Chapter 1156 Tragic father


Maitreya nodded and said with deep conviction: “As expected of Mukuro, I thought of a solution at once. Let’s go to a nearby village.”

Maitreya’s eyes were bright, and he kept urging Inuyasha to go to nearby towns, even more aggressively than Inuyasha’s search for Kikyo. In Mukuro’s view, no matter how he looks at him in this state, he is a drunkard, not drinking.

What Maitreya really wanted to find was probably the water spirit girl in the village.

When Mukuro discovered this and his eyes became weird, Inuyasha, Ari and others obviously thought of this, and their eyes were full of contempt when they looked at Maitreya.

Kagura contemptuously said, “Do you, the mage, regard women more importantly than killing Naraku?”

Maitreya awkwardly defended: “How can you slander a kind-hearted mage like this? I really think about you. Just go to the village and ask to know if Kikyo has been here. If you know if Kikyo has been there, you can just go straight. Nana is not here.”

The crowd ignored Maitreya’s explanation and walked towards the nearby village.

On the way, Kagura quietly walked to Mukuro’s side, held Mukuro’s hand, and asked in a low voice, “Mukuro, you already know the location of Naraku? Tell me what? As long as you say it, whatever you want to do tonight It will be all right.”

Mukuro was taken aback. I didn’t expect that this kind of words would come out of Kagura’s mouth, and she said this kind of words to Mukuro, the meaning is really big, and the attraction is really not small.

But on the surface, Mukuro remained calm.

He said with a faint smile: “Really? Do you just believe in my ability?”

Kagura said seriously: “If you don’t even know Naraku’s location, Kikyo is even less likely to know, but you don’t want to say it. Since you don’t object to Inuyasha and the others looking for Kikyo, it means that Kikyo has found Naraku and she can do it. You can certainly do the same.”

Mukuro really couldn’t understand Kagura’s powerful logic, but was very satisfied with her speculation.

The feeling of being unconditionally trusted is actually pretty good.

Mukuro said lightly: “Since you say that, well, I do know where Naraku is, and you are getting closer and closer to Naraku, so I won’t tell you, you can chase it by your own means.”

After a while, Inuyasha and others found a nearby village.

Maitreya, as usual, directly found the best house nearby.

Inside the house, a child greeted him, and after a brief communication, he invited Maitreya and his party in, with a smile on his face.

Generally speaking, an ordinary person would not be so happy even if he did not exclude hosting the mage and monk. It can be seen that something has happened in the child’s house. And after entering the house, the children’s family looked worried, and even with a polite smile when receiving Mukuro and others, they smiled insincerely.

“May I ask if something happened in your home?” Maitreya asked strangely.

The child hurriedly said: “My father went to the small island dedicated to the sweetheart of Bai Xin. It has been a long time since he has come back. I am afraid that he is in danger. You are all powerful magicians. Can you take me to the small island?”

The kid guys all looked worried, and clearly didn’t approve of the kid looking for it, but there was nothing he could do about it.

It is estimated that they know that if the child is determined to find it, they will not be able to stop it all the time. And the father of the child is also a very important person to them. Instead of letting the children go on adventures alone in the future, let Inuyasha and the others protect them. So after hesitating for a while, they all chose to let the children go.

After obtaining the consent of the child’s family, Mukuro and Inuyasha and others took a boat to the small island dedicated to the sweetheart.

As Mukuro gets closer and closer to the island, Mukuro vaguely sees the outline of a small island in front of him, but he can’t see the true content at all, because the small island is just like Lingshan, shrouded in dense fog, no matter how you look at it. It’s like a holy place recognized by ordinary people. It is really hard to imagine an accident in this kind of place.

As they got closer and closer to the island, Maitreya’s face became more and more ugly.

Mukuro quipped, “Mile, do you find it uncomfortable? It seems that your sexuality should be taken away.”

Maitreya awkwardly changed the subject: “Even I feel uncomfortable in a place like this. Is it possible for Naraku to hide here? A monster like him will be purified as long as he gets closer?”

“Of course, if the white-hearted sweetheart who arranged this kind of clean enchantment is malicious to Naraku.” Mukuro said lightly, “As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. You are arbitrarily arbitrarily asserting that Naraku is not here. Of course, I didn’t say that Naraku is here. You need to investigate the specific situation yourself.”

“I always feel that you are very awkward.” Maitreya said depressed: “You know the position of Naraku but refuse to say it. Don’t you feel that you are owed?”

“I think too.” Mukuro said lightly, “Actually, you have been trying to beat me for a long time, right? But you can’t beat me.”

During the conversation, they had penetrated the thick fog and arrived on the island.

On the small island, they saw the flowers and plants everywhere, as if they came to a garden, the beautiful environment is really difficult to associate with the existence of monsters and the like. But on the small island, Mukuro just felt a hostile energy, which seemed out of place on such a small island.

They walked a few steps in the direction of the hostile energy, and suddenly saw a Mukuro bone in front of them, wearing clothes similar to children.

The child who followed Mukuro’s group on the island was taken aback, and quickly trot over, squatting next to Mukuro’s bones, with a very ugly face.

He must have seen that it was left by his dead father.

“Did you die?” Ari sighed, “I didn’t expect that there would be danger in this kind of place. If we come earlier, I don’t know if we can save him.”

“It’s no use coming early.” Mukuro said flatly, “You said it yourself, who would have thought that there would be danger in such a place? He was killed by a single move, and no one can save him in time.”

Ari, Maitreya and others were all startled and looked at Mukuro with wide-eyed eyes.

They looked surprised, but even Mukuro didn’t know what they were surprised.

Mukuro curiously asked, “What kind of look is in your eyes?”

Shanhu said, “Didn’t you say it yourself? Even if someone really dies, you can bring him back to life. Then can you bring this child’s father back to life?”

A Li nodded and said, “I have known you for so long, and for the first time I saw you admit that you could not do something. Even if it is you, there is no way to save people? Then you can always bring him back to life, right?”

The child was surprised, and quickly looked at Mukuro expectantly.

What else can Mukuro say?

Saving a living person is countless times easier than resurrecting the dead, but in their mouths, it seems that the latter is easier. In Mukuro’s body, it is true.

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