Chapter 1191 Moving mountain

When Inuyasha and others were struck by the appearance of the pupa, Mukuro suddenly felt a human breath not far away.

The villagers in the village have already come out to find the Qi Treasures for pranks. It is not surprising that there is a human qi, but that human qi is far stronger than ordinary people. Moreover, in his body, Mukuro also sensed the energy of the jade of the four souls, which is unusual. There should be only one human being with a fragment of the jade of the four souls.

Mukuro decided to take a look at it in the past, but if the other party is indeed Amber, it seems that he shouldn’t tell Coral now.

Otherwise, coral’s mood must fluctuate violently again.

Mukuro thought for a while and said, “Coral, you and Inuyasha should go back to the village. I have something to do.”

After speaking, he didn’t give Coral a chance to speak, and immediately moved and ran away.

In the next second, he appeared in front of the human breath and found that the other party was indeed Amber. Amber waved the iron hook in his hand and attacked Su Pupa. Many Su Pupa had already died in his hands. Kohaku probably didn’t expect Mukuro to appear, and he was surprised when he appeared in such a sudden way.

His pupils shrank sharply, and his face changed significantly.

The only explanation for such a change in expression of a person controlled by Naraku is that he has got rid of Naraku’s control.

Otherwise, no matter how fast he reacts, he will only run away when he sees Mukuro instead of being surprised.

Mukuro said lightly, “Kohaku, you have regained your consciousness and got rid of Naraku’s control. Why don’t you return to your sister?”

“How do you know I got rid of Naraku’s control?” Kohaku did not answer.

Mukuro said lightly: “Looking at your reaction now, you know that you think this kind of trivial matter can be hidden from my eyes? I advise you to be careful not to be seen by Naraku, otherwise Naraku will definitely not hesitate. kill you.”


Amber hesitated for a while before saying: “But what are you coming to find me for? Just to persuade me to return to my sister? But can I go back? I killed my father and my sister almost died on my hands. When I was controlled by Naraku, many people died because of me. Where can I go back?”

Amber looked very painful, and his facial features had been completely distorted.

Mukuro sighed and said, “Forget it, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t mean to ask you to go back. I just want to know what you are doing here. Naraku made you come here?”

Kohaku nodded and said, “Nara asked me to kill Su pupa and kill as many as you see. Su pupa was originally something that was parasitic on a large monster. Naraku asked me to kill Su pupa, probably to cover up something. what!”

While speaking, Kohaku suddenly turned his head and looked to the side.

At this time, the sun has gradually risen from the east, and the warm sunlight illuminates the east.

With the rising sun, Mukuro could see a mountain shaking slightly.

“The mountain is moving?” Kohaku said strangely, “The moving mountain may be related to Naraku, Mukuro, if you are interested, just go and investigate it. I can’t act without permission to prevent Naraku from discovering it.”

At this moment, out of the corner of Mukuro’s eyes, he saw a group of fiercest victors flying from a distance, and the target seemed to be Amber.

Those most fierce victories are equal to Naraku’s eyeliner. If they see Mukuro and Kohaku staying together, things will not be good.

Mukuro told Kohaku again, and then moved away with a teleportation.

Mukuro returned to Inuyasha and the others, just in time to hear Inuyasha saying to himself: “It’s strange, if a large monster died, it would cause these pupas to run out. We should be able to find the corpse, and the smell of the corpse is not It may be covered up.”

Inuyasha’s words are not unreasonable. If a monster is so big, it is absolutely impossible not to be discovered after death.

Mukuro said lightly: “I have investigated the results.”

Inuyasha’s eyes lit up, and he asked quickly: “So you went to investigate? Come on, what did you find?”

Mukuro pointed to the direction where she had just met Kohaku and said, “There is a moving mountain over there. It may be a monster with a huge body. Since the dead tree I saw last time can be a monster, there is nothing unacceptable that a mountain is a monster. Right? Go and investigate quickly.”

“A moving mountain?” Maitreya said strangely: “If it is true, even if it has nothing to do with Naraku, it is worth investigating.”

Coral nodded and said, “Let’s go over at once.”

After making up their minds, the group of them soared into the air and soon flew to the foot of the moving mountain. When they landed, the sun had completely climbed up to illuminate the earth. When Mukuro and others were observing the moving mountain through the sunlight, the mountain seemed to have discovered the existence of Mukuro and others and turned to look around.

It was indeed a huge monster, and the reason it looked like a mountain seemed to be because there was too much dust and dirt accumulated on him, and even trees grew out of it.

However, this monster didn’t seem to have a good temper, and as soon as he saw Inuyasha and others, he attacked.

Inuyasha avoided the attack and said, “Damn, are you Naraku’s subordinate?”

“Naraku?” The huge monster gritted his teeth: “Naraku you said, is it the shameless person who entered my body and disturbed my sleep? I absorbed too much of the miasma and demon power he released, and was forced After waking up from a slumber for more than a hundred years, the guy snatched the guardian stone from my body and ran away.”

“Guardian Stone?” Inuyasha said with a daze, “What is that?”

However, that huge monster seemed to have no intention of answering, and slammed a fist at Inuyasha and said, “Where is Nana? If you don’t say it, I will teach you together!”


Probably because of its size, the power of this monster’s attack was so powerful that it smashed a hole in the ground, and the rocks were splashing.

Inuyasha furiously said, “What are you attacking indiscriminately? We are also chasing Naraku.”

But looking at that monster’s appearance, it didn’t look like he would listen to Inuyasha’s explanation honestly. His so-called guardian stone was taken away, which seemed to make him very irritable. Since reasoning was invalid, Inuyasha had to pull out the broken teeth and prepare to fight.

Maitreya stepped back and said, “Inuyasha, don’t kill him, he has no intentions.”

“I know.”

Inuyasha let out a cold snort, ready to rush out.

At this moment, Maitreya’s heart moved and asked loudly: “Don’t be angry, maybe we can help you get the guardian stone back, but can you tell us the situation of the guardian stone?”

The monster replied: “That guardian stone is called Non-Monster Wall. It is the key to make my Yueshan people sleep for a long time and let the green trees grow on me. It can cover up the monster’s monster. Just cover my monster No one will come to trouble me.”

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