Chapter 1194 The marriage contract of Master Maitreya

“Don’t even want to run!”

Inuyasha let out a long roar, and rushed towards the sprite pill like an arrow from the string.

Now Inuyasha has been practicing air dance for a long time, and has gradually adapted to fighting in mid-air. Jie Jie Wan also wanted to fly away Inuyasha, just wishful thinking. Moreover, the air dance technique is far better than the ordinary flying technique, even if it is a speed competition, the sprite pill is unlikely to lose.

As Inuyasha got closer and closer to the sprite pill, he did not hesitate to cut the wound from the wind.

The wound of the wind pierced through the air with a piercing sound, and it was about to fall on Bai Tongzi and Jingjingwan.

At this moment, a purple light flashed across the bodies of Bai Tongzi and Jingjingwan, and an enchantment appeared out of thin air, actually blocking the wounds of the wind.

“What? That guy can even do this trick?” Inuyasha was surprised.

Mukuro couldn’t stand it anymore and reminded: “Don’t forget that the white boy is on the shoulder of the monster. There is white boy on the shoulders of the monster. Do you think the wind injury is effective? when?”

Inuyasha was too embarrassed, and Ma Zheng blushed to catch up, and the King Kong spear broke as soon as he shot.

The countless diamond spears shot by the diamond spear seemed to be invincible, and it easily broke the barrier of the spear ball, and bombarded the spear of the spear ball. Jingjingwan, together with Bai Tongzi, was directly shattered by the King Kong Gun, and Bai Tongzi only had his head left. They ran away hurriedly with their remains, faster.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and hurried to catch up with him and said, “Don’t even want to run!”

Bai Tongzi gritted his teeth and said: “Damn it, I didn’t expect Mukuro to train your flying skills so fast. It seems difficult to escape from your hands without paying a price today. But you really think that Bai Tongzi is so easy to be killed. ?”

“You only have one head left now, what else can you do?” Inuyasha said disapprovingly: “Even if you have an immortal body that can escape, the sprite pill you made will never run away!”

At this moment, Kaijinmaru seemed to have received the order, and his right arm suddenly broke and smashed towards the front door of Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was taken aback, but it was too late to escape, so he had to chop the wind wound out and crush Spritemaru’s arm. At the same time that the arm of Jie Jie Wan shattered, Bai Tong Zi and Jie Jie Wan had quickly escaped. As for Sesomaru and Steel Tooth, with their abilities, even if they want to chase, they are powerless.

Inuyasha watched them disappear in mid-air, and had no choice but to say: “Damn it! I missed such a good opportunity!”

Mukuro said lightly, “What’s the big deal? Anyway, Bai Tongzi is already at odds with Naraku. It’s only a matter of time before they start fighting, and then they can take advantage of the fisherman’s profit. Haven’t I already told you? The most important thing is to watch. Can you seize the opportunity when the time comes.”

After being run away by Sprite Maru and White Boy, Shisheng Maru and Gangfang didn’t stay much, so they turned around and left.

After they left, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others had to move on.

They ran around in the wild for a few days, and finally saw a small village. Mukuro, Inuyasha, and Kagura are actually okay. They are not very particular about the resting environment, but Ari is a modern person after all, and he has long hated barren mountains and wilds. So seeing the village, even if it was a backward village in the Sengoku era, she still shined.

Mukuro followed her and said, “Let’s take a rest in the village for one night.”

When Mukuro suggested resting in the village, Maitreya’s face changed obviously, and her voice was trembling: “Aren’t we looking for Naraku? Naraku is undergoing transformation, so what we should do now is not to find Naraku and kill him. ?”

Of course what Maitreya said was the truth, but it always felt strange to say such things from his mouth.

It is impossible to kill Naraku to act day and night, otherwise they would be exhausted before Naraku died.

Mukuro said to Maitreya with a smile but a smile: “Mitreya, when you settled in the village before, you wouldn’t say such things. Why is this time so special? Isn’t this village special to you? ”

When Mukuro reminded Inuyasha and others, they all looked at Maitreya strangely.

Maitreya smiled awkwardly: “Looking at what you said, I was just anxious to kill Naraku. If you want to rest, rest. Anyway, there is Mukuro, no matter how powerful Naraku has become, we can deal with it.”

Mukuro smiled secretly, how could he not see Maitreya’s careful thoughts?

There must be something he doesn’t want to face in this village, but he is embarrassed to say it. If he continues to oppose resting in the village, maybe Inuyasha will see the clues and they will investigate it specifically. That’s why he chose to admit his fate, probably because he wants to fight for luck, hoping not to meet people or things he doesn’t want to face. Bar.

Mukuro didn’t bother to expose him, and slowly walked into the village.

The moment they entered the village, the appearance of a group of them caught the attention of a little girl. When the little girl turned her head to look over, her eyes lit up and said, “Master Maitreya!”

When the girl saw Master Maitreya, it was like seeing a treasure. She was washing clothes and even ran over. When Master Maitreya saw the girl, his face turned green.

Inuyasha turned his head and said with a smile, “Mile, it turns out that this is the reason you don’t want to enter the village.”

Shanhu shook his head and said, “Mage, you are really unchangeable. When did you know the girl?”

Mukuro patted Master Maitreya on the shoulder and said, “Master Maitreya, hurry up and handle the relationship with this girl. You should understand in your heart that we cannot take this girl away. She is just an ordinary person and is not suitable for involvement. Come to our battle.”

Maitreya lowered his head and said in frustration: “I understand, don’t worry, I will deal with it.”

Mukuro didn’t talk nonsense with Maitreya, and immediately left with Shanhu and others. When leaving, Mukuro paid special attention to Coral and found that she really didn’t care about Maitreya at all.

In this way, she is far from the original “Inuyasha” world.

Mukuro thought for a while, walked to Coral’s side and asked, “Coral, even Master Maitreya has a lover, haven’t you considered this issue?”

Coral’s face suddenly flushed red, and asked in a flustered manner: “Why are you asking me this question?”

“Nothing, just curiosity.” Mukuro was suddenly curious about what the fate of the coral would become.

He did have the idea of ​​playing coral, but then because of the appearance of Kagura, there was hardly any development between them.

However, since Coral did not answer positively, Mukuro did not intend to go further, and immediately moved into the village with Inuyasha and others. As for the method of finding a house, it is simple, just use Maitreya’s usual method of eliminating demons.

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