Chapter 1155 Kill with one move

While the evil spirits were not ashamed, the sympathy on the faces of Inuyasha and others became more obvious.

Although Mukuro’s qigong wave was deliberately controlled by surprise, and the appearance can be said to be horrible, but this does not mean that Mukuro’s attack power is weak. Inuyasha and others have been with Mukuro for so long, they have long known that any attack by Mukuro can’t be taken lightly. Even if this qigong wave really can’t kill the evil spirit, it doesn’t mean that the evil spirit can win.

Between the electric light and the flint, the qigong wave had already flown in front of the evil spirit, less than one meter away from the evil spirit.

The evil spirit still sneered disapprovingly, and slapped it down.

Although Inuyasha has gotten rid of the shackles and regained his freedom, he has no intention of helping. He shook his head and sighed: “I haven’t seen such an initiative to seek death. Is it really too long to live?!”

Maitreya said solemnly: “Inuyasha, you are wrong. He is just an evil spirit. He was originally a dead person. What about living or not?!”


Between the electric light and the flint, the palm of the evil spirit slapped Mukuro’s qigong wave fiercely.

Mukuro’s qigong wave penetrated into his body, bursting with dazzling golden light, and spread in his body, making his translucent body gradually turn golden. When a certain part of him is completely corroded by golden light, it will be like a clay figure falling into the water, quickly melting, turning into a little golden light and spreading in mid-air.

When the evil spirit noticed the change in his body, he screamed in horror and let out a sharp scream.

“How could this be? What kind of power is this?! Why does my body dissolve?!”

Kagura said lightly: “I told you a long time ago that this human being is a monster, not easy to provoke. Who can stop you if you want to die? Rest in peace.”

Inuyasha stood up slowly and said, “It seems that there is no explosion, and the movement is smaller than I thought, but this evil spirit should be out of help.”

Maitreya said depressed: “Mukuro, you lied to us, you clearly said that if you make a move, you will definitely blow up the castle, but things have not turned into the situation you said.”

Mukuro thought for a while, as if he really said something like that, but he didn’t lie at the time.

He didn’t know how strong the evil spirits were at the time. If he were to be destroyed violently with qigong waves, the power of qigong waves would surely razed the castle to the ground. However, if Qi slowly erodes and dissolves the energy of evil spirits, it will naturally not have that much destructive power. This incident reminded Mukuro that in the future, don’t overestimate the level of combat effectiveness in this world.

Mukuro explained the general situation and said faintly: “This kind of problem does not need to be investigated. I have discovered new trends in Kikyo, let’s quickly follow it. And don’t you find it strange? Since the last time we lost and fled, We haven’t noticed Naraku’s movement for a long time, and this hasn’t happened before.”

Although, because of his own particularity, Mukuro can clearly sense Naraku’s qi and judge his position. But because he has this kind of ability, it doesn’t mean that Inuyasha and others can find it. Mukuro didn’t come to this world to be a nanny, and of course he wouldn’t tell Inuyasha them such important information.

Inuyasha was startled, and then said with afterthought: “In this way, Naraku has indeed been silent for a long time, and he can’t even see his clone.”

“Could it be that Naraku hides and transforms again?!” Maitreya’s expression changed, and he guessed: “This is not a small possibility. Didn’t he want to absorb the saccharum last time and leave a dumb clone? It must be the critical moment for the transformation. He needs new power to supplement himself. But where will he hide for transformation?”

“Even so, we can’t find Naraku unless Mukuro is willing to help.”

Coral looked at Mukuro weirdly: “The world is so big, if Naraku tries to hide, it won’t be easy to find him. Only Mukuro can find him.”

“Are you looking down on my nose?!” Inuyasha protested dissatisfiedly: “As long as I can find the smell of Naraku, I will definitely be able to chase it down.”

“Then can you find the smell of Naraku?!” Maitreya asked back, leaving Inuyasha speechless.

Even if Inuyasha doesn’t want to admit it, it won’t work. As long as Naruto flies in the sky, he won’t leave any scent information. With Inuyasha and Gangtooth’s ability, it is absolutely impossible to track down.

Mukuro said indifferently: “That’s why I let you learn how to use qi, and find people through qi, but unfortunately you can’t learn it all the time. I have told you before that I am not a babysitter, and you do not need to take care of them. Baby, so I can find Naraku by my own ability. I won’t help you directly.”

What Mukuro wanted was to fight against the strongest Naraku, not to stifle his growth halfway. Under this premise, Mukuro certainly had no reason to kill Naraku. Although Inuyasha and others did not want to see this happen, they were helpless. Who would let them beat Mukuro.

After a pause, Inuyasha suddenly appeared surprised, staring at Mukuro with wide eyes, and said in doubt: “Mukuro, you said that you sensed Kikyo’s movements?! Is she also looking for Naraku? Then we just need to find her. Found Naraku?!”

Mukuro was secretly surprised, but still remained calm on the surface.

I have to say that Inuyasha has indeed become a lot smarter recently, and the probability of using his brain is increasing. In this way, even without the help of Mukuro’s abilities, he still has a certain hope to find Naraku.

To some extent, Mukuro does not reject Inuyasha’s growth.

Mukuro shrugged and said casually: “Who knows, you want to know the facts, you can only try to chase it down yourself.”

Inuyasha and the others made up their minds and immediately followed the smell of Kikyo. Anyway, Kikyo can’t fly. As long as it doesn’t rain, all her movements will give Inuyasha a clue.

After several days of tracking, they finally chased to the vicinity of a spirit mountain.

Mukuro was floating in the air, looking at Lingshan in the distance, only to see the clouds and mist on Lingshan, like a fairyland, it was impossible to see the true face of Lingshan at all.

And Inuyasha and Maitreya felt extremely uncomfortable when they came here, and Qibao was dying, lying motionless on Ari’s shoulder, and the coral mica also lost all its power. Having been in the world of Inuyasha for so long, it is the first time that Mukuro has felt such a powerful purifying power.

Inuyasha said solemnly: “The smell of platycodonis disappeared when she came here, did she break into Lingshan? But…”

Maitreya went on to say what Inuyasha wanted to say: “But Kikyo is already a dead person. How can a dead person come to such a place full of sacred power? She will be instantly purified. Inuyasha, your nose will not be a problem, right?”

“It’s so noisy, how do I know why Kikyo came here, but her smell really disappeared here.” Inuyasha said irritably.

“Look for someone nearby to ask.” Mukuro said casually, “Because of the existence of Lingshan, the nearby people seem to have not been attacked by monsters. Many people have survived. If Kikyo really enters, someone must have seen it.”

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