Chapter 1154 Scream

From the moment the monster used his servant as a shield, Mukuro couldn’t help but sigh.

Although the coral’s flying bones are powerful, they lack the most critical flexibility. In other words, as long as Feilai Bone hits it, Coral will no longer be able to control its direction. Such an attack is very tasteless in high-level battles. At least in the current situation, corals can no longer be used casually.

The same is true for A Li’s Demon Breaking Arrow, her control is very limited, and she can’t even make a hit.

If you want her to avoid the servants and attack the monsters, it will be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

After all, A Li can indeed ascend to the sky now.

“Forget it, leave this opponent to me, not as an example.” Mukuro said lightly and stepped forward slowly.

The monster posing as the city lord grinned and said: “En?! A human dare to challenge me?! I can’t even feel spiritual power in you. You are just an ordinary person. What can you fight with me?!”

Mukuro wasn’t even interested in explaining, he appeared behind the monster as soon as he moved, and punched it out with a light punch.


The seemingly tall monster was like a sandbag in Mukuro’s hand and was easily smashed to the ground.

The monster was taken aback: “Impossible! Why do you, an ordinary human, have such power and speed?!”

“Is this stunned?! Haha… the more interesting things are still behind.” Mukuro’s figure flashed again and appeared in front of the monster again, grabbing his ankle and lifting him upside down.

The monster was taken aback and said, “You, you…what do you want to do?”

“If I didn’t do anything, I just took you to do a warm-up exercise. I haven’t moved my body for a long time, which is not good for my body.”

Mukuro shook the monster, finally let go, letting him hit the wall. The thick city wall was hit by the monster, and an obvious gap suddenly appeared.

Ari said sympathetically, “Coral, do you think that monster is so pitiful? In front of Mukuro, he can’t even fight back.”

Shanhu whispered: “He asked for it. Who asked him to provoke Mukuro. He did something that Naraku and Sesumaru dared not do. He is considered a man. Even if he is killed today, he is also among the monsters. Hero.”

A Li sighed, “I think he definitely doesn’t want to be such a hero.”

At the same time, Mukuro chased after the monster again, pulling the horn of his head with one hand, blood was splashing.

Mukuro said faintly, “I really envy you monsters that can have horns. Although it is a bit ugly, it is actually quite good as a weapon.”

The monster was trembling all over, looking at Mukuro in horror, as if looking at a monster, terrified: “Monster, you are a monster, are you really human?! How can human beings be so powerful?!”

“Hey hey hey, don’t you say that to me. I will be troubled by a monster calling me a monster. As punishment, give me your other horn too.” Mukuro took the other horn of the monster again. Pulling it off, immediately caused two deep bone wounds to appear on the monster’s head, and blood flowed down his face.

While fighting the monster, Mukuro suddenly felt that the so-called princess’s aura swelled unprecedentedly, while the auras of Inuyasha, Kagura, Maitreya and others remained motionless and weakened, seeming to be restricted by something. In other words, most of Inuyasha and the others have a problem. Three people can’t beat a ghost, which is beyond Mukuro’s expectation.

Mukuro directly threw the monster pretending to be the city lord into the sky, and then blasted him to pieces with a wave of qigong.

After the monster died, Mukuro moved another instant and appeared at the bottom of the castle.

When Mukuro appeared next to Inuyasha and others, Mukuro knew why they were motionless, because the power of the monsters here is indeed very powerful, covering every inch of space as it is. Inuyasha and others were trapped in it, as if they were in a mass of mud, of course they couldn’t move.

The princess changed back to the appearance of a monster, and she could earnestly said: “Here is another one, it seems that the city lord has been solved by you.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Cleaning up that kind of monster is so easy, that guy is actually what you used to make a noise? Your real purpose is to absorb the power of Inuyasha and Maitreya. It’s a pity that you underestimated my strength.”

“I underestimate your strength, but the loser will still be you, because you jumped to this place yourself.” The monster said triumphantly: “Ninety-nine monks have died in my hands. They My Mukuro bones are also buried here, and the power is absorbed by me. As long as I absorb your power, I can truly resurrect. Haha, go to death.”

The current situation does look bad for Inuyasha and the others, but Inuyasha and others were not panicked at all. The moment Mukuro appeared, they even let out a sigh of relief.

The monster of course noticed their changes, and couldn’t help but wonder: “What’s the matter with you?! Are you giving up struggling?!”

Inuyasha sneered: “Innocent idiot, you are going to die soon.”

Maitreya also said with pity: “Who told you to talk so much, if you kill us, and then run away immediately, there may be a glimmer of life, but now it’s too late to say anything.”

Kagura smiled and said, “Miss Youkai, I wish you an early bliss.”

“I think you guys are so scared that there is a problem with your head.” The monster said sternly, “have you not seen it yet?! The current situation is very beneficial to me, and I can let you die at any time.”

“Then you try.”

Mukuro really couldn’t stand it anymore. He punched the monster directly on the wall and couldn’t pull it off. “There is an entity. It seems that it has absorbed too much power from the eminent monk, and you are about to be resurrected. The reason. It just so happens that things that can be solved with a fist are nothing.”

“What a strong power.” The monster’s face changed sharply: “But you also exposed your weaknesses. Are you a samurai?! What a samurai is best at fighting with swords, you guys fighting with fists are a bit weird, but you should be considered a samurai. . As long as I become a ghost, you can’t hurt me.”

As soon as the voice fell, the monster’s body became translucent, as if it really lost its body.

Mukuro punched out without feeling any resistance, his fist seemed to be in the air.


The monster smiled triumphantly: “As I thought, your fist can’t hit me.”

“Oh, in the end, you still have to use qigong waves. There is no way.” Mukuro put a finger up, and a rice grain-sized qigong wave hit the monster. The powerful qi caused the demon power around him to fluctuate violently.

Inuyasha and others also regained their freedom.

Seeing that Mukuro’s qigong wave was about to explode, they hurriedly hugged their heads and fell on the ground.

It’s just that the monster still knows how to live or die, with a strange arrogant smile on his face: “En?! What is this? What is the power of something the size of a grain of rice?!”

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