Chapter 1202 trap

“Of course you have to go in!”

Inuyasha naturally said, “If you are there, what traps should I be afraid of? Knowing that Naraku and Shirato ran into the cave, are we going to let them leave? They just entered the cave, but I want to see them in the cave. Here, where else can I go, I will kill both of them today.”

Inuyasha looked excited, with a sickly red tide on his face and his eyes glowing.

Seeing his appearance, Mukuro knew that he couldn’t stop him, so he just stopped talking nonsense.

Master Maitreya also agreed with Inuyasha and said: “Go in. Naraku and Baitong should not be able to run inside. As long as we block the exit of the cave, we can kill them. Even if I know that there is danger inside, I am willing to take a bet.”

Coral didn’t speak, and flew in directly with a dance technique.

With Coral taking the lead, Inuyasha and others couldn’t do it even if they wanted to hesitate, so they had to keep up.

Mukuro followed them silently, and could only sigh that Maitreya and the others had been dazzled by the obsession to kill Naraku. Because if the stone statue changes from a monster, of course, the exit will not be only the mouth. Naraku can enter from the monster’s mouth, which is the mouth of the cave, and then come out from the nose.

If the monster was part of Naraku’s body, or a clone of Naraku, it would not be impossible for Naraku to blend with his body directly, but they couldn’t even think of this detail.

Of course, Mukuro didn’t remind them, just followed silently.

Only by eating a ditch can one gain wisdom.

After entering the depths of the cave, Mukuro clearly sensed the breath of Naraku who was originally in the cave, and suddenly appeared outside the cave, like an instant movement. As Naraku’s breath went out, the rocks under Mukuro and Inuyasha’s feet quickly turned into flesh and blood, and they squirmed, sending Inuyasha and others inside.

Inuyasha froze for a moment and said, “What’s the matter?”

At the same time, the entrance to the cave disappeared, and the surrounding area became invisible.

The huge monster must have closed its mouth.

Coral quickly said, “Mukuro, are you still there? What should we do now?”

Maitreya gritted his teeth and said, “Damn it, it was really hit, but where did Naraku and Bai Tongzi go? Haven’t they all gone into the cave? Why can’t you see them?”

Mukuro said lightly: “Before coming in, I have reminded you that this is 100% a trap. Since it is a trap, Naraku and Shirodo must have a way to get out. You rush in as soon as your head is hot. Think of a way, it won’t work, I’ll do it again, but you don’t want to rely on me all the time, do you?”

Mukuro looked at Inuyasha with a smile.

Inuyasha’s face-saving temper came up again, and said forcefully: “Of course, Naraku didn’t let us jump into the belly of a monster and break the belly of the monster.”

At the same time, Inuyasha and others have already used the dance technique to fly, and it is impossible to be sent to the depths of the monster’s stomach.

Inuyasha was floating in midair, ready to attack.

However, the monster seemed to have discovered this too, and made corresponding measures. Mukuro heard the sound of the liquid flowing.

Without waiting for Inuyasha, Coral and others to speak, Mukuro directly transformed into a Super Saiyan, allowing Jin Guang to fill every inch of space: “It’s really depressing, the power of the dignified Super Saiyan has been reduced to a light bulb for you.”

“Light bulb? What is that?” Maitreya and Shanhu asked in unison.

Ari smiled and said: “It should be said that using such a powerful force to make light bulbs is a very extravagant thing. Only you can do this kind of thing. You should be happy.”

With the golden light of Super Saiyan, Mukuro can already see what is making the sound of running water, that is the stomach juice like a surging river, rushing up from the monster’s stomach, trying to melt Inuyasha and others. Inuyasha may still be able to bear it, but the human bodies of Ari, Maitreya, and Coral absolutely cannot bear the stomach acid erosion of the monster.

It’s only a matter of time before being melted.

Because the rush of gastric juice is too big, even if they fly up with the air dance technique, they can’t avoid it.

Mukuro hurriedly opened the repulsive protective shield to block the gastric juices and said, “This monster is really disgusting. He even used this method to attack me.”

Inuyasha laughed and said, “He probably didn’t know that you can arrange things like enchantments. These gastric juices can’t reach us at all.”

Maitreya said with a stern face: “Inuyasha, you are too scared, so quickly break open the monster’s belly with iron shards…”

Inuyasha nodded, and the wound of the wind slashed out immediately.

Inuyasha’s wind wound split the appetizer and rushed on the monster’s stomach, but I don’t know if it was because the gastric juice offset part of the power of the wind wound, Inuyasha did not leave any wounds on the monster’s stomach. You know, this is a wound from the wind, and no monster has ever used its body to harden it.

Even Naraku must rely on the barrier to receive the attack of the wind wound.

But the monster’s belly was cut and was unscathed. I really don’t know what his body was made of.

Inuyasha snorted coldly and said, “Hmph, it can’t even be injured by the wind, then I will try my diamond spear break!”

Inuyasha slashed out again, and the diamond spears flew out like raindrops, blasting on the monster’s belly. But the ever-unfavorable King Kong Spear blasted to the monster’s stomach, like steel needles falling on the rock, still without any effect. On the belly of the monster, Mukuro couldn’t even see a little blood.

Inuyasha’s face was instantly pale, and he trembled: “How is it possible? It’s useless to even break the King Kong gun?”

Mukuro said lightly: “It may be that Naraku set up the barrier here, and it is still aimed at your barrier. Naraku and Baidou must have spent a lot of thought to set up this trap.”

“Don’t be so easy, okay?” Maitreya said: “The situation is much worse than we thought, Mukuro, won’t you move in an instant 0.4? Take us out quickly.”

“Do not!”

Mukuro rejected Maitreya’s suggestion without even thinking about it. This was not to say that he refused to save people, but that he was unwilling to leave in this way.

If he slipped away with teleportation, he always felt as if he couldn’t help but this monster. Wouldn’t it be the same as bowing his head to Naraku? With Mukuro’s temper and temperament, he certainly doesn’t want to do this kind of thing.

He sneered and said, “Do I need to use teleportation to escape? If I want to go out, I have a way, such as this.”

Mukuro’s right hand was emptied, and a golden energy bomb gradually appeared in his palm. The energy bombs emitted with Super Saiyan energy are absolutely earth-shattering in this world. Mukuro shot out the energy bomb, and suddenly a big bloody hole was blasted in the monster’s stomach.

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