilemma.

Inuyasha was seriously injured during the fight with the snake, and has not recovered so far. It is really difficult for him to chase after him.

“I want to go.” Inuyasha struggled and said, “Although I can’t fight yet, I can take action after resting until now.”

Under Inuyasha’s strong request, Mukuro and others were not good at objecting, they could only agree to his suggestion and let Maitreya drive on his back. Even so, the person who strongly opposes becomes Maitreya.

Maitreya wanted to cry without tears: “Why should I carry a man on my back? Don’t we still have mica?”

Coral and Qibao sat on the backs of mica and said, “Mica wants to carry us. You can’t grab us, right?”

Maitreya was speechless.

They flew forward a distance and found a large number of soldiers gathered near a city. In fact, it is not the first time that Mukuro and Inuyasha have seen similar armies. Using armies to deal with the invasion of monsters is a common method used by humans in this era, although the effect can usually be ignored.

However, the troops in front of him were obviously different from what Mukuro had seen before.

Their discipline is very strict, the military formation is also very neat, they are obviously well-trained elite soldiers. Now that there are so many elite soldiers in this city, I want to prepare for a big battle.

Mukuro landed and said, “Coral, Kagura, let’s go down and take a look. Maybe we can get important information.”

When Mukuro and others landed on the ground, the soldiers suddenly turned their heads and looked at them like enemies. With an order from one of the officers, the soldiers shot arrows together, and the sky full of arrows fell like raindrops. Just looking at this battle, at least Coral was unable to resist, even Kagura could only avoid the sharp edge for a while.

Mukuro couldn’t help but sighed, “It’s rare to see such a well-trained unit in this era.”

Kagura said helplessly: “Mukuro, now is not the time to sigh, stop them quickly, or some of us will get hurt.”

“I know.” Mukuro said flatly, opening the repulsion shield.

In the face of Mukuro’s incomparable repulsion, the power of those arrows could basically be ignored, and they were immediately blocked.

The officer’s face changed drastically, and he quickly ordered his soldiers to shoot arrows again.

Mukuro wasn’t in the mood to play games with them, and slowly increased his energy. A storm suddenly rolled around, bounced off the soldiers and arrows.

Mukuro said lightly: “Let’s stop here, you are not my opponents, if you continue to choose to use force, you will be at your own risk.”

“Stop it!”

The officer in charge of the command saw that something was wrong, and quickly stopped his men, and at the same time stepped forward and said, “Who are you guys? What are you doing here?”

Coral stepped forward and said, “We are all exorcists. Seeing something on your side, I want to ask what happened. Maybe we can help you.”

“Exorcist? So you are all exorcists! That’s great!” The officer overjoyed and said, “You tell me, there is actually an armor in our castle, which was obtained from a monster from the ancestor of the castle owner. The scale armor that was knocked down on his body was made, but the monster was still alive that year, and recently he wants to regain the armor.”

As soon as the officer’s voice fell, a cloud of dark clouds approached in mid-air, and a strong smell of monsters could be felt in the dark clouds, exactly the same as Mukuro had sensed before.

In other words, their target monster is hiding in that dark cloud.

When the dark cloud flew to the sky above the city, a monster that looked a bit like a tortoise, but was countless times larger than that, poked its head out of the cloud.

When the officer saw the turtle-like monster, his face changed obviously, and he was more panicked than when he saw Mukuro and others. In other words, the original owner of that armor should be the turtle above.

Mukuro said lightly: “It turned out to be this Pluton beast. The ancestors of the owner of the castle were able to wound the Pluton beast, which is considered a talent.”

The officer hurriedly said: “It’s him. His tortoise shell is very hard. Can exorcists have a way to deal with him?”

Mukuro didn’t answer him, and turned to Inuyasha and said to Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, this guy is handed over to you. Let’s try to fight him head-on. I sensed the breath of Sprite Maru in him. The matter should have something to do with Sprite Maru.”

“Is it another sprite pill?” Inuyasha’s face sank, and he flew up into the air and said: “Then let me kill you. I want to see how much power the sprite pill gives you!”

Maitreya asked strangely, “Mukuro, do you say that Plutonmon is related to Sprite Maru? What’s the matter?”

Mukuro said calmly: “Didn’t the people in the city say? The armor was shot down by the ancestor of the castle owner. In fact, the Pluton beast had already died. It was Spritemaru who used his Mukuro bone to regenerate him. ”

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