Chapter 1177 White boy

After successfully rescuing Ari and Kagura, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others continued on their way.

On this day, when they were halfway down the road, they suddenly saw a child riding a fire horse flying in front of them and stopping at a height of more than ten meters above the ground. Of course, it is the fire horse that can make children fly. The child riding on it is barefoot, wearing white clothes and white hair. It looks very weird.

The strangest thing is that he has an aura similar to Naraku.

“Who is that guy?” Inuyasha sneered: “You dare to stop in front of us, you’re so courageous.”

“Inuyasha, don’t be impulsive, figure out who the other party is.” Maitreya has suffered a lot, and has become a lot more cautious: “That child seems to be related to the baby that Naraku split up.”

The child said coldly: “My name is Baitong, you guessed it right, I am the clone of Naraku, and I am now ready to go to the intersection of this world and the other. Naraku has already told you about this, right? You are still in the mood to hang out here, if you don’t hurry to that place, the fragments of the jade of the four souls will be snatched by Naraku.”

“If you want to go, I’ll take you there right away!” Inuyasha was furious, and the wound from the wind was cut immediately.

However, Bai Tongzi also has a barrier similar to Naraku, which can easily block Inuyasha’s wind injury.

And he didn’t seem to have any plans to fight Inuyasha, so he turned and left.

Waiting for the white boy to leave, Inuyasha stomped on the ground, furious.

Maitreya said strangely: “It always feels like White Boy is sent by Naraku to urge us to go to the intersection of Yin and Yang as soon as possible. Is Naraku impatient?”

“Narakugoshi urged us, we just want to go slowly to see what he wants to do.” Inuyasha snorted.

“That won’t work.” Mukuro clearly opposed.

This is not only Inuyasha, but Maitreya, Kagura and others are puzzled.

Of course Mukuro understands their strangeness. After all, Naraku is their opponent. What Naraku wants them to do, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t seem like a good thing. Under normal circumstances, it is indeed the most correct way to do the opposite of Naraku’s expectations. But because of the existence of a person, Mukuro had to go over immediately.

That person is Sashengwan!

Mukuro and others can ignore Naraku’s urging, but Sashengwan will most likely fall for it.

That guy was too confident in his own power, thinking that he could cope even in bad situations, and would not take the possible traps in his eyes. If Naraku used the Sasheng pill to enter the intersection of the Yin and Yang worlds and obtained the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, it would be meaningless for Mukuro and others to delay time.

Mukuro told Inuyasha and the others about his thoughts, and immediately left them speechless.

Inuyasha cursed and said, “That idiot Sashengwan! It made things troublesome.”

“Don’t complain, just go over.” Mukuro slowly leaped into the air and said, “In the mountain prison of the country of fire, there is a place where you can go to the intersection of the yin and yang. You can find the four souls through that passage. The jade.”

With the speed at which Mukuro and others use the dance technique, it can almost be described by the speed of the wind. After flying for two days, they have reached their destination.

What appeared in front of Inuyasha and the others was a volcano, and the volcano gave out thick smoke, which looked terrifying.

Maitreya landed on the crater, looked at a crack in the fire Yamanaka and said, “That passage seems to be underground, do you really want to go in?”

Inuyasha muttered, “Why do you look like the entrance to a cemetery?”

Mukuro couldn’t help laughing and said, “Isn’t your father buried in that place? So it’s okay to say that it’s a cemetery.”

In the process, Naraku’s fiercest victory has been hovering nearby, seeming to monitor the actions of Mukuro and others. Although Mukuro has the ability to kill all the fiercest victories, he didn’t do that, because there will still be some use for them later.

After jumping in from the crack, Mukuro discovered that there was a huge underground world in the volcano with a very wide passage. But the weird thing is that as they progressed, there were many monster-like stone statues on the ground, which looked very strange. A Li, Qibao and others noticed the existence of the stone statue, and their faces were very ugly.

Qibao said, “Don’t you think those monster rocks are terrible? There is always an ominous premonition.”

Inuyasha didn’t put the rock in his heart at all, and said nonchalantly, “It’s a substitute for the pavement leading to the gate. Don’t worry, we are here.”

As soon as Inuyasha’s voice fell, he stopped.

What appeared in front of them was a huge oval-shaped door, the door was locked with chains, and on both sides stood a huge stone statue that looked like a woman… Nearby, the monster-like rock on the ground also became More dense, it’s like an exhibition of stone statues.

“There really is a door.” Ari muttered to herself, “As long as you pass through this door, can you lead to the intersection of Yin and Yang?”

Inuyasha irritably said: “Hmph, it will save you trouble. There is not even a guard at the door. As long as the chain on the door is cut off, it will pass. Everyone flashed past and watched me destroy the door with wind injuries.”

“Do you want to go there?”

At this moment, an ethereal voice that couldn’t be heard suddenly sounded. Mukuro took a closer look and found that the two huge stone statues of women were talking: “Quick answer, do you want to pass or don’t want to pass?”

Mukuro stopped and said, “Don’t answer, wait for Naraku’s men to come over.”

“Of course I want to pass, I came here specially, just for the past!” Inuyasha replied loudly.

Although Mukuro had already stopped, it still seemed to be a lot slower.

The moment Inuyasha answered, the eyes of the two stone statues became terrible, and they moved as if they had come to life.

Inuyasha said in amazement, “How could this be?”

Mukuro said helplessly: “That’s why I asked you not to answer. Those two guys are Bull Head and Ma Mian, they are the gatekeepers here. If anyone wants to pass this place, they must first be defeated by 0.4.”

“But, aren’t they decorative stone statues?” Inuyasha was speechless.

One of the stone statues looked down at Inuyasha and said, “Only the dead can pass through this door.”

Another stone statue said: “Those who want to pass through this door must become dead in our hands.”

“Does it mean that you can’t pass without death? No wonder Shirato and Naraku let us come to this place, but I am not ready to turn around and have a good time.” Inuyasha held up his iron teeth and rushed up.


The two stone statues pierced the spears in their hands and attacked Inuyasha. Although Inuyasha avoided them, they damaged the ground to a great extent.

Inuyasha avoided the attack, and said, “Although the two guys are big, they are very slow. As long as they avoid the attack, it’s no big deal.”

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