Chapter 1195 Lake God

Mukuro, Inuyasha and others found the wealthiest family in the village, and then came down as usual on the grounds of exorcism. As long as you play a little magic, it is easy to make these ordinary people believe.

Waiting for a while in the house, Mukuro soon saw Maitreya come back with the girl just now.

Mukuro froze for a moment and said, “It wouldn’t be so coincidental? Could it be that the girl who was unclear about Maitreya’s relationship just now is the daughter of the richest man? Maitreya is really good at picking it.”

It’s not surprising that God said: “Isn’t he always like this along the way? He specializes in finding the richest people to exorcise demons, and specifically looking for beautiful and rich girls to have a love relationship.”

A Li said, “When you said this, I was suddenly curious about how Master Maitreya met that girl.”

“That was many years ago.” The owner of the house probably heard the conversation between Kagura and Ari, and walked out slowly.

It was a middle-aged man who was somewhat obese. He recalled what happened back then and said: “My daughter was frail and sickly, and she has been getting better when she met Master Maitreya. At that time, Master Maitreya used very expensive herbs to treat my daughter’s body. Very expensive herbs… After my daughter’s health improved, Master Maitreya asked my 370 daughter if she would like to have a child for him, so I agreed on their marriage.”

Mukuro glanced at Maitreya, really speechless.

This guy is greedy for money and lust, and his bad ailments have not been corrected for so many years.

He didn’t need to think about it and knew that it was because of the wealth of the girl’s family that he went to save people and extorted a lot of money by the way. This obese middle-aged man seemed to have a solid family background, but even so, after so many years, he still sighed about the expensiveness of herbs, which shows how ruthless Master Maitreya extorted him back then.

Maitreya and the girl got closer and closer, just when they heard the conversation between the middle-aged man and Kagura and the others, their faces became more ugly.

He said embarrassingly: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not that kind of person.”

Coral said seriously: “We have no misunderstanding, you are that kind of person.”


At this moment, the earth shook violently, scaring the girl into Maitreya’s arms and shivering.

Inuyasha joked, “Milere, you’re going to be thunderous when you lie.”

Maitreya protested: “Don’t be joking, okay? This is obviously a monster doing a ghost. There is already a strong monster in the village. If you don’t quickly solve him, everyone in the village will be unlucky.”

Maitreya said so seriously, of course, to let everyone stop pestering him with that bit of trouble, but when he spoke, Mukuro did feel a very strong evil spirit.

The demonic air permeated the village, covering everyone in the village. He also caused the earthquake just now. A monster capable of creating earthquakes, even Mukuro had to look squarely at it, because this ability was indeed very powerful.

If the ability he used to create earthquakes were used on humans or monsters, God knew how much damage it would cause.

Of course, it is impossible for Mukuro to take this level of ability to heart.

Maitreya suddenly turned his head and asked the obese middle-aged man: “Do you know what’s going on?”

The middle-aged man sighed and said, “Ashamed, the monster fell in love with my daughter and wanted my daughter to marry him. The earthquake was created to urge and warn us. I really can’t do anything. Fortunately, Master Maitreya, you are in time. Come back, please hurry up and marry my daughter.”

Mukuro froze, completely unable to understand the thinking of the middle-aged man.

He was happy for the appearance of Maitreya just now. Mukuro thought he was going to ask Maitreya to eliminate the demon, but as soon as the conversation changed, he hoped that Maitreya would marry his daughter.

Maitreya married his daughter, does it matter whether the monster likes his daughter? Could it be that if his daughter became a dear, the monster could change his mind? When did the existence of monsters become so reasonable?

Maitreya obviously had the same doubts and asked strangely.

The middle-aged man sighed again: “Master, you don’t know anything. The monster only likes unmanned girls. As long as you marry my daughter, he will lose interest in my daughter.”

Mukuro was speechless again.

That monster class is really picky, and there are even requirements in this regard.

However, since Mukuro and others have already arrived here, of course it is impossible for him to do so.

Mukuro said lightly, “Mileoku, Kagura, Coral, get ready to do it.”

Without a word, they packed up their weapons and rushed out of the house.

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, and hurriedly chased it out and shouted: “What do you want to do? I have found many wizards to eliminate demons, but they can’t beat him. That monster is too powerful, and you will definitely lose your lives! come back quickly!”

But Maitreya and the others are not even afraid of Naraku, where are there any monsters in the world that can make them admit their counsel?

Even if there are monsters that are too powerful to deal with, they can be handed over to Mukuro to deal with.

After rushing out of the house, Mukuro and others used the dance technique and flew towards the source of the earthquake. After a short while, they came to the sky above a lake. There was a monster with a catfish head and a human body dragging a cart of gifts by the lake. Walk in the direction of the village.

Inuyasha fell in front of the guy and said, “You are a monster who wants to steal a girl as a wife?”

The monster is very short, standing in front of Inuyasha like a child.

However, he didn’t seem to feel the threat of Inuyasha, and he still corrected seriously: “I am not a monster, I am a lake god.”

Inuyasha punched his head hard and said unceremoniously: “Go back, I don’t care if you are a lake god or a monster, that girl doesn’t like you, you can’t mess around.”

“That won’t work!” Hushen refused without thinking: “The father of Zhima made a wish to me, saying that I could pay any price as long as he blessed his daughter’s health. All I wanted was to marry Zhima as a wife. .”

The Zhi Ma in the mouth of Hushen was of course the girl.

Zhi Ma and her father chased out, just in time to hear the words of the lake god.

Zhima’s father knelt down in front of the lake god and said embarrassingly: “Lake god, I’m sorry, I only said that when I wanted my daughter’s body to heal too much, but Zhima didn’t know it.”

After a pause, he turned around and explained to Zhima: “It’s all because I was so confused that I made such a wish.”

Mukuro listened and understood what was going on, but he didn’t approve of the lake god, because Shima’s body improved not because of the lake god’s blessing or something, but because of Maitreya’s appearance.

Since the lake god didn’t bless the girl and didn’t give anything, Mukuro certainly couldn’t just watch Shima fall into his hands.

Mukuro raised the lake god with one hand and said, “Go back. The person who made Shima better is Master Maitreya. He has nothing to do with you, so you don’t put gold on your face.”

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