Chapter 1174 Guanyintang

In order to find a way to the intersection of yin and yang, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others didn’t use dance skills to hurry.

Because of walking with feet, the speed is naturally much slower.

Passing through a mountain forest that day, Mukuro suddenly felt that there were more than a dozen human breaths in the mountain forest. Humans living in the mountains were so rare that even Mukuro couldn’t help being a little curious. Moreover, within those human breaths, there seemed to be demon power hidden. In this case, even Mukuro, who has been in the world of Inuyasha for a while, has never seen it.

Of course there are monsters or ghosts that control humans, but those monsters or ghosts are better than humans.

The demon power that Mukuro felt was much weaker than the human breath.

Mukuro immediately told Coral about what he perceives.

Shanhu said strangely: “I haven’t heard of this situation. Would you like to go up and take a look?”

Inuyasha dissatisfied: “Isn’t the most important thing now to find the four-soul jade fragment? It will be troublesome if Naraku gets the last piece of the four-soul jade fragment.”

“What are you afraid of?” Mukuro said faintly, “Since Naraku asked the gods to let us go to that world without notifying us, it means that the jade fragments of the four souls of that world are not so easy to get. We move slowly, maybe. Can let Naraku show his feet. Moreover, those people are possessed by monsters, so of course they have to help them if they have the ability.”

“You want to go up the mountain?”

At this moment, a frightened voice suddenly sounded.

Mukuro turned his head and saw that a villager was full of horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

Mukuro didn’t know what the villagers were afraid of. He nodded and said, “Of course, is there any weird place on the mountain? Tell me, maybe we can solve it for you. To tell you the truth, all the people traveling with me He is a powerful mage.”

The villager glanced at Maitreya and Coral, and said with suspicion: “Since you said that, well, I heard that there is a village with daughters on the mountain, and those who live in it are poor women who have lost their husbands. Alas, this era is too chaotic, men Ding Du was captured and went to war, dead and wounded.”

The villagers said sighfully and sighed alone.

Mukuro was really not in the mood to listen to him commenting on current events and reminded him: “Since the people living on it are all poor women, what are you afraid of?”

“Because there are rumors that the group of women have died, they are a group of undead souls.”

After nagging a few words with the villagers, Mukuro sent him away.

After the villagers left, Maitreya’s eyes lighted up, as if he had been beaten in blood: “We, as exorcists, have the responsibility to slay demons and slayers. Since we know that there are a group of poor girls on the mountain controlled by monsters, we absolutely can’t just sit back and watch. Mukuro, Inuyasha, let’s go up the mountain to save people!”

I have to say that these impassioned words came out of Maitreya’s mouth, no matter how you look at it, it feels weird.

Having known Maitreya for so long, why didn’t Mukuro know that Maitreya was so active when he cast down demons?

Even if you think with your toes, Maitreya just wants to see the girl on the mountain.

Mukuro said lightly: “Let’s go, go up and have a look if you want.”

For things like the village, the goal on the mountain is really very obvious. Mukuro and Inuyasha and his team just climbed the mountain, they saw a large house on it, and there were many girls moving around the house. Mukuro compared the numbers and found that the amount of Qi he felt was all here.

In other words, there are no men and children in this village, just the daughter village they are looking for.

When they saw the girls in Mukuro, the girls apparently also found traces of Mukuro and others and greeted them.

“Unexpectedly, there will be guests in such a place.” A girl said: “You must be very hard to run around. Do you want to stay and rest?”

“Thank you then.” Maitreya promised impatiently, as if worried that Inuyasha would refuse.

Mukuro shook his head without saying anything.

After all, the monsters controlling these girls live in the house. If you want to get rid of him, the best chance is to live in and lead the snake out of the cave.

But it’s strange to say that even if he knew that the monster lived here, Mukuro didn’t sense any monster’s aura, Maitreya and others did not notice the existence of the monster, and even Inuyasha did not smell the monster.

Inuyasha looked around suspiciously and said, “Is the monster really here? Why didn’t I find it at all?”

Mukuro affirmed: “It’s really here, just hiding.”

Mukuro no longer remembers the name of the monster hiding here, he only remembers that it was a monster sealed in the statue of Guanyin. Because he was defeated by a high monk during his lifetime, and sealed in the monster’s skin, the high monk also painted the seal of Guanyin on the skin of the monster, so the smell of the monster was completely covered up.

Inuyasha moved his nose and said, “It’s impossible to hide the smell when you hide? It’s strange.”

Mukuro smiled slightly, “It’s certainly impossible to smell the smell of a monster, but what about the smell of a man?”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Coral said helplessly: “Mukuro, what are you kidding? The people who live here are all girls. How can it be like a man?”

Maitreya’s face changed drastically and said, “Mukuro, don’t you say that the girls just now were all male monsters?”

Mukuro’s heart moved and suddenly wanted to tease Maitreya.

This guy has been controlled by his small head, and he can’t walk when he sees a beautiful woman. If you intimidate him, let him have a shadow, I don’t know if it will be better.

While thinking, Mukuro deliberately said, “Mile, why do you say that? If they are monsters, wouldn’t you be able to sense their evil spirits?”

“There is no evil spirit in all gods, dare you say that she is not a monster?” Maitreya said solemnly.

Mukuro deliberately teased: “You are smart, those girls are indeed male monsters.”

Seeing Maitreya’s face changed drastically, Mukuro changed his words again and said, “Stop teasing you, they are all genuine girls, but it is also true that there is a man’s smell around here.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Inuyasha nodded: “You can smell the man’s scent, but you can’t see the man. It’s strange, and there is a faint smell of blood.”

Hearing that there was a smell of blood, Maitreya, Coral, and Kagura’s face became serious.

Guided by Inuyasha’s nose, they walked slowly down the mountain, and finally came to the riverside one day. But because of the water partition, the smell disappeared.

“That group of women is really weird, why do they smell of men and blood in the place where they live?” Inuyasha was puzzled.

Slowly, the night dimmed.

Mukuro, Maitreya and others walked back to the daughter’s village and said, “Don’t worry. With so many of us here, that monster will definitely not be able to wait. He will know the answer tonight.”

Back in the village, Mukuro and others were placed in a room with a Kannon statue, while Kagura and other girls were placed in other rooms.

Maitreya looked at the Guanyin statue and said, “Mukuro, this is the Guanyin statue you said?!”

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