Chapter 1190 Pupa

Looking at the facial expressions, Maitreya and Shanhu do not agree with Inuyasha’s statement.

Maitreya argued for reasons: “Didn’t the strange rat demon last time prove to be the ghost of Naraku? This time the chrysalis has become so weird. It is very likely that Naraku is behind the wind and rain. Let us spend some time. There will be no loss in time investigation. If the matter is really related to Naraku and we missed it again, what should we do?”

Inuyasha was speechless, but he couldn’t get over his face.

If he admits that Maitreya’s statement is correct, wouldn’t it mean that he was wrong?

He stubbornly said: “But isn’t Su pupa already killed? How can I investigate it? Go to bed now? If it really has something to do with Naraku, something strange will happen tomorrow.”

In fact, the reason why Inuyasha and others chose to live in the village was because the night was already dark. Therefore, neither Maitreya nor Coral opposed Inuyasha and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Mukuro suddenly felt a strange and weak breath appearing outside the house. Originally, it was impossible to start Mukuro with such a weak aura, but there was a huge shadow that resembled a cockroach along with that aura. The shadow lay on the window paper, covering the moonlight outside the window, and the change in light and shade immediately alarmed Mukuro.

When Mukuro opened his eyes, Inuyasha and Qibao 357 also woke up and chased them out.

Inuyasha solemnly said: “Is it another Su chrysalis? Only one was killed during the day, and a new one appeared so soon. Maybe it really has something to do with Naraku.”

Without hesitation, Inuyasha smashed out the broken teeth and smashed the three chrysalis in the sky to death.

However, after Su pupa died, Qibao, who was behind Inuyasha, didn’t know why, turned into a huge balloon with flames all over his body.

He looks very much like the one he used to intimidate Inuyasha and Ari when he first appeared. But he couldn’t scare Inuyasha at the time. Given Inuyasha’s familiarity with him now, it is naturally even more impossible to scare people.

Inuyasha said nonchalantly, “Qibao, what are you doing?”

At this moment, Qibao opened his mouth and spit out a lot of granular things from his mouth.

Mukuro was taken aback, and quickly backed away because he had recognized that it was coral.

Sure enough, after those things were spit out by Qibao, a stink filled the air, covering Inuyasha’s whole body. The smell is unbearable even Mukuro, let alone Inuyasha with a sharp nose? Inuyasha was fainted on the spot, lying on the ground unconsciously.

Coral was taken aback and said, “When will Qibao steal my things?”

There is no doubt that what was stolen by Qibao was the smelly pill that Coral used to deal with monsters with sensitive noses. Because this kind of thing didn’t actually hurt Inuyasha’s body, the coral and the others didn’t care, and immediately chased Qibao. Qibao had already escaped with the dance of air after fainting Inuyasha.

The moment he flew up, Coral had already seen the chrysalis on his body.

However, as soon as the coral and the others chased him, Qibao threw a huge stone statue backhand and smashed it at the coral and the others.

Coral rode away on mica. Although it only took a little time, it was already a long way from Qibao.

Coral said anxiously: “Damn it, I didn’t expect Qibao to be so difficult. Mukuro, are you not going to help?”

Mukuro slowly floated beside the coral and said: “It’s just a Qibao, and all the magic tricks can only be used for pranks. What’s the trouble? As long as you are careful, you can deal with it.”

The coral and mica chased for a while, and suddenly found that the giant ball that Qibao had turned into was resting on the branch of a big tree.

Coral quickly let the mica catch up and said: “Finally found Qibao, hurry over, can’t let him run away. Su chrysalis is parasitic on a little monster like Qibao, evil spirits will completely suppress Qibao’s original consciousness.”

However, that Qibao only looked like Qibao on the surface, and Mukuro could clearly feel that his qi was weak, not like a living thing. To put it bluntly, it was just a cloud of energy and a cloud of demon energy left by the Qi Treasures on the tree branches, and that was the trap of the Qi Treasures. But Mukuro has not had time to get in shape, and coral and mica have washed up.

At that moment, the “Seven Treasures” seemed to turn into a ball of chewing gum, with mica and coral glued inside.

Mukuro said helplessly: “Coral, don’t you feel the difference in the evil spirit?”

Coral awkwardly said: “Stop talking about this, hurry up and save me and mica.”

The coral and mica struggled fiercely, like a person falling into the mud. Seeing them, it is not impossible to get out, but it may take a long time. Mukuro had to press his hand on the coral and slowly infuse the qi into it, and then let the coral appear in a state similar to explosive qi, and a white arrogance appeared on the surface of the body.

After the white arrogance appeared, Qibao’s chewing gum-like things were naturally washed away.

Mukuro used the same method to rescue the mica and said: “Go on, you must save Qibao, but be careful not to fall into such obvious traps.”

At this moment, Mukuro suddenly saw a fire dragon appearing in the village behind him, rushing towards this side, and at the same time, there was a shout from the villagers. The fire dragon was of course the result of the villagers holding torches in the night. It seems that Qibao’s prank has disturbed them, and they have come to ask for trouble.

Mukuro said lightly: “Coral, Qibao is neither a god nor an immortal, and the villagers will not show mercy to his men. If they find Qibao first, Qibao will probably lose his life.”

“If that’s the case, you can’t be merciful to Qibao’s men.”

Inuyasha also caught up and said, “Use a rougher means to kill the Su chrysalis on Qibao.”

He used the air dance technique to fly into the air, found the position of Qibao in mid-air, and then rushed up quickly.

After rescuing Qibao, Inuyasha chased out the remaining Su chrysalis in the direction where he escaped, and soon he saw countless Su chrysalis gathering in a clearing. The number of them is not even worse than the last time. So many chrysalis appeared in the same place, squirming gently, and the nausea is no longer inferior to the rat group.

At the same time that the Su pupa group was discovered, Maitreya had already caught up.

Maitreya looked at the chrysalis in front of him and said: “There are so many chrysalis, and you can’t leave them alone, you can only absorb them all first. But why are there so many chrysalis here?”

Coral guessed: “Didn’t I say that? Su chrysalis will only parasitize the monsters of huge size. Will there be monsters of extremely large size that are killed before they have to escape?”

Inuyasha snorted coldly and said, “In other words, the matter is really worth investigating? I hope that it won’t be related to Naraku in the end, otherwise he can’t be spared.”

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