Chapter 1188 Clues of platycodon

“Damn it, it really is no way to fight like this!”

Inuyasha said angrily, “Aren’t Kikyo still willing to come out? Don’t we have to destroy the cabinet? Mukuro, what do you think? Give us an idea.”

Mukuro faintly refused: “I have already said that when you decide to use the white boy’s hand to draw the bellflower, no matter what happens later, I will not be nosy. You are responsible for it. So what do you do now, You must also make your own decisions.”

Of course, Mukuro knows very well in his heart that it is very rare for him to ask Mukuro with Inuyasha’s face-saving personality.

But Mukuro is the last word, so he can’t slap himself.

Inuyasha had no choice but to continue to chop the mice hard.

He didn’t seem to want to destroy the cabinet before he could not hold it.

But the mice kept rushing out of the cupboard, endless, and they could not be killed. As time passed, Inuyasha and others were gradually overwhelmed by the rats. If they didn’t quickly use the dance to escape, it would be a matter of defeat. However, Inuyasha hadn’t meant to leave yet, and he still fought against the rats.

Maitreya floated in mid-air and said, “Inuyasha, or let’s give up. Even if we want to find Kikyo, we can use other methods.”

At this moment, there was a piercing sound in the air.

An arrow pierced the void like a meteor, and fell on the cabinet with a beautiful arc. The arrow seemed to be accompanied by a powerful magic-breaking power, which made the rats completely afraid to resist. When the arrow pierced the cupboard, all the surrounding rats disappeared in light smoke, and no rats came out of the cupboard.


Maitreya was stunned for a moment and then said, “Ali, you shot the demon-breaking arrow just now?”

However, A Li was also very confused and shook his head to deny.

Since it’s not Ari, there is only one person who can shoot this kind of demon-breaking arrow, and that is Kikyo!

Obviously Inuyasha had thought of this too, and suddenly said, “It’s Kikyo! It must be Kikyo! Mukuro! Have you seen the magic arrow flying from which direction?”

Mukuro didn’t bother to answer such a mentally retarded question, and just pointed to the cabinet silently.

Because from the point where the Demon Arrow pierced into the cabinet, you can see the direction of the arrow. Inuyasha is also a person with extremely rich practical experience. It is impossible to fail to see this. He panicked all of a sudden, which only showed that his heart was completely on Kikyo, and he had no extra energy to observe the situation.

Looking at the cupboard, Inuyasha suddenly realized that he turned and chased in the direction where the magic arrow flew.

Mukuro, Shan Shan and others did not hesitate, and immediately caught up with them by dancing.

After a while, they saw the figure of Kikyo, with two children following her.

As if unable to see the two children, Inuyasha slowly landed in front of Kikyo and said, “Mukuro is right, Kikyo, you are still alive. But you are alive, why don’t you come out to see us?”

Mukuro landed on the top of a nearby tree and watched quietly.

In fact, he already felt the strong Naraku breath in Kikyo’s body, which seemed to be the result of the miasma remaining in her body, and even suppressed Kikyo’s own spiritual power. If you don’t quickly find a way to get rid of the miasma, there is only a dead end waiting for her. Kikyo must have realized this, so even when he saw Inuyasha, his expression was calm.

Following Inuyasha’s back, Ari also caught up, and obviously felt the miasma in Kikyo’s body.

She was surprised: “Kiji, you…”

Kikyo said calmly, “I’m already a dead person. Even if I can’t match Naraku’s miasma, I will only die again. But before I die, I must get rid of Naraku. Inuyasha, do you know where Naraku is?”

Inuyasha didn’t answer, and said in surprise: “This is why Naraku will kill you at all costs? Just leave Naraku to us. You can quickly find a way to get rid of the miasma in your body.”

Mukuro stood on the treetop and said, “Inuyasha, don’t be stupid. If those miasma can be removed so easily, do you think Kikyo will wait till now? Now only Ari can get rid of those miasma, even me. Nor does it work.”

The strength of the miasma is of course not worth mentioning to Mukuro. If it is outside of the bellflower, Mukuro can use a powerful qi to annihilate them in minutes. But in Kikyo’s body, if Mukuro still uses the same method to deal with the miasma, the first person to die must be Kikyo. So if you want to save Kikyo, the only way is to get Ari to do it.

A Li slowly stepped forward and said, “Let me try it, but I feel that the miasma in your body is very strong. Even if it is me, I am not very sure.”

When Ari stopped in front of Kikyo and gently unbuttoned Kikyo’s collar, he could clearly see that there was a huge wound on Kikyo’s body that almost penetrated her body. You know, Kikyo is already a dead person, and the body is also gathered from the soil of her grave, but even with this body, the wound can’t heal. It can be seen how badly Naraku’s miasma hurt her.

A Li put his hand on the wound and said, “Even if it is your spiritual power, there is no way to counteract the miasma?”

Kikyo did not answer, and the two children who were next to her explained to her: “She has exhausted all her strength just to prevent the wound from getting bigger, so now only you can save him in 503.”

The moment Ari touched Kikyo’s body, a very powerful energy gushed out of Ari’s palm, neutralizing and offsetting the miasma in Kikyo’s body. As the miasma weakened, the Qi of the bellflower gradually became stronger. Although there is still some distance from the heyday state, as long as there is enough time, it should not be difficult to return to the peak state.

Mukuro jumped to the ground and said, “The matter has been settled. Should you go back and investigate the tree just now? Why does Shirako want Inuyasha to chop it down? Are you not curious?”

Of course, Inuyasha and others could not be curious, but their attention was diverted by Kikyo at first. So when I heard Mukuro’s words, it suddenly dawned on me.

Inuyasha immediately rose into the sky and said, “Let’s go back and have a look, or it may be too late.”

Maitreya hesitated: “But platycodon can’t fly. With platycodon, can we go back right away?”

“Don’t say so much.” Coral urged, “Kiji let me carry it by. You guys will rush back right away. In any case, you can’t let Naraku succeed.”

“I’ll come.” Mukuro used gravity to bring Kikyo up and said, “With your dance skills, you can fly by yourself. If you bring one more person, be careful to kill you. Even if you can’t fall, you will fly. I can’t even watch the speed of it.”

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