Chapter 1153 Ghost Town

After some inquiries, Inuyasha and others finally understood the reason why the old woman came out to eliminate the demon.

It turned out that due to unknown reasons, the number of monsters active in the vicinity has suddenly risen, forcing her, an old woman half buried in the ground, to have to come back out of the rivers and lakes. Of course, the old woman actually had her own guess about the increase in monsters, and that was because the nearby ghost town attracted all the monsters.

“Ghost City?!”

Inuyasha, Ari and the others asked in unison, apparently they didn’t understand what Guishou City was.

The old woman explained: “That place is very famous. I heard that there are monsters’ heads buried under the city, so it’s called Ghost City. After the city lord’s ancestors eliminated the evil ghosts, they buried the ghost’s head underground and built the city on it to suppress it. But, Recently, I heard that the evil spirit has resurrected. Although there are ways to find someone, they all failed.”

After a pause, the old woman asked again: “Do you want to go with me?! If you can subdue that evil spirit, you will have rich revenge.”

I have to say that the word remuneration is indeed very attractive, and immediately let Maitreya follow.

Inuyasha and others have no choice but to keep up.

When they arrived at their destination 16, they happened to see an extremely luxurious castle. No matter how luxurious they looked, they didn’t seem to be haunted by evil spirits. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be judged by appearance. In the castle, Mukuro does feel the energy full of negative emotions.

Mukuro slowly walked into the castle and said: “I can’t sense the evil spirit in your mouth, only energy. From the energy point of view, the evil spirits that the old woman said should indeed be in the castle. If you don’t want the castle to be destroyed, Let the evil spirits leave it to you to deal with.”

It has to be said that the old lady who had eliminated the demon should have quite a good reputation in the city. After she brought Inuyasha and others walk in, someone from the city immediately came out to greet her, and her attitude was quite good. However, after entering the castle, Maitreya, Shanhu and others felt uncomfortable because of the evil spirit in the castle, and only the old woman remained calm.

Of course, Mukuro cannot be affected either.

Inuyasha and others directly ignored Mukuro and looked at the old woman.

Maitreya said strangely: “Old lady, don’t you feel very uncomfortable?!”

“Because of the evil you said?!”

The old woman looked dumbfounded, shook her head, and said, “No, I don’t feel anything at all.”

Maitreya was completely speechless.

If the old woman is not a real human being, maybe Maitreya has already fought her because of this. However, even with this ability, the old woman dared to exorcise demons and exorcisms, and she could still live to this day, which was considered a miracle.

Mukuro said lightly: “Stop talking nonsense, you quickly find the evil spirits, I will stay to protect Ari and them.”

At this moment, a dignified young girl walked out of the castle and said pitifully: “Are you new exorcists?! Please save my father?!”

I have to say that this young girl is indeed pretty, and she doesn’t see any problems from the outside. But when Mukuro senses her qi, she can feel that her qi is quite strong, even above Maitreya and Coral. A seemingly ordinary human girl has such a strong qi, no matter how she looks at it, it’s not right.

Of course, Mukuro didn’t really say it, and it would be good for them to take this opportunity to exercise themselves.

As for the girl’s identity, I don’t have to think about it as the princess of the castle.

Seeing the young and beautiful princess, Maitreya leaned forward as if he was beaten up: “How is your father? Say it and see, maybe we can help you.”

As the princess slowly told her, Inuyasha and others finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that the owner of the castle had been bent over by the evil spirit, and he did not look like him before. The princess was afraid of the change of the castle owner. Of course, all of this is just the princess’s own statement, and no one knows whether it is true or false. In fact, Inuyasha and others didn’t take evil spirits to their hearts, nor did they intend to help, but they were still driven by Mukuro.

In the end, only Mukuro, Ari, Coral, and Qibao stayed in the castle.

When Inuyasha and others left to examine the heads of the evil spirits buried under the castle, Ari asked, “Mukuro, with your skills, is there really no way to find the location of that evil spirit?! That evil spirit should have the strength. How powerful?!”

“Of course I can find if I want to find it, but as I said earlier, if I shoot against the evil spirits, I will definitely destroy the castle.” Mukuro said calmly, “Trust Maitreya and the others, with Inuyasha and Kagura following, nothing will happen. .”

Although Mukuro said lightly, but Mukuro has always sensed their anger and paid attention to their situation. The group of them gradually descended to the lowest part of the castle, and the negative energy surrounding them became stronger and stronger, and the so-called princess’s aura gradually expanded. At the same time, a middle-aged man walked out of the castle and slowly approached Mukuro, Ari and others, and his body also exuded a powerful aura that was inconsistent with their identities.

Mukuro suddenly found it interesting. Couldn’t the evil spirits in the castle see that he is more troublesome than Inuyasha and Maitreya? !

If that guy can’t even see this kind of thing, he deserves to die.

Shanhu stood up and said, “He is the lord of the city? Is that evil spirit leaning over him?”

As soon as Coral’s voice 437 fell, the city lord suddenly became tall and burly, and his face became hideous and terrifying. He was clearly a terrifying monster. He opened his mouth in front of Coral and A Lei, his fangs were like a row of sharp nails, and the pungent fishy wind spurted out of his mouth with his breath, which was very unpleasant.

Coral said coldly: “This guy dared to show his true shape, so courageous, flying to the bone!”

Coral threw the flying bone to the city lord, and was about to cut the lord in half.

A Li was taken aback and said, “Coral! Did you forget that the lord was just bent over? If you were hit by your flying bones, even the lord himself would be in danger!”

“Crap!” Coral was surprised: “It’s too late for me to take back the flying bones!”

Mukuro said lightly: “Don’t worry, the city lord is dead. You can attack with confidence and don’t worry about hurting the innocent.”

Only at this moment, the monster grabbed the servant around him, greeted the flying bone, and wanted to use the servant as a shield. If the ordinary servants were injured by the flying, Mukuro didn’t think there was anything, but Coral would definitely be troubled. In desperation, Mukuro had to use gravity to absorb the flying bone and save the servant’s life.

Coral breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Mukuro gratefully.

The monster sneered and said, “Hooky exorcist, can’t you do it? Then you just wait for me to die!”

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