Chapter 1189 The raging fox fairy

Mukuro, Inuyasha, and others used dance techniques and rushed back as fast as they could.

The period from when they fly up to when they land back to their original place will never exceed one minute. But when Mukuro landed, the dead trees that had originally grown on the mountain had disappeared, leaving only the bare hills, not even a single piece of dead wood or tree roots. If it weren’t for a circular hole in the ground, they almost thought they had found the wrong place.

Mukuro looked at the cabinet to the side and said, “This is indeed a place where dead trees grow, but we are really late.”

Inuyasha’s face was ugly, and the broken teeth in his hand pierced into the soil fiercely and said, “So the dead tree was taken away by Naruto? But what did he take away the dead tree for?”

Coral held his chin for a while and said, “Isn’t Naraku’s body made up of countless monsters’ bodies? Maybe that dead tree is the corpse of a monster, and Naraku needs it. If that’s the case, wait until we see Naraku next time. At that time, I don’t know how much his strength will become. Maybe there is only one person who hopes to defeat Naraku in the future, Mukuro is the only one left.”

Mukuro smiled bitterly: “Don’t be so serious. Hasn’t Inuyasha been broken by the diamond gun? With the power of the diamond gun, it is more than enough to kill the current Naraku. Although Naraku is immortal now, he will sooner or later. Withdraw your heart. If you are smarter, you may not be able to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.”

Naraku’s heart is the top priority, and now at the critical moment of transformation, he has to let it go.

But after a long time, he will always have one day to take it back, otherwise the fatal weakness will run all over the floor after all. And Naraku’s heart, that is, Chiko already has his own thoughts, and is an independent individual. Of course, he is not willing to be absorbed by Naraku and become part of Naraku’s body, so they will always have a fight.

Of course, what Mukuro said just now was just to comfort Inuyasha and the others, Mukuro didn’t like them.

If they could really seize this opportunity, Naraku wouldn’t have grown to where it is today.

But they didn’t seem to realize this, and they were shocked by Mukuro’s words.

Maitreya shook his spirit and said, “Mukuro makes sense, and can’t Inuyasha’s strength continue to grow stronger? As long as Inuyasha becomes stronger faster than Naraku, what can Naraku change again?”

Mukuro is no longer interested in seeing them deceiving themselves, but he doesn’t want to destroy their hopes, so he can only say indifferently: “Let’s go, if you want to continue to become stronger, hurry up on the road, find the right monsters, and absorb their abilities.”

Inuyasha nodded and squeezed the broken teeth in his hands.

Kikyo suddenly said, “Let’s go, I’ll just go to Naraku. The way we become stronger is different, and it doesn’t make sense to act together.”

Although Kikyo spoke firmly and the reasons were sufficient, Inuyasha was obviously worried.

After all, the guy Naraku has always wanted Kikyo’s life, if Kikyo is alone, it is equivalent to giving Naraku a chance to make a move. However, if they forcefully act together, Kikyo’s strength will not increase in any way, and Inuyasha may also delay the trip because of protecting Kikyo, slowing down the speed of strength enhancement.

So in front of the two choices, Inuyasha himself is also very entangled.

Mukuro thought for a while, and said faintly, “Don’t waste time, everyone should act separately. Inuyasha, I can assure you that before Kikyo officially challenges Naraku, I will never let Naraku hurt a single hair of Kikyo, so you Can you rest assured?”

“Since you guarantee that, then all right.”

Inuyasha finally felt relieved and agreed, and then separated from Kikyo.

They moved forward for a few days, and suddenly saw a huge fox tossing in the village, already hurting many people and damaging many houses. Moreover, the fox’s condition was abnormal. The average monster would behave sensibly even if he hurts others, but this fox was messing around like a mad dog.

Ari couldn’t see it, and said to Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, you can defeat that monster.”

Inuyasha raised his hand and said lightly: “Simple, like this kind of innocent monster, I can kill it with a single paw.”

Inuyasha kicked his feet like a knight up and down, holding his paw high and leaping towards the fox, and the fox didn’t seem to notice it yet. Perhaps as Inuyasha said, this level of mercy can’t even eat Inuyasha’s iron claws, let alone the power of iron shattered teeth. But when Inuyasha was about to kill the fox, the villagers all stopped loudly.

“Don’t kill him! He is not a monster to harm people, he has no malicious intentions!”

“He only becomes like this when he is controlled by others. We can definitely find a way to save him.”

“Please don’t kill him, he is a fox immortal, not a monster!”

Because the villagers pleaded unanimously, Inuyasha had to stop and was stopped by humans when attacking the monster. It is probably the first time Inuyasha has encountered it in his life.

He wondered: “This guy is a fox fairy? Then why is he attacking you?”

Maitreya, Shan Shan and others were equally puzzled.

It’s weird no matter how you look at it, the hurt person actually intercedes for the person who hurt him.

Mukuro stepped forward and said, “Didn’t these villagers just say that? The fox fairy was controlled by someone, but strictly speaking, it should not be people who control them, but a strange little monster. I’m in the fox fairy. I feel a very weak aura on his body. But in any case, save this fox fairy first, Maitreya, Coral, this is your specialty.”

Neither Maitreya nor Coral shied away.

Maitreya first used a spell to force the leaning little monster to appear, and then the coral used flying bones to kill it. It was a small insect that resembled a cicada pupa. After the bug was killed, the fox fairy’s body shrank quickly, and at the same time he recovered calm, thanked the coral and Maitreya and flew away. After the fox fairy left, Inuyasha and others settled down in the village.

“I always think things are not right.” Coral looked worried.

Inuyasha froze for a while and said, “What? Is that little monster like a cicada chrysalis during the day? Hasn’t it been killed?”

Shanhu groaned: “It was killed, but the object it possessed was wrong. The little monster is called Supupa. It is indeed a monster of no big deal, but he was originally parasitic on a monster with a large body. He has never heard of it. He will possess a little land god. Didn’t Mukuro say that? If you want to prevent danger, you must pay attention to every detail around you.”

Maitreya nodded and said, “Do you want to investigate?”

Inuyasha objected: “It’s not wrong to pay attention to the details, but is it necessary to investigate this kind of no big deal? The most important thing now is to find Naraku or improve my strength.”

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