Chapter 1218 Pluto’s principle

“You are looking for the soul of the deceased?” Pluto showed doubt and alertness on his face.

Mukuro nodded lightly and said, “Of course, otherwise, what do you think we two humans came to the underworld specially for, to see the scenery? Your broken place has no tourist value. Don’t talk nonsense, you, as the master of the underworld, help It should be easy for us to find the souls of the dead. If you don’t cooperate, you will be killed.”

Strength occupies an absolute advantage, Mukuro is not polite with Hades at all, and directly threatens.

The underworld said angrily: “I am also the master of the underworld anyway, do you think I will succumb to you? You can defeat me, but you can’t make me bow your head! You want to find the soul of the dead unless you beg me.”

Coral flew up and sighed: “I knew it would be like this, Mukuro, you are too polite to speak. Pluto is the strongest existence in the underworld and wants to save face. You threaten him like this, even if he was willing to say it, he is not now. Ken said it.”

Mukuro certainly understands this reason, because he is also such a person, if someone tells him kindly, he doesn’t mind lending a helping hand. But if someone dared to order him, he would definitely be impatient. If Mukuro didn’t take the initiative to send the threatening man to the west, he would be regarded as merciful. The department understands this truth, but it doesn’t mean that he will do that.

In his eyes, Pluto is just a scum with only five combat power, why should he be polite to him?

Mukuro raised his right hand, controlled his strength, and made a wave of qigong. The Qigong wave turned a bend in the sky, then blasted down again, and it happened to land on the head of Hades. Pluto screamed, and he was immediately beaten to bow his head, and his forehead was smashed into the blood, and the blood slowly flowed down his face.

Mukuro said indifferently: “I can beat you, but I can’t make you bow your head? Are you bowing your head? Really. Come on, would you like to cooperate?”

“Did not say!”

Pluto said stubbornly: “If I surrender to you, where do I put my old face? What will others think of me? If you have the ability, you kill me!”

“Really?” Mukuro said lightly, then slowly flew up, slapped Pluto dozens of times in an instant.

He said nonchalantly: “Your old face has been slapped by me. Can you say now?”

Although Pluto has a special ability that is almost immune to human attacks, when Mukuro raised his power to a critical point, his body still couldn’t hold it, and he was slapped by Mukuro’s nose and face swollen, and several teeth flew out. Looking at him now, it is really difficult to connect with an identity like the Lord of the Underworld.

Shanhu couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw his appearance.

But Mukuro has gradually become impatient.

He chose to torture Pluto, just to save the effort of finding someone and make things easier. If the fellow Pluto is really stubborn, Mukuro might as well look for it himself, naturally there is no need to waste time on him.

But Pluto still refused very simply.

Mukuro no longer wastes time, and said lightly: “Very well, since this is your own choice, I will not force you, but you who are dead seem to be more suitable for the identity of the Lord of the Underworld, I will give you a ride. ”

Mukuro gathered a large amount of qi in the palm of his right hand, and a light blue ball of light appeared quickly, which was the tortoise style qigong. Compared with ordinary qi bombs, the power of the tortoise school qigong wave is not known how much greater, the powerful power is immediately abundant in the void of the underworld, and the light blue light suddenly pierces the darkness of the underworld.

Pluto probably also felt the difference of this power, and his face changed immediately.

He said in astonishment: “Wait! Wait! I changed my mind. You are really impatient. I will ask you if you will die a few times.”

Mukuro was happy all at once, and at the same time he understood what the idea of ​​Hades was.

He thought that if Mukuro wanted to find the soul of the dead in the underworld, he had to rely on him, so he definitely didn’t dare to hurt his life easily. He deliberately embarrassed Mukuro, just to vent his bad breath and avenge his beating by Mukuro. The lord of the underworld should use such a stubborn way to avenge it. It’s pitiful to think about it, so Mukuro didn’t care.

Mukuro said lightly: “Then you can communicate with Coral, and be interesting, otherwise you will know what it means to be unable to survive or to die.”

Mukuro slowly flew to the side, leaving the communication space for Coral and Pluto.

With Mukuro staring next to him, Pluto certainly didn’t dare to act rashly. The previous battle must have made him understand that even if he attacked, he couldn’t hurt a coral hair in front of Mukuro. So the process of their communication is very simple. After Coral tells the characteristics of her companion and father, Pluto investigates in his own way, and soon knows where Coral’s father’s soul is.

Mukuro and coral flew away in the direction pointed by the Lord.

As for Pluto himself, Mukuro didn’t kill him, and decided to leave him to Sasaemaru.

Anyway, Sasheng Maru will come here in the future to kill Pluto and activate Tianshengfang’s killing ability. That is the key point to enhance the ability of Iron Smashing Teeth. If there is any change because of Pluto being killed by Mukuro, it is not very good.

After leaving Pluto, Coral flew forward at full speed, staring straight ahead without blinking, and couldn’t wait to see her father.

Mukuro thought for a while and decided to stay.

Anyway, Pluto has been tamed. If Pluto is the only living creature in the underworld, then the guy who can threaten the coral should no longer exist. At least in a fairly wide range, Mukuro did not feel the strong 783 breath. Even if something happens, Mukuro is confident that he can move in an instant, and he can immediately rush to save people.

When Mukuro stopped, the coral’s figure was quickly swallowed by the darkness of the underworld.

But Shanhu only wanted to see his father in his heart, but he didn’t notice the change of light and darkness around him.

In the darkness of the underworld, Mukuro almost lost the concept of time. I don’t know how long it has been before the coral finally flew back slowly. Compared with before, she felt a little more relieved, and seemed to have let go of her mind because of the soul-talking talks with her father and companions.

Mukuro said lightly: “It’s over? Then should we go back to the world?”

Coral nodded and said, “Yes, why are you staying here? If it weren’t for you to be a little bit light here, I almost couldn’t find it.”

Mukuro was startled slightly, thanking that he hadn’t changed back to normal, and said: “Your father and daughter get together, what did I do in the past? Should I be a light bulb?”

Mukuro thinks about his golden appearance after turning into a Super Saiyan, it really looks like an electric light bulb.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head, no nonsense, and punched out again, exploding the void of the underworld. He and Coral passed through that passage and returned directly to the world, but they did not appear in front of Inuyasha and others. It seems that because they have moved a long distance in the underworld, their position in the world is also affected.

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