Chapter 1175 Guanyin Statue

Mukuro stood up and looked at the statue of Guanyin that Maitreya was referring to.

It was a portrait of Guanyin hanging on the wall. There were no other things hanging around and no incense candles in front of it. It looked very strange. On the portrait of Guanyin, Mukuro can also sense a peaceful Buddhism power, in which there is a malicious atmosphere hidden in it. If you don’t observe it carefully, you can’t find it.

There is no doubt that it is definitely a monster’s anger.

However, looking at the reactions of Maitreya and others, they still didn’t seem to sense the existence of the evil spirit.

Mukuro nodded lightly and said, “Yes, that’s the Guanyin statue we need to find, but you really didn’t sense the existence of the evil spirit?”

Mukuro said while observing Maitreya and Coral.

After seeing their expressions, Mukuro knew that he had asked for nothing, because they really couldn’t feel it.

Maitreya wondered: “Is there really a monster? Why don’t we feel it at all?”

Inuyasha nodded appreciatively and said, “Is it just like Maitreya said, another monster without magic power?”


At this moment, a head composed purely of energy 453 flew out of the Guanyin statue and opened its mouth to rush towards Maitreya.

Maitreya was taken aback and avoided the attack and said, “What kind of monster are you?”

The head sneered and said, “Hehe, I want your human skin.”

“Do you want my human skin? What do you want to do?”

“In order to restore my original shape, I need a man’s skin. I was originally a monster living in a nearby swamp. I was surrendered by a monk a long time ago and sealed in the statue of Guanyin. However, my soul did not die. I have been waiting for the chance to be resurrected. , You also become a part of my body.”

The head opened its blood basin and opened its mouth wide, and pounced on it again.

Maitreya snorted coldly, and was about to throw a spell.

At this moment, a girl smashed through the door of the room, rushed in, threw Maitreya down, and the spell fell.

The monster rushed up again and was so scared that Maitreya hurriedly kicked the girl away, and at the same time blocked the monster’s attack with a rod. But being pressed by the monster on the ground, even Maitreya almost lost the power to resist, unless he used the wind cave. However, the girl stayed by, as long as Maitreya dared to use the wind cave, Mukuro and Inuyasha would not matter, but the girl would definitely be absorbed.

Maitreya gritted his teeth and said, “Damn, Inuyasha, Mukuro, when do you want to watch the show until?”

From the time when the monster rushed out to now, Mukuro and Inuyasha really didn’t mean to shoot at all, but Maitreya was already tired enough, no wonder he was so angry. Of course, Mukuro still has no intention of making a move. Only Inuyasha can help Maitreya.

Mukuro looked at Inuyasha, saw Inuyasha raised his hands, and said nonchalantly, “You can handle this kind of little monster yourself? Wouldn’t it be good to let you be handsome in front of a little girl?”

Maitreya was speechless.

He kicked at the monster, jumped up, and waved his staff again to attack Maitreya. But at this moment, the door to the room was rushed open again, and at the same time it was damaged more severely. A vigorous figure rushed in with a bone-made back sign. Of course, the only people who can have such weird shapes and use such weird weapons are corals.

Maitreya saw coral rushing in from the corner of his eye and couldn’t help being overjoyed: “Coral! Come and help me! Mukuro and Inuyasha are unreliable!”

Coral didn’t say a word, as if he hadn’t heard Master Maitreya’s words, and at the same time stepped his feet, rushing towards Maitreya like an arrow from a string. She threw the flying bone in her hand, causing the flying bone to make a piercing sound, destroying the things in the house too much.

However, the target of her attack does not seem to be a monster, but Maitreya Mage.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and quickly blocked the flying bone with his broken teeth.

“Coral, what are you doing?” Inuyasha was surprised and angry: “Why are you attacking Master Maitreya?”

Mukuro turned his head to look at the coral at the same time, and saw that the coral’s eyes were blank, and there was no fluctuation in the expression on his face. It was clearly controlled by someone. In this state, she certainly couldn’t answer Inuyasha.

Suddenly two small knives popped out of her wristbands and slashed towards Inuyasha’s front door.

Inuyasha was taken aback, but it was too late to escape, and a scar was added to his face.

He took two steps back and said, “Why is this? What happened to the coral?”

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Mukuro said calmly: “The coral has been controlled by someone, and the person who controls her doesn’t need to think about knowing that it is the monster in front of us. As long as he is dealt with, the coral will naturally be able to regain freedom.”


The monster laughed and said, “Although you are only a human being, you did not expect your knowledge to be so broad. Yes, that human being has been controlled by me. Do you think I can be killed so easily?”

Maitreya and the monster were fighting fiercely, and his face changed drastically when he heard these words. At the same time, Coral also joined the battle circle and besieged Maitreya with the monsters. The situation is very unfavorable for Maitreya.

Mukuro said calmly: “Inuyasha, let’s do it, otherwise Maitreya is going to be splattered with blood for five steps. You have to get back to the broken teeth and never do it again. Right now is a good opportunity.”

“You don’t need to tell me, I also know.” Inuyasha kicked and rushed up to stop the coral and said: “Miracle, quickly solve that monster. If it doesn’t work, get around him, and don’t let him approach us.”

Mukuro smiled secretly, although he did not speak, he was already amused by Inuyasha.

Because with Inuyasha’s arrogance, it was a rare thing to admit that he could not deal with the second monster when dealing with coral. Even Mukuro couldn’t help wondering how things would turn out to be.

As the battle between Maitreya and the monsters, as well as Inuyasha and Coral intensified, the house they were in couldn’t bear it, and was immediately destroyed and torn apart. Countless pieces of wood flew around, causing a wolf ailment nearby.

Inuyasha blocked the coral’s flying bone attack again, and shouted as he was knocked into the air: “Mile, have you still not solved the opponent?”

Maitreya hurriedly said: “It’s easy for you! There are girls on my side who are making trouble, how about you deal with it and give me the coral?”

Maitreya’s skill is not as good as Inuyasha, and it is really difficult to deal with the combination of monsters and human girls. Moreover, he has strong observation ability, and it does take advantage to deal with corals. However, thinking about the way to save the corals, Mukuro thought about it and thought it was better for him to take action.

He stepped forward and said, “Forget it, Coral will leave it to me. You two will work together to deal with the monster and the girl.”

At the same time, Coral had taken the flying bones back and confronted Mukuro slowly.

The monster who controls the coral grinned and said: “You human being dare to be the first bird, do you think you are better than that half-monster? Well, I will take away your human skin and restore it to its original form!”

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