Chapter 1235 Looking for new power

“What light ball is this?”

After Maitreya’s qigong wave penetrated the venom cluster, his strength was almost not consumed, and his attack speed did not slow down by half.

As soon as the water snake saw the attack speed of the qigong wave, his expression changed.

Because when the snake decided to use venom to resist the qigong wave, but failed, he had already lost his last chance to escape. And since the Qigong wave can easily penetrate his venom, it is enough to show the power of the Qigong wave. When such a wave of qigong forced him to avoid it, his mood was conceivable.

Knowing that he couldn’t avoid it, he also fought, spraying out several venom to resist.

When he spit out the venom, his body became shaky, his face paled, and he seemed to be much weaker.

It’s a pity that even so, his venom still can’t resist the Qigong wave.

All this happened between the electric light and flint. After the venom failed to resist the qigong wave, Maitreya directly blasted the snake’s head to pieces.

While Maitreya rushed towards the snake, Mukuro also raised his hand vigorously, scraping away the venom covering Inuyasha and the villagers. But after the venom was blown away, the villagers covered by the venom had turned into skeletons, and the blood, internal organs, and bones had disappeared. If it weren’t for the clothes and armor on them that were still brand new, Mukuro would almost have thought it was the dead bones of 560 years of death.

Inuyasha is a half-demon, with a stronger physique than humans, so he can’t be killed by the venom.

But with such a powerful venom backlash, even he was seriously injured, and his whole body seemed to be spilled by sulfuric acid.

If Mukuro makes a move later, Inuyasha may be dead.

Mukuro slowly landed beside Inuyasha and said, “Inuyasha, now you should understand how big the flaws of Dragonscale Iron Broken Tooth are? Although Dragonscale Iron Broken Tooth is not absolutely unusable, it can only be taken out under special circumstances. , Such as the situation where the cat monster was absorbed last time. But wanting to use him to deal with Naraku and Sprite pills is really unrealistic.”

Inuyasha lay on the ground weakly and said, “What’s the point of saying this now? When I got the dragon scale iron shattered teeth, the strength of Spritemaru and Naraku must have become stronger, and the gap between me and them has become bigger and bigger. When we meet next time, what shall I fight with them? Mukuro, do you also teach me how to fight with air?”

Inuyasha’s eyes were glowing, looking expectantly at Mukuro and Maitreya.

When Mukuro saw Inuyasha’s eyes, he knew what he wanted to do.

Just now Maitreya used qigong waves to destroy the snakes, and it did explode with a very powerful destructive power. In a short period of time, Maitreya changed from a mage with poor strength to a warrior with a melee ability. But fighting with air is really not something he can do if he wants to.

Inuyasha has demon power in his body. As a half demon, he will always use demon power subconsciously when in danger. This is instinct.

This is like how wild beasts always bite with their mouths when encountering a battle, and let them change their habits. It is simply unrealistic to fight with hands and feet like humans. Even if it can be done, it will take a lot of time to exercise.

Although Maitreya also has spiritual power in his body, because Qi is the most original power of human beings, spiritual power is cultivated the day after tomorrow, so it will become much easier to get used to using Qi.

Therefore, Mukuro could only faintly refused: “Don’t think about it, if Qi can really increase your combat effectiveness quickly, I would have done it. Even if the dragon scales and iron teeth fail, it does not mean you can’t continue to use this path to become stronger. Just look for the next goal. But before that, we have to solve another thing first.”

“Another thing?” Inuyasha, Coral, Kagura and others looked over strangely.

After all, Inuyasha was seriously injured and dying in the battle with the snake, and now the most important thing should be to let Inuyasha heal. However, Mukuro didn’t mean this at all. Coral and others would not be surprised.

It’s just that Mukuro didn’t have the time to answer them, and faintly said to a big tree not far away: “The White Night of Dreams, come out, don’t hide.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Shan Hu and others were all surprised.

After all, they are all exorcists, and their lives are not threatened by monsters all the time. If they don’t even find the monsters close to them, it is tantamount to being dead, so their current mood is completely imaginable.

However, after a brief period of horror, Maitreya’s expression became very strange again.

He asked, “Mukuro, what did you just say? That monster’s name is Dreamy White Night?”

Mukuro said helplessly: “The name is very irritating, right? It’s a pity that it is indeed his name, and he is also a clone of Naraku. In fact, don’t you think it is strange? The venom of the water snake could almost kill Inuyasha just now, that’s not it. The average level of monster power is absolutely impossible for an average monster to possess.”

“It’s Mukuro, you can see the truth all at once.”

A handsome man suddenly jumped out of the branch and said: “The snake ate the meat of the sprite pill just now. After eating the meat of the sprite pill, ordinary monsters can not only gain powerful demon power, but also regenerate. Ability. But the ball of light played by Master Maitreya was so powerful that it caused the snake to completely die, and it was too late to regenerate.”

After a pause, he said to Inuyasha again: “Inuyasha, I really didn’t expect you to be injured so badly. If another one of your enemies appears at this time, what would you say?”

No one knows what happens when an enemy really appears. After the dreamy white night said such words, Coral, Kagura, and Maitreya all revealed their weapons, and even Qibao and Ari were no exceptions.

Coral threatened: “Is the enemy you are talking about yourself?”

To be sure, as long as Dreamy White Night dared to give an affirmative answer, the attacks of Coral and others would definitely greet him.

Dreamy White Night probably also saw that the situation was not good, and quickly said with a smile: “I’m just worried about you. Seeing that you are nervous… Hahaha, if you don’t welcome me, I will leave immediately.”

Dreamy White Night’s movements were very fast. As soon as the voice fell, a paper crane was thrown out, making the paper crane bigger in the air, and then jumped onto the paper crane and flew away.

Maitreya and the others hurriedly resorted to Wukong Shu, wanting to kill them all.

Mukuro stopped them and said, “The most important thing now is to protect Inuyasha. There is no need to work hard for him in a dreamy white night.”

Since Mukuro did not approve of hunting down the dreamy white night, Coral and others did not force it.

Maitreya stopped and asked strangely: “Mukuro, you seem to know the White Night of Dreams very well, can you tell me what’s going on?”

Mukuro was taken aback, and replied, “It’s okay to tell you about the White Night of Dreams, but don’t you really worry about Inuyasha?”

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