Chapter 1237 Pluton beast reborn

“Let the monsters who have been dead for so many years be reborn? Does the sprite pill already possess such a powerful ability?” Maitreya’s face changed drastically.

Mukuro was startled slightly, and soon understood what Maitreya meant.

You know, if Mukuro wants to resurrect a person or a monster, he must also have a complete body of the living body, and then go to the underworld to bring his soul back. If only Mukuro bones are left, even if Mukuro brings the soul back from the underworld, there will be no effect at all, but Sprite Maru can do this kind of thing.

For Maitreya, the news is of course bad, how bad it is.

But Mukuro didn’t think so. He didn’t believe that Sprite Maru’s ability could surpass himself.

Mukuro said lightly: “Don’t think of Sprite Maru too terribly, he is not considered to be resurrecting the real Pluton beast, but just resurrecting another Pluton beast with the help of the Pluton beast’s corpse.”

To put it simply, Sprite Maru just uses the Mukuro bone of the Plutonmon to attach his own flesh to it and become a new Plutonmon. Using this method to create a brand new Pluton beast is ten thousand times easier than resurrecting the Pluton beast. But this kind of thing is very troublesome to explain, even Mukuro took a lot of saliva to let Maitreya and others understand.

Maitreya continued to say strangely: “I probably understand what you mean, but what’s the point of Sprite Maru doing this? What good is it for him to resurrect such a Pluton beast?”

“Don’t you think the tortoise shell of the Pluton beast is very hard?”

Mukuro said indifferently: “The Sprite Maru resurrected the Pluton Beast, and he immediately asked him to grab the armor back. It is clear that he hopes that the Pluton Beast’s armor strength will reach the level before his death. Then, the Sprite Maru can get him as long as he absorbs the Pluton Beast. Improve your own strength. You should also know in your heart that the same armor is in the hands of Plutonmon and Spritemaru, which are two concepts.”

It can be said with certainty that the most important thing about a monster’s ability is not who the ability belongs to, but whose demon power is stronger.

It is an indisputable fact that Spritemaru’s demon power is stronger than Plutonmon.

So once the Plutonmon’s armor falls on the hands of Kaijinmaru, the armor will become stronger!

“That’s the case.” Maitreya said solemnly: “So we must find a way to kill the Pluton beast, so that the Pluton beast’s armor does not fall into the hands of the Pluton beast? Armor? It’s really troublesome, but you are also lucky. Fortunately, Mukuro, even if you sense the breath of the Pluton beast, you will bring us over.”

Kagura nodded and said, “If Mukuro hadn’t sensed the movement of Plutonmon and Manimaru, the armor in the city would definitely be taken back. The next time we fight Manimaru, Manimaru’s strength will also change. It’s much stronger. But, Mukuro, didn’t you say that you sensed the breath of the Sashiwan pill nearby? Why didn’t you see him?”

Mukuro said indifferently: “The Sashengmaru guy may just just pass by, and he doesn’t sense the breath, so he can only look for Naraku and Spiriwan by the smell. But the smell of Spiriwan has been covered by the smell of the Plutonmon itself. Even the Sashengwan could not smell it. He mostly followed the smell of the sprite pills, and then lost it.”

At the same time, Inuyasha has also heard the conversation between Mukuro and Kagura and others.

Inuyasha sneered while holding Iron Teeth, “So you are called Pluton Beast, I am going to take care of you here today, wind injury!”

Inuyasha slashed the wind wound with full force in one breath, and the wind blade of the wind wound dispelled the dark clouds in the sky in the blink of an eye, and at the same time enveloped the whole body of the Pluton beast. When Wind Wound did hit the Pluton Beast, Inuyasha and others all showed a relaxed smile. After all, the power of Wind Wound is quite large. Except for the monsters with immortal bodies and enchantments, few people can eat it.

However, as the power of the wind wound was gradually exhausted, the figure of the Plutonmon still appeared in front of Inuyasha and others.

I saw the Pluton beast floating in mid-air casually, without a trace of wounds on its body, and even the traces of the wind attack were not visible on the tortoise shell. In other words, with the power of the wind wound, even the Pluton Beast’s defense could not be broken. Of course Mukuro knew this result a long time ago, but Coral and others were already shocked.

Coral widened her eyes and said, “Fake? Can youkai have such a strong body? Mukuro pretended to be?”

Kagura was stunned: “It’s unbelievable. Apart from Mukuro, there are people in this world who can eat wind injuries with their bodies.”

Mukuro was so embarrassed by them that he couldn’t help coughing slightly.

Given the huge power gap between him and Inuyasha, isn’t it normal for the wind wound to be invalid? For this reason, when they compared it with the Pluton beast, Mukuro felt very depressed… But Mukuro didn’t care about them too much. How terrible the shock in their hearts.

Maitreya hurriedly urged: “Inuyasha, don’t be stunned! Hurry up and break it with a diamond spear! Even if the wind is not good, the diamond spear will definitely kill the Pluton beast! Don’t let his armor fall into the hands of the ghost pill. ”

Coral is also aware of the seriousness of the matter and urges Inuyasha with a green face: “Inuyasha, the armor of the Plutonmon is already so strong on his own body. Even if the King Kong spear breaks, it has no effect. While the Pluton beast has not been absorbed, hurry up!”

Inuyasha’s face changed and he panicked.

Inuyasha is already the strongest skill of Inuyasha. If it doesn’t work, Inuyasha can’t even imagine the consequences.

Without thinking about it, he swung out his broken teeth, and flew out countless diamond spears like raindrops.


The diamond spear broken by the King Kong gun hit the Pluton beast’s body, suddenly exploded, or even shattered, but the Pluton beast’s tortoise shell was still not damaged at all. In other words, even with the power of the King Kong Spear, it can’t help the Pluton Beast. At most, it leaves a white mark on the Pluton Beast’s tortoise shell 2.3.

Seeing this terrible result, Inuyasha’s face became ugly.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Is this guy’s tortoise shell that strong?”

Maitreya’s face was green and said: “Mukuro, what should I do now? Even Inuyasha’s diamond gun is useless. If such a monster is fused by the sprite pill, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Mukuro smiled and said with a smile: “In your opinion, his tortoise shell is indeed strong, but what will happen if it is attacked by a qigong wave? Maitreya, would you like to use a qigong wave to attack?”

Maitreya was startled, and immediately eager to try again, facing the Pluton beast, it was a fist-sized gas bullet.

The gas bomb hit the tortoise shell of the Pluton beast and exploded immediately, leaving a burnt black mark on the shell.

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