Chapter 1217 Pluto

“Count you smart.”

The monster said triumphantly: “I am the lord of the underworld. I am not in the mood to talk nonsense with you anymore. For the sake of you being a wise person, I will make you die less painful.”

As soon as the voice fell, the monster jumped up like a cannonball, opened its blood basin and bit at Mukuro and coral. And unlike the last time, this guy probably knew that Mukuro and Coral had the ability to avoid his mouth, so when he jumped up, his hands were tight, he had already continued a lot of strength and was ready to attack.

Mukuro flew to a higher place and said faintly: “Coral, this guy is handed over to you, you try to fight with him. You have been following us all the time, and the strong opponents were basically solved by me and Inuyasha, causing you The actual combat experience is not enough. But when he fights against Naraku, even Inuyasha will not be able to protect himself.”

Mukuro, who has watched “Inuyasha” from start to finish, certainly knows how difficult it is for Naraku to transform successfully.

If Mukuro doesn’t make a move, even if Inuyasha and others add Sesomaru, they will not have a 100% chance of winning together. And at that time, if Mukuro will help them solve the problem without saying anything, they will definitely be the first to be unhappy. That being the case, the best way is of course to coral them as quickly as possible before Naraku grows up and improve their strength.

Coral’s reaction was not slow either, and while Mukuro flew up, he also used a dance technique to avoid the underworld.

She muttered: “You are always like this, and you never want to help us solve problems right away. I shouldn’t count on you. But this monster is Pluto, Mukuro, do you really think I can handle it?”

“can not.”

Mukuro said simply: “This guy is obviously too big, but his speed is still so amazing, and his strength will only be greater. With your current ability, it is impossible to win anyway. But, anyway, I am here, you are not at all. It may be life-threatening, so why not exercise your abilities?”

Coral smiled bitterly and shook his head. She probably knew that it was impossible to change Mukuro’s thoughts, so she had to concentrate on dealing with Pluto.

When the Lord heard Mukuro’s words, his lungs were blown up.

He gritted his teeth and said: “Huh, it’s ridiculous, did you two humans understand what the word underworld means? Two humans dare to speak up and want to use me as a whetstone, especially the human named Mukuro. , You wait, I will kill your woman right away, it is too late to make you regret it!”

Pluto’s body is still stagnant in the air, it can be seen how high he jumped just now, and how amazing the power under his feet is.

You know, this meat mountain-like guy does not have the ability to fly, and the power needed to stop such a heavy body in mid-air for such a long time is also quite terrible.

Before landing, Pluto’s hand slapped the coral fiercely, and there was a clear sonic boom.

Coral once again used the air dance technique to avoid it, and at the same time threw out the flying bones, attacking the neck of Hades.

Although the Pluto is a mountain of meat, the head is almost connected to the body, but the place where the coral attacks should be regarded as the neck. Of course, the Pluto who was stagnant in midair had no way to avoid the flying bones, and could only take it firmly. But it makes people speechless, even if a place like the neck is severely damaged by flying bones, but Pluto still seems to be okay.


He landed on the corpses on the ground, trampled many corpses into mud, and said calmly, “Is it only to this degree?”

Coral caught the bounced flying bones, already dumbfounded.

The power of the coral’s flying bone is not small. But Pluto was hit in the fragile neck, and he was unscathed. The impact on the coral was so great that I didn’t know what to do at once. At the moment she was in a daze, Pluto had rushed up again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Mukuro hurriedly stepped between Shan and Hades, and punched out at the same time.


Mukuro’s fist hits Hades firmly on the nose, and it still hits out with the power of a Super Saiyan. With the strength of this world, Mukuro is confident that this punch can completely shatter the head of any monster. But after hitting Pluto, Mukuro only saw Pluto flying upside down, and he was still unharmed.

“How is it possible?” Coral was really shocked and exclaimed, “Mukuro, this monster was hit by your fist and nothing happened. Is this fake?”

Mukuro was also quite surprised, but he was not surprised, and even instantly figured out the reason.

When they fought with the bull head horse face, their physique almost immune to physical attacks from the sun also surprised Mukuro…Since this monster is a Pluto, it has the power of bull head horse face, and surpasses bull head horse face, it seems that it is not incomprehensible. However, since Mukuro has the ability to kill Tautou Mamen, of course he will not be afraid of Pluto.

Pluto fell heavily to the ground, and finally got up and said: “It is unimaginable that humans in a mere mere humans have such power and fly so agile. But you only have this level. It is impossible to use this power alone. Kill me!”

Mukuro said lightly, “As expected, Coral, you really can’t defeat this guy. But we still have a mission, we can’t kill this guy. He also said just now that he is the only living creature in the underworld. Kill him, maybe there will be no way to find your relatives and companions again.”

From the time when Mukuro and Coral just passed the intestinal path, we can see how big the underworld is.

Moreover, the underworld is so dim that it is really difficult to find a few dead exorcists here.

Coral said bitterly, “What should I do? Are you going to have silver hair?”

“No, even in this state, you can easily beat the Pluto.” Mukuro smiled confidently and slowly drifted towards the Pluto.

Mukuro did use the power of a Super Saiyan to strike Pluto without falsehood, but his punch just now didn’t even use a billionth of its power. If you want to teach Ming 4.1 Lord, just increase your strength a little bit.

Mukuro punched Pluto in the stomach, using about one ten-thousandth of his strength, and immediately knocked Pluto into the air.

Pluto screamed, and a blood hole suddenly appeared in his stomach.

Mukuro punched out again, punching the underworld master higher: “Lord of the underworld, is this power enough to beat you? Do you want me to improve?”

Pluto was shaking with pain, and cried out in pain, “Stop! Stop! Stop! I’m going to die!”

Mukuro held Pluto’s body with a palm, and said disdainfully: “What is the name of a ghost? Just your size, the blood hole I made in you is just like the eye of a needle in a human.”

After a pause, Mukuro said again: “You don’t want to die. Help us find the souls of the dead.”

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