Chapter 1192 Looking for the unmonstered wall

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, really laughing and crying.

Just as Yue Shanren said, it is impossible for a monster as powerful as him to emit a monster energy, and as long as the monster energy exists, it will attract the attention of other monsters, monks, and mages, and let them come and disturb the peace of Yueshan people. The importance of the unyielding wall to Yueshan people can be seen from this one Madara.

But if this guy has been in a deep sleep state, what is the difference between being dead?

Mukuro really doesn’t understand, why are they sleeping for a long time? Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy the brilliance of the Flower World?

Of course, Mukuro is also not interested in pointing fingers at other people’s affairs. He said lightly at the moment: “If you want to get back to the Demon Wall, you’d better be honest. Fighting with us will not do you any good, or you will lose your own life.” . On the contrary, if you cooperate with us, maybe we can help you regain the undemon wall.”

“Why should I trust you?”

After the Yue Shanren lost the Unyielding Wall, his temper was really bad, he smashed another punch without saying anything, and it was Mukuro who attacked.

Mukuro hasn’t encountered an opponent who dared to provoke him for a long time.

If the person being attacked is Inuyasha, he can still hang on without concern, but the person being attacked becomes himself. There is no reason for Mukuro to let go of this arrogant and ignorant existence.

He sneered, punched out, and the fierce punch directly discounted Yue Shanren’s arm.

Mukuro said lightly: “This is the consequence of your provocation against me.”

Yue Shanren let out a scream, grabbed the broken arm and fell to the ground and howled, as if he had already gotten into his heart and spleen. Seeing his miserable appearance, Mukuro was not interested in continuing to attack.

He said calmly: “Inuyasha, let’s go, we must find Naraku and snatch back the Unyakubi.”

“Do you mean that you will also help to regain the undemon wall?” Inuyasha’s eyes were shining.

This guy’s wishful thinking is so loud, knowing that as long as Mukuro takes a shot, there is absolutely no reason to fail, but how can Mukuro easily make him wish?

Mukuro refused without thinking about it: “Don’t hit me. The people who are going to snatch the undemon wall are still you. I just provide you with a little bit of information.”

While talking, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others are getting farther and farther away from the Yueshan people.

However, the Yue Shanren suffered a big loss in Mukuro’s hands, and they didn’t dare to chase after him. In other words, even if he wanted to catch up, it was impossible to do it with his current injury.

After staying away from Yueshanren, Inuyasha said strangely: “Aren’t you curious? What is the purpose of Naraku’s snatching the Demon Wall? Doesn’t he have the ability to hide his demon power? There is no need to do more, right?”

Maitreya nodded in agreement and said, “It is indeed unreasonable, but Naraku must have his reasons for doing this. If you want to know the answer, maybe you can only catch Naraku and ask to understand.”

Mukuro smiled secretly in his heart, only feeling that Maitreya’s idea was really unnecessary.

Because as long as you know the most important thing about Naraku right now, and then contact the abilities of Non-Demon Wall, it is easy to guess Naraku’s intentions.

Naraku himself has the ability to hide his demon power, but his heart, Nako, does not have this ability. Therefore, Naraku robs the undemon wall and can only use it for Chiko. He is afraid that Chiko will be found and killed by Inuyasha and others, and he will be unlucky. And Naraku’s doing this kind of thing also meant that he couldn’t absorb Nako in a short time.

Mukuro said lightly: “The basic situation is like this now. If you want to regain the undemon wall, you must quickly find a way to find Naraku’s heart. That heart is Naraku’s fatal weakness, and you might be able to use this opportunity to kill Naraku. Even if you can’t kill it, as long as the heart is in danger, Naraku will definitely show up eagerly, better than finding it yourself.”

Inuyasha and others had no choice but to do as Mukuro said.

Suddenly, Inuyasha’s nose moved, and he shouted, “There is a smell! It is the smell of corpses, there are a lot of them, and someone is killing!”

When Inuyasha smelled the smell, Mukuro also sensed it.

Suddenly a lot of Qi disappeared together not far away, and then another powerful Qi appeared. At the same time when the powerful qi appeared, Mukuro also sensed the qi of Gangfang, and Gangfang was fighting the newly emerged qi.

Mukuro said lightly, “Inuyasha, let’s go.”

Inuyasha nodded heavily and immediately rose into the air, flying past at an astonishing speed.

When they landed, they happened to see Gangfang fighting with a strange-looking monster.

The monster’s appearance is indeed very strange. Although it has a human appearance, it has thick arms on one side and thin arms at the other. It is very uncoordinated…It looks like it is hardened with various parts of the body of countless monsters. But even so, it seems to bring a lot of trouble to the steel teeth.

His fists kept falling to the ground, and Steel Teeth could only escape in embarrassment.

After Inuyasha landed on the ground, Gangtooth was clearly embarrassed, but he still wanted to say: “Isn’t this Inuyasha? When will you learn to fly in the sky? It seems that you can learn a lot by following Mukuro’s side.”

Inuyasha didn’t answer, but sneered: “You are a lean and sick wolf so embarrassed that you were bullied so badly by a little monster.”

Seeing that they were about to quarrel, Mukuro had to interrupt: “Don’t talk nonsense, first clean up the monsters in front of you.”

Without saying a word, Inuyasha smashed out the wound and killed the monster.

After the monster died, a little white light floated from his body.

Maitreya looked up at the white dots in the air and said, “The soul? There is no soul?”

Inuyasha questioned: “What do you mean?”

Maitreya slowly explained: “The so-called soul is actually the soul, and the soul is the power that drives the body’s actions. That is to say, the soul of this monster is dead, and only the remaining soul is still supporting the body’s actions. It is probably Naraku’s tricks, we investigate and see, and we can find Naraku within 3.2 hours.”

At the moment, Inuyasha and others marched all the way, killing many monsters without souls.

With so many monsters without souls appearing at the same time, it was basically certain that Naraku had something to do with it.

After killing more than ten such monsters in a row, one night, Inuyasha and others ran into Sesho Maru on the road.

Mukuro floated quietly in the air and said, “It’s rare that your brothers didn’t rest in the middle of the night, and they went out to wander.”

Coral thought for a while and said, “It seems that Sesumaru has also discovered those monsters without souls. Sessumaru, are you coming to chase Naraku?”

Sesumaru did not answer, but looked forward.

In the direction Sesumaru was looking at, Mukuro had sensed a very powerful and messy aura, like it was formed by the aura of countless monsters, but had not yet successfully merged.

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