Chapter 1193 Sprite pill

Inuyasha, Maitreya and others were not fools either, they ran over immediately when they were reminded by the Sahoku Pill.

Steel Fang was the fastest, turning into a whirlwind and disappearing into the darkness.

Mukuro and Inuyasha and others slowly caught up to him, and after a while, he saw Gangtoa standing in front of the white boy. Behind Bai Tongzi there is another weird guy who is white all over but with black stripes. Gangya seemed to be talking with Bai Tongzi, but it was hard to hear clearly in the night breeze. Mukuro didn’t have the time to wait for them to discuss slowly, and walked over quickly.

When Bai Tongzi saw Mukuro appear, his face changed obviously.

He said in amazement: “Gangya, you who have always been alone, why did you act with Mukuro?”

“You look very scared.” Inuyasha walked up with the iron shards, very proud: “If you have the ability, you will run away for me this time.”

“Are you an idiot?” Bai Tongzi said unceremoniously, “What’s so scary about a sick dog? If the human named Mukuro had not been by your side, you would have never known how many deaths.”

Mukuro slowly stepped forward and said, “Go ahead, what are you doing here? What is the origin of that big guy behind you?”

Bai Tongzi slowly relieved 16 and said: “His name is 魍魉丸. I did experiments with many monsters. In the end, I found that life close to the shape of a human is more flexible, so I made him. In order to create a life in the shape of a human, I A lot of human spirits are used. Mukuro, you won’t interfere with our affairs, do you? You said, you hope Naraku can transform successfully.”

“I did say so.”

Mukuro said lightly: “But even if I don’t do anything, there are Gangfang, Inuyasha, Sasomaru, and Coral Maitreya here. Do you think they can let Spritemaru leave?”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Inuyasha was already pushing forward with his broken teeth, and Maitreya and others were not behind.

Gangya was taken aback, and quickly stopped Inuyasha and others from saying, “Wait! This guy is my prey! Don’t grab it!”

Inuyasha paused and said, “Hey, come on, and you will be asked for help later.”

Seeing that Inuyasha and the others didn’t mean to take action, Bai Tongzi heaved a sigh of relief. He turned his head and said to Jade Maru: “Eat the steel tooth and snatch his Four Soul Jade Fragments. As long as you get the Four Soul Jade Fragments , Even if you face Inuyasha and Sesumaru, you don’t have to be afraid. As long as Mukuro doesn’t make a move, we will win.”

Mukuro’s heart moved, and he had already heard some clues.

Because Naraku has already gathered a large number of fragments of the Four Soul Jade, if the Sprite Maru needs the fragments of the Four Soul Jade to increase the strength, just look for Naraku, why do you need to snatch Steel Teeth? Unless Naraku is unwilling to hand it over, but Naraku can even grab it from the Demon Wall and hand it to Chizi, why can’t he help Bai Tongzi?

Mukuro thought quietly, thinking that there was already a good show to watch.

However, Inuyasha and others didn’t seem to have tasted the taste, they just watched the sprite pill and the steel tooth fight silently.

Gangfang rushed towards the sprite pill, kicked the sprite pill’s belly and said, “My child, if it is destroyed by the toy I made with great difficulty in a while, don’t you cry.”

However, when Gangtooth’s foot kicked on Spiramaru’s body, Spiramaru’s body was like a phantom, let him pass through. However, if the steel tooth really penetrates the body of the sprite pill, it will be absorbed 100%. Gangfang must have also realized how bad the situation is, and hastened out of his claws to attack the throat of the sprite pill.

But even so, his claws were still passed over by the body of the ghost pill.

Gangya was taken aback and said, “Why is this happening?”

Fortunately, Gangtooth’s reaction was not slow. As soon as he saw that the situation was not right, he immediately pulled out the saber around his waist and slashed towards the sprite pill.

It seemed that Jie Jie Wan’s body couldn’t ignore the weapon’s attack. He was cut a wound by Steel Tooth on the spot, and Steel Tooth also took the opportunity to escape.

Inuyasha was taken aback when he saw the battle between Sprite Maru and Gunga, and said, “There is no blood, there is no blood even after Sprite Maru was injured.”

Maitreya said solemnly: “It’s the soul, the body of the ghost pill is really made of human souls, and it can’t be killed by ordinary methods.”

At the same time, Gangya saw that the situation was not good, and was ready to escape.

Inuyasha let the steel teeth open, and nothing else was a blow to the wind.

Jie Jie Wan was attacked by the wind from the front, and his body was suddenly torn apart, but because he had no physical body, it was just made up of human souls, so he was quickly reorganized. On the surface, the sprite pill that was aggregated didn’t look like it had been injured at all, and his expression did not change a bit.

Bai Tongzi looked back at the sprite pill and said: “Unfortunately, it was only temporarily aggregated with human spirits. It has not really succeeded yet and its power is limited.”

Inuyasha was very dissatisfied with Baido’s remarks, and said with a sneer: “Don’t make any excuses. When that sprite pill dies, it will be your turn next. If you want to survive, tell us where Naraku is.”

“I really want to tell you the whereabouts of Naraku, but it is not the time yet. You will only die in the past.”

Bai Tongzi sneered and said: “If you want to know the answer, hurry up and improve your strength. When you can really defeat Naraku, I will tell you where Naraku is.”

“What are you talking about? Do you think I will believe you if you say this?” Where can Inuyasha dare to believe what Bai Boy said?

Mukuro said lightly: “373 Inuyasha, don’t be impulsive, Shirato is telling the truth, he really wants Naraku to die.”

“It’s Mukuro, I can tell whether I’m telling the truth or the lie.” Bai Tongzi said, “Yes, I don’t want Naraku to live in the world, but don’t get me wrong, I don’t intend to use this news to change my life. , I have enough ability to leave, no one of you can keep me except Mukuro.”

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Tongzi slowly floated up, and sat on the shoulders of Jingjingwan.

Spreading its wings, Sprite Maru flew up into the air, and his left hand turned into a knife-like weapon to attack Inuyasha at the same time.

You know, Jojimaru had no wings just now, and his wings suddenly opened, which really scared Inuyasha and the others.

Bai Tongzi was very satisfied with their reaction and said triumphantly: “As for being so surprised? Sprite pill is made up of many monsters and human spirits. Flying is not difficult for him at all.”

Inuyasha snorted uncomfortably and said, “Hey, who is surprised? I can fly to the sky, too. Flying is not a rare ability.”

Inuyasha caught up with Wukong, and at the same time slashed at the spear pill and said, “The King Kong spear broke!”

Inuyasha cut out a diamond spear and flew towards Sprite Maru like raindrops. There was no escape at all. However, Sprite Maru didn’t mean to harden it at all, turning around and flew away at an astonishing speed.

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