Chapter 1219 Dead body

When Mukuro and Coral returned to this world, they found themselves in the sky above a barren mountain.

After all, the Sengoku era is different from modern times. It is very difficult to identify the direction in a place without any signs like the wilderness, let alone determine one’s position? So when he found out that his position was wrong, Mukuro immediately looked for the anger of Inuyasha and others, and prepared to move there instantly.

Fortunately, Inuyasha and others are not weak, it is not difficult to find them.

But Mukuro searched for a while, but he didn’t get any results.

No, it is not absolute to say that there is no gain at all. At least Mukuro can still find the breath of Inuyasha and others nearby. It is the residual breath after the strong man’s activity, and it will soon dissipate. Before the breath had completely dissipated, Mukuro took the coral and quickly moved over in an instant, and it happened to appear in the coral village.

Coral looked around and said, “Mukuro, you really can’t find Inuyasha’s anger? It has nothing to do with Tsuiko, right?”

“Uh, it’s not that I can’t find it, but I didn’t find it all over the world.” Mukuro replied, “Because I don’t think they can get too far away from here, so I didn’t expand the range of perception. Anyway, let’s go in and see Tsuizi. If Inuyasha and the others really leave, it must be related to Cuizi’s corpse.”

Coral nodded, agreeing to Mukuro’s idea.

They made three steps and two steps, and rushed into the cave where Cuizi’s body was.

It is a very secret hole in the village. If the location of the burrow is not known for a long time, or if a carpet search is carried out in the village, it is impossible to find the existence of the burrow. After entering the cave, Mukuro clearly saw that the space in the cave was much larger than he thought. He had already seen the environment in the cave in “Inuyasha” and knew it was not small.

But after seeing the situation with my own eyes, the space inside is still beyond Mukuro’s expectation.

To put it bluntly, this is an underground square.

In the middle of the underground space, a large group of monster corpses gathered together, seeming to merge like Naraku, but they had not yet merged into a single monster. Right in front of the monster group, there was a woman’s corpse with a hole in its heart.

As for the heart inside, it has long since disappeared.

“Is this Cuizi’s corpse?” Mukuro said lightly: “The corpse is still immortal after so many years. It seems that he was indeed a strong man back then, but unfortunately, he was beaten to death by a group of monsters.”

Shan Shan sighed: “Mukuro, don’t you be so slapped in the mouth, okay? If she wanted to escape back then, she would definitely be able to run away. She was forced to die with them just to prevent these monsters from harming ordinary people, Cuizi Is a true hero.”

“Of course I know what happened back then.” Mukuro said lightly: “Tuizi was a powerful witch back then. Many monsters hated her and wished to smash her into pieces. Later these monsters united and merged with each other and merged their strengths. Together, they became Cuizi’s fierce enemies. In other words, those monsters were directed at Cuizi, and she couldn’t even see this.”

Mukuro is sure that even if those monsters threatened Cuizi with the lives of ordinary people, she could not escape, but if Cuizi really left without hesitation, those monsters would definitely not harm ordinary people, but would chase Cuizi.

Because Cuizi is their main purpose, killing ordinary people is not good for them.

And killing ordinary people also takes a little time, that time can completely make Cuizi go far away, the monsters are worried that Cuizi will not be found again, and they must know how to choose.

Of course, Tsuizi has been a person who doesn’t know how many years he died, and Mukuro is not interested in arguing with Coral because of this kind of thing. Even if the argument is won, there is no benefit.

Mukuro continued: “Speaking of which, this corpse will not last long. If you really admire Cuizi, take a look at it now.”

“What? What do you mean?” Coral was taken aback.

Mukuro said indifferently: “After a person dies, the power they possessed during their lifetime will gradually dissipate, but there will still be a little power remaining. This is why Cuizi’s body can be preserved for so many years without decay. But I don’t know why, even that. The power used to preserve the corpse has also disappeared from Cuizi’s body.”

Mukuro can clearly sense the changes in energy. In his perception, Cuizi is now a disabled Mukuro, without any spiritual power.

From the perspective of the residual qi, she is even inferior to ordinary people.

Since the corpse of an ordinary person cannot survive forever, of course neither can this corpse.

Fortunately, Coral is a cultivator. He understood Mukuro’s meaning at once, and was surprised: “Why does this happen? Why does such power disappear? Is it related to Inuyasha?”

“I guess it has something to do with Kikyo.” Mukuro said calmly, “But I still need Inuyasha and the others to ask about the specific situation. It’s just that if Inuyasha and the others leave in a hurry, why don’t they even leave a message? Are they in such a hurry?”

Mukuro said lightly, expanding his perception, and in a short while, he found the anger of Inuyasha and his group.

What surprised Inuyasha was that Mukuro could feel the breath of steel teeth near them. But when Mukuro sensed their breath, the breath of Gangtooth had quickly gone, and it seemed that they had bid farewell to Inuyasha.

Mukuro took the coral and appeared in front of Inuyasha in an instant.

Inuyasha saw Mukuro appear as soon as he sent Gangtooth away. He was obviously surprised and said, “Mukuro, what are you doing? Finally came back from the underworld?”

Coral nodded and said, “I came back from the underworld. I have already met my father. Aside from this, didn’t Mukuro ask you to see what’s going on with Cuizi’s body? How did you get here?”

Since Coral had already answered first, Mukuro simply closed his mouth and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Inuyasha dissatisfied: “After you left, we found Cuizi’s body and found that the dead soul bug of Platycodon grandiflorum took a strange force from Cuizi’s body. We chased the dead soul bug out, but the dead soul bug did not catch up, but met instead. It’s the Gangfang guy. He was fighting a monster at the time, and that was the monster’s corpse.”

Inuyasha pointed to a corner, where there was indeed a monster’s body, but it was fragmented and it was difficult to distinguish the original appearance.

Mukuro smiled nonchalantly, “Inuyasha, looking at the condition of this corpse, it was your wind wound that killed him, right? Steelfang’s attack wouldn’t make a monster’s corpse like this, but I didn’t expect you to help. Steel teeth.”

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