Chapter 1200 Goreumaru

“Your name is Mireumaru?”

When the guy who looked like a sprite pill was talking to the kid, Coral had already written down his name and greeted him directly: “You gave them the strange weapon in the hands of those kids? Why did you put such a dangerous thing in? Give it to the kids? They are not old enough to fight monsters.”

“I want you to be nosy?”

The man named Mireumaru looked very unfriendly, and said coldly: “Nosy people like you are not welcome here, get out!”

Inuyasha said uncomfortably, “Hmph, it seems that there is no need to be polite with this guy. I have long smelled the stench of monsters on this guy. He is mostly pretending to be Spritemaru!”

Inuyasha is not Mukuro, he doesn’t have Mukuro’s ability to get angry, just judge by smell.

He didn’t seem to be able to smell the human scent of the ghost pill, or the smell of the monster was too strong, which caused the human scent to be covered up, anyway, Inuyasha had already determined that this Yuling pill was a monster. He directly pulled out the broken iron teeth, kicked his feet on the ground, and rushed towards Yulingmaru at an astonishing speed.

The few children who got weapons from Mirying Maru were taken aback, still standing between Mirying Maru and Inuyasha, too late to retreat.

Coral was shocked and said, “Inuyasha! Calm down! Don’t hurt the children! They are innocent!”


“Don’t worry! If it wasn’t for the fear of hurting the child, my wind injury would have been cut out! I have a sense of measure!” Inuyasha yelled impatiently.

Standing by Mukuro’s side, Ari said solemnly, “Mukuro, is that Mireimaru really human? Why do I feel sick when I enter here? The evil spirit here makes me very uncomfortable.”

Maitreya nodded with approval and said: “I also feel a very strong demon, but it is strange that Yulingwan did not harm the child.”

Mukuro replied indifferently: “I don’t know if Miryingmaru is considered a human being. This question cannot be answered, but I can tell you for sure that he is related to Shirato’s spritemaru. If you have a way to prevent it from hurting If you kill him in the case of a child, then do it quickly, otherwise he will definitely become a tool to strengthen Nai’s power in the end.”

“Can he increase Naraku’s strength?” Maitreya pondered: “In other words, you won’t kill him? It seems that you can only rely on us.”

Having known Mukuro for so long, Maitreya seems to have gradually understood the circumstances under which Mukuro would not act.

Mukuro was too lazy to explain, silently waiting for Maitreya and others to get a headache.

At the same time, many children rushed out of the house behind Yulingwan. They also had that kind of weird weapon in their hands. They seemed to be ready to protect Yulingwan to the death. It is obviously not an easy task for Inuyasha and others to kill Goreumaru without hurting them.

Inuyasha held the broken teeth and couldn’t help but be in a dilemma.

Shan Shan said with a headache: “Should we retreat first, and then watch him nearby? As long as he leaves alone, or waits for the children to leave, we can do it, and opportunities will always be found.”

Maitreya sighed: “Although he is reluctant, but now I can only do so.”

“Don’t be so troublesome, I’ll help you.” Kagura suddenly sneered, waved the fan in his hand, and rolled out a tornado to send the children into the air.

In fact, those children are just ordinary people. They only get a strange weapon presented by Goryei Maru to gain a powerful attack power. When Kagura attacked them with a whirlwind, causing them to lose their balance, they all screamed in panic, where there was extra strength to attack Inuyasha and them.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Coral threw the flying bones out without hesitation.

Inuyasha followed closely behind Feilaigu, and slashed to Mireomaru and said, “Succumb to death!”

Facing Inuyasha’s attack, Mireomaru didn’t mean to be scared at all, and calmly commanded: “Don’t be afraid, you can attack them with Gureima. We don’t need to aim. There are many of us, and we can hit them without aiming. .”

Of course, what Mireomaru said was the truth. His Murei Kettle had a wide range of attacks. As long as a dozen children attacked together, it was enough to make Inuyasha and the others hurried. But to do that kind of thing, it depends on whether the children can overcome the mentality of being helpless in midair because of his words.

Inuyasha obviously thought that the children couldn’t do it, and continued to rush up with a knife.

At this moment, several children attacked Inuyasha’s direction with Gurei Kettle at the same time. Although the attack was swaying, but so many people gathered to attack, it was true that Kagura and others were within the attack range. They were taken aback, and they all flew up with air dance to avoid the attack of the Linghu. As Kagura flew up, the tornadoes that trapped the children also disappeared.

Of course, there are people who dare to resist the attack of Linghu, such as Inuyasha and Mukuro.

Mukuro slapped it down, already slapped out the white light, and then the body of a monster appeared at his feet.

In other words, the white light rushing out of the Yulinghu was not an energy attack at all, but a monster with very fast speed and good attack power.

Unfortunately, in front of Mukuro, such an attack method was obviously ineffective.

At the same time, Inuyasha had already destroyed one of the white lights with a single knife, and then continued to attack. But when he approached Mireimaru, the children had already fallen down and were blocked between Inuyasha and Mireimaru.

Coral was taken aback, and hurriedly urged: “Mukuro! Save people! Stop Inuyasha and my flying bones! Now only you can do this kind of thing!”

Mukuro didn’t expect things to be like this, so the moment the children fell, they were ready to take action.

But at the moment he was about to rush out, he stopped again, because the movements of Mireumaru were not slower than him.

I saw Yulingwan shouting angrily: “You monsters dare to come to my temple to make trouble, I can’t spare you!”

Mireomaru seemed to be really angry, and a powerful monster suddenly appeared in his body. The part of the monster in his body squirmed sharply, and white light burst out from it, blasting towards Inuyasha. No matter the intensity or speed of those white lights, they were far beyond the comparison of the monsters played by the children with the Yulinghu.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and was blown away before he could react.

If it hadn’t been blocked by broken teeth, maybe his body would have been penetrated.

Inuyasha was taken aback and said, “Damn, he has such a strong power, he is not a normal human.”

Mukuro said a little depressed: “Listen to you, it seems that I am not a normal human, can’t you use other things as a reference? Don’t be fussy, hurry up and kill Yulingmaru, otherwise he will run away, you Bear the consequences yourself.”

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