Chapter 1196 Tan Beng

“That won’t work!”

Hushen’s eyes fixed on Zhi Ma, gritted his teeth and said, “Even if Zhi Ma’s illness was cured by the Master? How could the Master appear if it weren’t for my blessing? In any case, Zhi Ma will be my wife!”

It seems that this lake god really likes Shima. He is a god. He should have seen how strong Inuyasha and others are. Yamato is difficult to deal with, but he still doesn’t choose to retreat. It only shows that his love for Shima beats his love for Inuyasha and others. People are afraid.

Although Mukuro admired his courage, it was impossible to agree with him and Shima, after all, Shima himself did not want to.

Mukuro said lightly, “Inuyasha, this annoying guy is over to you.”


Inuyasha’s spirits lifted up, and he stepped forward and knocked the lake god away with a fist: “Go away, or I really want to kill you.”

Although Inuyasha hit the lake god with a punch, it may be because the lake god is not a big evil person, so Inuyasha actually didn’t exert much effort. The lake god fell to the ground and was not even injured.

Zhi Ma was probably ashamed of the Lake God, and fell on her knees like her father and said, “Lake God, I’m sorry, in fact, I had a husband and wife relationship with the Master two years ago.”

Zhi Ma suddenly pointed to Maitreya and said, “I am not worthy of you, the god of the lake.”

Inuyasha, Ari, Shanhu and others were shocked, staring at Master Maitreya with wide-eyed eyes.

Maitreya hurriedly said, “What are your eyes?”

Lake God Ru was struck by lightning and cried loudly: “Impossible! That’s not true! You lie to me!”

Inuyasha pulled out his broken teeth and said, “Well, no matter whether you cheated or cheated, please go back now. Forcing an innocent human girl is not like a lake god should do.”

So far, as a god, the Lake God has not done too much at least, but the demands made are a bit too much.

But Inuyasha’s threat seemed to anger him, making him angry, and there was obviously a fire in his eyes.

He changed back to his body and rushed to Inuyasha and said, “You dare to lie to me, I can’t spare you, I’m going to eat you!”

The lake god who had turned back to his body was huge and suddenly jumped high, pressing against Inuyasha by his size advantage. Catfish was originally a type with a very large mouth. After the body became so exaggerated, the mouth of the lake god was even bigger than that of a human house. Such a big mouth of the blood basin bit towards oneself, and the visual impact alone makes one’s heart broken.

But Inuyasha is not an ordinary person, so there is really no need to be afraid of such things.

He kicked out, kicking Feihu God and said: “Stop jumping in front of me, this thing can’t scare me.”

Tangtanghu God is actually quite pitiful, like a balloon at Inuyasha’s feet, and has no temper at all. Is there anyone who is more pitiful and useless than him?

But this time he was kicked, Lake God was not depressed, but very excited, because he was kicked in the direction of Zhima by Inuyasha, and he was getting closer and closer to Zhima. He quickly changed back to a human appearance, wrapped his arms around Zhima’s slender waist, and jumped directly into the lake.

Only a few bubbles appeared on the lake, and he and Zhi Ma had disappeared without a trace. Zhima’s father saw his daughter being taken away, and his thoughts were lost.

Zhima was caught by the Lake God into the bottom of the lake, and the Lake God must never dare to bubble anymore. He should know that he could not be the opponent of Inuyasha and others. In this way, Zhima’s father never wants to see his daughter again in his life. He wanted to heal Zhima at all costs, which shows that he loved this daughter very much, and he would never see his daughter hit him hard in this life.

Mukuro sighed and said, “Inuyasha, you really failed this time. You were caught by the lake god in front of you. Why don’t you hurry to the bottom of the lake to save people? Do you really want to wait for the lake god to take care of Shima?”

“You mean to say…”

Inuyasha froze for a while and said, “But didn’t Shima just said that, she and Maitreya Master had been married two years ago.”

“That’s just a lie she lied to make the lake god give up on herself. How could a human girl be willing to marry such an ugly lake god?” Mukuro reluctantly said: “Hurry up, hurry up before the lake god has time to do it. Take Zhi Ma back.”

During this process, Mukuro has been paying attention to the changes in the breath of Lake God and Shima, just in case.

Inuyasha probably also realized that the situation was serious, took a deep breath and jumped into the lake, and used dance skills to quickly shuttle through the lake. Mukuro thought for a while, and quickly caught up.

In the lake, Inuyasha could of course move at high speed by virtue of the dance technique, but Inuyasha could not breathe in the water, and soon his face flushed red. When he found that Mukuro was also diving under the water, his fingers were pointing randomly on his body, and the gesture of dancing and dancing was really funny.

However, Mukuro asked himself not to be a guessing expert, and it is impossible to know what Inuyasha was thinking.

He opened up the repulsive force, completely repelling the lake, and let Inuyasha also appear within the repulsive force range, and then said: “Just say anything, don’t point fingers.”

Inuyasha took a few deep breaths greedily and said, “Huh, I’m finally alive, but Mukuro, even I haven’t stayed underwater for that long. Is Shima an ordinary human girl really suffocated?”

Mukuro was stunned, he really hadn’t considered this issue.

However, he felt that Zhi Ma’s qi hadn’t weakened, and he thought it was nothing. Maybe the lake god, who had been in the water for a long time, had his own way to keep humans alive.

Mukuro said lightly: “Since you know that Shima may be dangerous, don’t waste time talking nonsense, move faster.”

Inuyasha woke up like a dream, nodded and chased down quickly.

After finally diving into the bottom of the lake, both Mukuro and Inuyasha saw a huge palace at the bottom of the lake, which was as conspicuous as the moon in the night sky on the dark bottom of the lake.

There is a huge barrier outside the palace to separate the water waves, so the world inside the barrier is actually not much different from the ground.

“That’s the case.” Mukuro said lightly: “I should have thought of this a long time ago. Even if the lake god has the ability to survive in water, this kind of palace cannot withstand the impact of water for a long time, so enchantment is indispensable. Since there is a barrier separating the water waves, it is of course not difficult for Zhima to survive in it, but the barrier makes it impossible for her to escape.”

Inuyasha’s actions were straightforward, and he rushed toward the barrier suddenly.


Inuyasha’s head hit the barrier, like hitting a hard rock, causing the barrier to vigorously shake, and a huge bag appeared on his head.

He clutched his head and cried out in pain, “Damn it, what’s the matter? Why can’t the barrier pass?”

Mukuro couldn’t help but said, “Isn’t that normal? If the barrier can be let through by outsiders casually, it is still called a barrier? But this barrier really cannot be destroyed, otherwise the lake will flood in, which is very troublesome.”

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