Chapter 1176 Salvation

Mukuro was happy and almost laughed.

How come all the monsters in this world have the problem of despising humans? Even if weak humans really account for more than ninety-nine percent, aren’t there still very few powerful individuals? For example, Platycodon grandiflorum, and Cuizi, who created the jade of the four souls. Once you encounter such a powerful human being, there is only death, so why don’t monsters have a long memory?

Mukuro slowly stepped forward, flicking his finger, and struck the coral’s abdomen with vigor.

Coral shook his whole body, opened his mouth and spit out an egg, and fainted to the ground as soon as his body became soft.

The monster was startled, completely dumbfounded.

He yelled in horror and panic: “How is it possible? Why do you humans have such strong power? Moreover, you can see through my method of controlling people at a glance. Are you a monster?”

“It always feels strange to be called by your monsters that I am a monster.” Mukuro said lightly, “There is obviously a monster in Coral’s belly. Is it difficult to find out how you control people?”

Mukuro can indeed feel that coral’s physical strength has a strong aura that does not belong to her, and then connects to the plots he has watched. Of course, Mukuro immediately found a way to save the coral. However, including the monsters, Inuyasha and Maitreya were shocked and it was hard to believe.

Inuyasha was stunned and said, “Fake? I played so hard just now, but you managed to get the coral with one move?”

Maitreya blushed and said, “I can see through the reality of the opponent in an instant, but I can’t even feel the demon power. Maybe Mukuro is the real exorcist. Inuyasha, quickly solve the monster, otherwise if you let Mukuro make another move. , Our old faces are lost.”

Inuyasha’s face changed, an old face flushed as well, and at the same time he looked at the broken teeth in his hand, using even greater strength to hold the knife.

Mukuro could probably guess his thoughts when he saw his movements.

When he had no fight with the gods, all the power of the iron shattered teeth was taken away, and finally Mukuro helped him get it back. Moreover, the method used by Mukuro was so simple and crude that it severely hit Inuyasha’s self-confidence. Now is his first battle after taking away the broken teeth. Of course he has to prove himself.

He brandished his iron and broken teeth to attack the monster, and at the same time shouted: “Mile, block that woman, don’t let her approach.”

At the same time, Inuyasha was wounded by the wind, and the sharp light of the knife enveloped the monster and the Guanyin statue.


Before the huge power of the wind wound, if there is no barrier protection, even the killing pill will suffer a big loss, even life-threatening, let alone a monster. He couldn’t hold it for a second, and was directly torn apart by the wind.

At the same time, the coral also woke up leisurely.

She slowly got up, looked around in confusion and said, “What happened?”

Inuyasha jokingly said, “It’s nothing, you are controlled by a monster. I have already defeated the monster who controls you, but the one who saved you is Mukuro, so you can rest assured.”

Coral looked at Mukuro, suddenly embarrassed.

Mukuro said lightly, “No, it’s too early to say you can rest assured, look outside.”

The house suffered a devastating blow due to the battle of Inuyasha and others, so Mukuro and others can already see the outside with naked eyes. I saw that even though the monster died, the women in the village seemed to have not recovered their freedom. They surrounded Inuyasha and others, among them Ari, Kagura, and Qibao.

Mukuro was startled slightly, but he didn’t expect even Kagura to speak.

After all, the monsters’ eggs are fed to Coral. It’s just ordinary women. Coral and Ari don’t want to hurt human girls. They feel depressed, and Qibao lacks strength. Even if they are subdued, Kagura doesn’t seem to be in the midst of it. ?

Maitreya and Inuyasha didn’t think so much, but they also secretly had a headache.

Shanhu suddenly exclaimed, “I remembered that we were sleeping, and then the girls in the village suddenly rushed in and fed us strange things. I was worried about hurting them, and Kagura was worried about hurting his own people, and then changed. That’s it.”

“I see.”

Mukuro suddenly realized, “I said how Kagura could be subdued by the villagers. Although they are controlled, they only need to beat out the monster eggs they eat in their stomachs. It’s not a big deal.”

“Youkai egg? Is that what Coral just spat out?”

Maitreya looked at the monster egg on the ground and said: “It’s easy to say, but is it really that easy? It has to hit them in the stomach, but it can’t hurt them. The opponents are ordinary human girls. Fortunately, Kagura and A Fences are not easy to deal with.”

“Dance of Dragons and Snakes!”

Kagura suddenly slammed the fan in his hand, and a few tornadoes attacked Inuyasha and Maitreya.

For fear of being affected, the girls under control immediately avoided. However, after the tornado passed, they immediately pounced on Inuyasha and others, trying to prevent Inuyasha from avoiding the tornado. If it were really hit by the tornado of Kagura, even Inuyasha and Maitreya would not be able to withstand it. After all, the current Kagura cultivation qi had become much stronger.

Maitreya was taken aback and said: “If you don’t fight against them, you really can’t imagine that your companions have become so powerful.”

Inuyasha also gritted his teeth: “Sure enough, Kagura is the most difficult one to deal with. If I don’t hurt her, it seems that I can’t beat the monster egg in her body.”

“It’s better for me to come.” Mukuro said calmly: “What is it to let you hit a girl in the belly? You and Maitreya will clean up other ordinary girls.”

After driving Inuyasha and Maitreya away, Mukuro shot out together, and it was easy to beat out the monster egg in Kagura.

Kagura is a monster after all, and his physique is much stronger than ordinary people. So she didn’t faint like a coral, and soon stood up again and looked around suspiciously.


At this moment, a sharp breaking sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time it brought strong energy fluctuations.

Mukuro quickly looked over, and saw Ari bend the bow and shoot an arrow at Inuyasha. If Inuyasha didn’t hide enough in time, he must have been purified. Even if he dodges, the power of the demon-breaking arrow still makes Inuyasha become disillusioned.

Maitreya also said with a shame: “If you are hit, you must be finished, what should you do?”

Inuyasha said with a lingering fear: “Miracle, should I leave it to you? You are not a monster. The Demon Arrow will have a much smaller impact on you. Even if you are hit, you will not die.”

“That hurts too, okay?” Maitreya couldn’t help but complain.

Suddenly, Shanhu said, “Isn’t Ah Li’s arrow technique terrible? Why does it suddenly become a hit?”

“Of course it is because of the control of the monster.” Mukuro said lightly: “It is the monster that is aiming now, not Ari, so Ari may be stronger than Kikyo now. If you can’t, just leave it to me.”

Mukuro’s figure flashed, and the next second he punched Ari’s stomach.

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