Chapter 1197 Battle at the bottom of the lake

If there is only one person in the barrier, Mukuro does not have to worry about that many, but there is also Shima in it. Mukuro didn’t know what would happen to the lake god and palace if the lake water poured in a lot, but Shima would definitely die.

It’s not just that it’s not that simple to breathe. When the water pours down, the huge force it causes is impossible for Inuyasha to withstand, let alone a weak human girl?

Inuyasha’s face changed and said, “What should I do?”

“What else can I do? Move instantaneously.” Mukuro took Inuyasha and instantly moved directly in front of Kogami and Shima.

The lake god obviously did not think that Inuyasha and Mukuro had the ability to dive into the bottom of the lake, and they appeared directly in front of him, he couldn’t help being shocked. The catfish’s mouth, which was already big, became even more exaggerated. After being sluggish for a while, Hushen dragged Zhima back again and again, his legs trembling constantly, and at the same time he couldn’t help but back up.

He changed his color and said, “You you… how did you appear?”

Inuyasha was a little proud. He pointed to Mukuro and said, “Unexpectedly? This human being is very powerful and knows a skill called teleportation. If he wants to, he can appear anywhere in this world at any time. The last thing you should do is to He snatched a human girl in front of him. Seeing that you are a god, hand over Zhima, and I can spare you not to die.”

The lake god looked at Inuyasha and then at Sesame, his face uncertain.

At the same time, Lake God’s men probably noticed movement, and suddenly many shrimp soldiers and crabs would rush in with long spears.

They surrounded Inuyasha and Mukuro, and the spears in their hands were all pointed at them.

The lake god seemed to gain confidence and said coldly: “I don’t care how good you are, but this is my territory. No matter how good you humans and monsters are, what can you do at the bottom of the lake?”

After a pause, he pointed to Inuyasha and Mukuro and ordered: “Give me all! Kill them!”

Following the order of the lake god, the shrimp soldiers and crabs will all rush forward, and they cooperated well. They have a degree of advance and retreat, and there will be almost no flaws when attacking. If someone with the same strength as them confronts them, they will definitely lose sight of the other. But now they are playing against Mukuro and Inuyasha, so of course they wouldn’t make such a low-level mistake.

Mukuro didn’t even bother to do it. He just used repulsive force to protect himself, preventing the shrimp soldiers from getting close, and then handed it to Inuyasha to deal with.

Inuyasha was dancing with iron and broken teeth. He raised his knife and fell in the middle of the shrimp soldier and crab general, and every attack could kill a shrimp soldier and crab general. To the lake god, Inuyasha was still merciful, but when dealing with the lake god’s subordinates, he didn’t seem to have to consider this issue at all. After fighting for less than ten rounds, the originally vigorous shrimp soldiers and crabs turned into corpses at the feet of Inuyasha.

The bright red blood flowed under Inuyasha’s feet, making the originally peaceful underwater palace become abnormally bloody.

Probably, Zhi Ma had never seen such a bloody scene in his life, and he suddenly vomited to the ground.

Hushen’s face was very ugly, and suddenly he turned into his body again, opened his blood basin and swallowed Zhi Ma into his stomach.

While swallowing Zhima, he gave a long scream, and even removed the barrier at the bottom of the water, allowing endless waves of water to fall from the sky, like a huge boulder. So many water waves rushed down together, and suddenly there was a loud noise that shook the bottom of the lake violently, and the lake god’s palace was instantly destroyed and turned into ruins.

The lake god is a catfish and can still protect itself under the impact of water waves, but Inuyasha can’t stand such a big impact, and has been spinning around the bottom of the lake with the flow of water waves.

Seeing that Inuyasha was not in danger, Mukuro didn’t try to save him. He just said to the lake god indifferently, “Lake god, you really succeeded, and you even destroyed your palace with your own hands.”

The lake god said grimly: “What’s this? No matter who you are, I won’t let you take Zhima away. If you have the ability, just fight me underwater!”

Fighting in the lake, the lake god seems to have absolute confidence. He changed back to the main body, and deliberately destroyed the palace and enchantment, probably out of such considerations. At least fighting in the water, Inuyasha is not an opponent of the lake god anyway, as long as the lake god does not let Inuyasha leave the bottom of the water, it is equal to winning.

But if his opponent is Mukuro, the result will be very different.

As early as the moment the barrier was destroyed, Mukuro had already used repulsive force to protect himself, so even his clothes did not get even a drop of water on his body.

Under the impact of the water, he also remained motionless, as if not affected at all…

Mukuro said calmly, “Come on, let me be your opponent.”

The lake god’s face changed, it seemed that Mukuro’s was wrong, and he said in a deep voice: “What kind of monster are you? Why can you be okay in such a current impact? With the power of humans and monsters, it should be impossible and great. The forces of nature contend.”

“Yes, the power of ordinary people cannot contend with the power of nature, but unfortunately I am no longer a human being, but a god!”

Mukuro said lightly, not counting gold on his face, after all, he has indeed understood the realm of gods, and his power level is higher than the so-called gods in this world. But the Lake God obviously didn’t believe Mukuro’s words, so he rushed over with a cold snort, opened his blood basin, and seemed to want to swallow Mukuro into his stomach.

Mukuro didn’t worry at all, and instead said lightly: “For the sake of your lake god’s not too bad, I won’t take your life, don’t worry, but the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is hard to forgive. I’m afraid that hardship won’t make your memory long.”

Mukuro floated on the bottom of the water, his fingers popped gently, attacking the lake god through the air and water waves.

Although the fingers did not attack the lake god head-on, Mukuro’s strength could be transmitted through the air. The finger strength first made a piercing sound in the repulsive force, and then pierced the water wave and rushed out and bounced on the lake god’s forehead. The lake god seemed to be struck by lightning, and his body was shaken suddenly, and there was already a 4.3 blood hole on his forehead.

The blood kept flowing out of his wound, and bones were visible.

Mukuro said lightly: “I have been merciful. Compared to your huge body, this kind of wound is like a needle eye on a human body. It’s nothing. But if you continue to be stubborn, you can’t blame me.”

The Lake God obviously didn’t follow the advice, and the injury on his forehead made him even more violent.

He pounced on Mukuro and said, “Stop talking nonsense! I ate you!”


At this moment, Inuyasha rushed back with his broken teeth and slashed at the lake god.

The lake god slapped Inuyasha abruptly, and there was another wound on his body that was deeply visible, and the blood completely stained the lake water. While suffering heavy damage, his attack on Mukuro was naturally interrupted.

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