Chapter 1198 Save people successfully

Mukuro was taken aback, and he didn’t expect Inuyasha to start so hard.

You know, Zhima is still in the belly of the lake god. Mukuro is basically certain that the lake god deliberately swallowed Shima before destroying the enchantment, not to eat her, but to protect her. After all, with a mortal body, it is impossible to withstand the impact of such water currents. If Inuyasha kills the lake god, the Shima in his stomach will never want to live.

But Inuyasha doesn’t seem to understand this yet.

When Mukuro prevented him from further harming the Lake God, although he stopped, he was puzzled: “Why? This Lake God is no longer worthy of being a god. He just ate Shima.”

“He just didn’t want Zhi Ma to be washed to death by the water, so he was forced to swallow it into his stomach to protect him.”

Mukuro said helplessly: “Of course, this is just my guess. I’m not sure if Shima is really alive. But I can be sure that if you really kill the lake god, Shima in his body will be dead.”

Mukuro’s words to Inuyasha were of course also heard by Lake God, which made him smile proudly.

He smiled strangely: “Hey, things turn to my advantage, you can’t kill me. As long as you don’t dare to kill me, you will definitely not be able to beat me underwater!”


Inuyasha had a sad face, and apparently had similar thoughts.

They could not kill the lake god, nor could they severely inflict the lake god, but the lake god could fight unscrupulously, which was not a fair fight at all. In fact, the lake god does not need to attack. Just staying in the lake is enough for Inuyasha to drink a pot. Inuyasha can’t survive in the water for a long time.

Inuyasha thought for a while, and said solemnly, “Mukuro, what are you going to do?”

“What else can I do? Of course it is to enter the belly of the lake god and rescue Zhima.”

Mukuro took it for granted: “But you are not strong enough to survive in the water for a long time, so go back to the ground. Remember, don’t tell Shima’s father about the situation here, lest they worry, I will save people soon. go back.”

Inuyasha nodded, and immediately flew up with a dance technique. Only Lake God and Mukuro remained at the bottom of the lake.

The god of the lake said with joy on his face: “Stupid human beings have stayed by themselves. Do you think you can beat me by yourself?”

Mukuro said calmly, “How can I know if I don’t try?”

The lake god did not speak any more, and immediately closed his mouth, his face was full of sarcasm.

Of course Mukuro understood what he meant, because Mukuro wanted to save Shima, so he could never kill him, or even severely inflict him on him. In other words, if Mukuro wants to enter his stomach to save someone, he must pass his mouth. As long as he closes his mouth and consumes Mukuro in the water, Mukuro will leave sooner or later because of insufficient air.

Although Mukuro uses repulsive force to dispel water waves, the air preserved by the repulsive force is still very limited.

Of course, this was just Lake God’s wishful thinking.

Mukuro sneered coldly and used teleportation, and he appeared in the belly of the lake god in the next second. He had already seen Zhi Ma staying in the esophagus of the Lake God. Although there was no life-threatening danger, the nauseating odor kept coming from the stomach of the Lake God. It would not be easy to stay here for a long time. Mukuro took Shima and immediately moved out instantly.

When the lake god saw Mukuro appear, he was obviously taken aback.

“Isn’t that Shima? How did you rescue her?”

Mukuro said calmly: “Didn’t Inuyasha tell you just now? I will move instantaneously. If I want, I can appear anywhere in the world, including your body. I just went into your body. Come, save Zhi Ma. Then, I should fulfill my promise and teach you a little lesson.”

Mukuro first separated the water with repulsive force, then plunged the palm of his right hand into the water, and said with a grin: “Lake God, taste the taste of the palm of the world.”

In an instant, a powerful electric current emerged from Mukuro’s palm and passed to the lake god through the lake water, immediately trembling the lake god. This is still the relationship between Mukuro’s control of his own power, otherwise, with Mukuro’s strength, he will use the power of the world to shake the palm of the world, and the lake god will not die even if he has a few more lives.

Mukuro did this, of course, to make the lake god remember.

He and Inuyasha and others will leave one day, and it is impossible to protect Shima forever. Only by letting the lake god know that Zhima can’t move, can it be done once and for all.

The lake god screamed in the water, struggling, and curling up the monstrous undercurrent.

After a while, Mukuro closed his hand and said, “Let’s stop here, it’s a small punishment and a big admonishment for you. If you dare to make such a crooked idea in the future, I will directly kill you.”

After speaking, Mukuro rose into the sky holding Shima and quickly returned to the surface.

However, after landing, Mukuro turned his head and saw that there were thousands of white-bellied fish floating on the lake, already dead.

Inuyasha wiped his nose and said, “Mukuro, you have seen it yourself. I don’t want to hide it, but Shima’s father has been scared enough by you. You can explain to him what happened.”

Kagura curiously asked, “Mukuro, what did you do at the bottom of the lake? Why do so many fish die instantly? Did you kill the lake god?”

Mukuro himself did not expect that the consequences would be so serious, and could not help but feel a little embarrassed: “The lake god is not dead, I just want to teach the lake god, but the action seems to be a bit heavier, the lake god is not dead, but all the fish in the lake are down. It’s bad. Forget it, fish can be raised again when they die, and people are gone when they die.”

Mukuro put Shima down 277 and said, “Go back to the village with your father.”

Zhima’s father was overjoyed when he saw his daughter come back alive.

Mukuro smiled slightly, and was about to greet Inuyasha and others to leave, leaving space for the Shima father and daughter, but suddenly felt the Yueshan people’s breath disappear.

Yue Shanren’s breath is very powerful in the world of monsters, like the stars in the night sky, and it is the brightest one, so Mukuro can immediately find that his breath is wrong. Of course, Yue Shanren didn’t have the ability to hide his aura, otherwise he wouldn’t need to avoid the demon wall. The disappearance of his aura would naturally mean his death.

Mukuro frowned and said, “Inuyasha, Kagura, let’s leave quickly, there seems to be something wrong with Yue Shanren.”

“What?” Inuyasha was stunned and said, “Isn’t the Yueshan people’s unyielding wall already robbed by Naraku? Who else will attack him? It is not easy for other monsters to kill him.”

“Of course I know, but he was actually killed. I don’t know the specifics. I can only go over and see before talking.”

Mukuro and the others hurriedly bid farewell to the Zhima father and daughter, soared directly into the air, flew in the direction of Yue Shanren, and fell in front of Yue Shanren’s body half a day later. In front of the Yue Shanren’s body, the villagers who had discovered something wrong in advance had already pointed and pointed nearby.

Mukuro caught one of them and asked, “Do you know what’s going on here?”

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