Chapter 1201 Chasing for thousands of miles

Inuyasha froze for a moment, and instead of attacking Mireimaru immediately, he stared at Mukuro with wide-eyed eyes.

He said: “Mukuro, listen to what you mean, how do you seem to know the consequences of being run away by him? Does Sprite Maru become very strong? But you once said that Shirato and Naraku will have infighting, Naraku Will it be defeated by Sprite pills, right?”

I have to say that Inuyasha’s imagination is really rich, and because of Mukuro’s words, he made up a wonderful story. Unfortunately, he really thought of Naraku too simple. If Naraku was so easy to deal with, he wouldn’t be able to live under Inuyasha’s chasing and killing until now, let alone Baitong so jealous.

Mukuro said indifferently: “What do you care about so much? If you have the ability to kill the sprite pills, the next thing will have nothing to do with you. If you don’t have the ability to kill him, then you will naturally know what will happen in the future.”

In fact, although Mukuro remembers that such a guy exists in “Inuyasha” and vaguely remembers that he is related to Sprite Maru, Mukuro has already forgotten what will change. There are so many branches of Inuyasha’s story. Even Mukuro can’t remember every little story.

So even if he wanted to answer Inuyasha, he couldn’t do it.

Inuyasha had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush towards the sprite pill.

At this moment, a child who was basically dressed in white was slowly landed between Spritemaru and Inuyasha. In his hand he held a knife with a long wooden handle. It was Bai Tongzi.

He took the initiative to greet Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, long time no see.”

Inuyasha was taken aback, stopped quickly, and said in surprise, “It’s you? What are you doing here?”

Bai Tongzi said lightly: “I came here to kill someone. I’ll tell you one thing by the way.”

When the white boy spoke, he was very calm, as if he was talking about a trivial thing. Inuyasha and others were taken aback, and quickly became fully alert. You know, Bai Tongzi is an immortal existence, a clone of Naraku. Even though he is far from being an opponent of Inuyasha and Mukuro, he still poses a big threat to Ari and Qibao.

If you are careless for a while, maybe even Maitreya and Shanhu are in danger of life.

With a defensive heart, Inuyasha and others are cautiously on guard.

At this moment, Bai Tongzi suddenly removed the enchantment, waved the long knife in his hand, and cut Yu Lingwan’s throat all at once. Inuyasha and others were shocked when they thought of such a change.

Inuyasha shouted, “Mukuro, aren’t they companions? Why are they like this?”

Coral changed color and said, “Mukuro, will you admit the wrong person? Baitong has no reason to kill his companion? If he admits the wrong person, it would be no good to kill the innocent.”

Mukuro said lightly: “Don’t worry, it’s just their little trick. If Mireumaru is just an ordinary practitioner, why bother to kill him in front of us? He must have his reasons for doing this. And, Didn’t Bai Tongzi say to tell you something? See what he can say.”

After smashing the Yuling Maru, Bai Tongzi honestly hid in the enchantment and said, “Mukuro has a better memory. He even remembers the purpose of my coming here. I almost forgot. What I want to tell you is , Yulingmaru really doesn’t know anything. Although you think he has something to do with Spritemaru, he doesn’t even know who Spritemaru is.”

Inuyasha was startled, then surprised again.

But before Inuyasha and others said anything, Bai Tongzi had already flew up and escaped, and Inuyasha did not chase.

Mukuro asked strangely, “Inuyasha, why do you want to let Shirato go away?”

“Anyway, he is immortal, he can’t catch up even if he wants to chase him.”

Inuyasha suspiciously said, “Compared to this, I would like to know what Shirato and Nairo are making?”

“You really asked me this question.” Mukuro said helplessly: “Now I want to know what they are doing, so I can only catch up. Bai Tongzi is far away, but with the speed of dancing, there is still no problem in catching up. , You decide whether to chase it or not.”

The Maitreya Master floated slowly and said, “Chasing! Of course you want to chase! Bai Tongzi only killed Yulingwan, but didn’t attack us or hurt the children. No matter how you look at it, it’s not right. If you don’t catch up and take a look, I can’t rest assured. .”

Kagura frowned and said, “I can understand your feelings, but I’m really worried that there is a trap that Naraku laid in front of me.”

“Even if there are traps, Mukuro’s strength can easily save us from escape. What are you afraid of?” Maitreya said nonchalantly, chasing after him.

Kagura probably also felt that Maitreya’s words made sense, and followed suit without saying anything.

Mukuro followed up with a wry smile, what else could he say?

With him, Maitreya, Inuyasha and the others are confident, and don’t worry about what Naraku can do to them. Fortunately, their strength is indeed there. As long as they kill Naraku, no monster can kill them no matter how careless they are. So Mukuro didn’t say much, just followed behind silently.

After flying a certain distance forward, Mukuro and others quickly saw the white boy in front of him.

Bai Tongzi’s flying speed is indeed far less than that of everyone who has learned air dance, and even if he sets off so long in advance, he can’t escape.

When Inuyasha and others saw the white boy’s figure, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down.

Inuyasha whispered: “Mukuro, do you want to catch up and stop Shirato?”

Mukuro said lightly, “Didn’t you say? Baitong has an immortal body. You can’t kill him. What’s the point of stopping him? Why don’t you follow him slowly and see where he is going. But I Let me first declare that the probability of a trap ahead is indeed very high. Don’t rely on me when you encounter danger.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, another enchantment floated out of the mountains and met Bai Tongzi.

Naraku and Kohaku were hiding in the barrier.

Then, they all got into a cave, the shape of the cave was carved into the appearance of a monster. After Bai Tongzi, Kohaku, and Naraku entered, they never came out.

When Mukuro saw the shape of the cave, he remembered the cave. It was indeed Naraku’s trap. The monster-like stone statue looks like a stone statue on the surface, but it is actually a monster. Naraku wanted to use that monster to kill Inuyasha and others in the belly of the monster.

Without Mukuro, Naraku’s hopes of success are indeed great.

But with Mukuro here, Mukuro doesn’t understand why Naraku is still doing such useless work to trap Inuyasha and the others, and then take the opportunity to escape?

Mukuro said lightly: “Inuyasha, I can already tell you with certainty that this is a trap. You decide to go in or not to go in.”

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