Chapter 1150 Fled again

Maitreya pondered for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh. Very helplessly said: “You make sense, since even you said so, I will see what the result of the battle between Sessomaru and Naraku is. But if Sessomaru loses, I will still try it, whether or not. Effect.”

“up to you.”

Mukuro smiled indifferently, and continued to watch the battle between Sasomaru and Naraku.

You come and go in the battle between the two. Although Naraku can’t help Sesho Maru in a short time, but on the other hand, Naraku has an immortal body, which also makes Sesang Maru less advantage in a short period of time. Even Mukuro does not see who has a better chance of winning in such a fight.

Inuyasha was watching, becoming more and more impatient.

After all, if the fight goes on like this, the ghost knows when the fight will be finished.

Inuyasha rushed forward, slashing towards Naraku’s head, without mercy. Sesumaru, who was fighting against Naraku, probably also felt Inuyasha’s attack, and hurriedly hid to the side, where he dared to resist.


After Sesumaru escaped, Inuyasha’s knife slashed on Naraku’s body accurately, and directly slashed one of Naraku’s arms. However, Naraku did possess an immortal body, and even if he suffered such a severe injury, he did not bleed.

He looked grimly and said: “Hey, can’t you finally help my brothers join forces?! It seems that you already understand that you can’t win 327 me without joining forces.”

“Inuyasha, get out of here.”

Sesumaru left Naraku alone, and the fighting spirit in his hand stabbed Inuyasha fiercely.

Inuyasha furiously said, “Nara, what did you say?! If you have the ability, you and I should be singled out, don’t run away!”

Watching Inuyasha and Sesumaru arguing and arguing, Mukuro couldn’t help but sighed. At the same time, he also noticed that Coral, Ari and others felt the same way.

Inuyasha and their brothers were so stupid that they couldn’t even see Naraku’s simple plan to instigate divorce. If their brothers can really join forces, they can easily kill Naraku at this moment, and it’s Naraku’s turn to be arrogant? ! However, their brother has this temper, and Mukuro can’t help it.

While their brothers were fighting, they attacked Naraku. The original battle between Naraku and Sesumaru became a three-person melee. However, Sesumaru and Inuyasha still focused on Naraku’s body, so although their brothers were attacking each other, Naraku was under greater pressure than at the beginning, and his injuries continued to worsen.

As more and more parts were cut off from his body, more and more pieces of meat on the ground flooded into Naraku’s body. Although the body could be repaired again, Naraku’s face became more and more ugly.

“It’s weird.”

To say who is most familiar with Naraku is undoubtedly Kagura.

The more Kagura looked at it, the stranger he became. He couldn’t help frowning and saying strangely: “If it was Naraku in the past, he found that the situation was not right, and he must have escaped for the first time, but why does he persist today? Is he confident? Or is he really eager to get the body of the Sesho Pill?!”

Coral also nodded in agreement and said, “You don’t say that I really didn’t pay attention, but it is true. Naraku is very smart. He should have seen that the situation is not good for him. Why should I stay?!”

Maitreya turned his head and asked Mukuro: “Mukuro, do you know why?!”

“Think about it carefully, you can also come up with it.” Mukuro smiled and said: “Think about it for yourself, why did Sesei Maru find here?! Even though Naraku wants him to come here and absorb his body, But what’s the reason that Sesei Maru found here?!”

Shan Shan and others were dumbfounded, obviously they had not considered this issue.

It was not until Mukuro reminded them that they slowly began to think about it. But in the current atmosphere, with the amount of information from their Master, Mukuro really didn’t expect them to come up with anything.

Mukuro said lightly, “It’s because of Xiaoling, the little human girl who has been with Sesang Maru.”

“What are you talking about?! Does Shashengwan care about that little human girl that much?!”

Coral and others found it incredible. At the same time, the battle between Inuyasha, Sesumaru, and Naraku has reached a fever pitch.

Naraku’s injuries are getting more and more serious. It seems that even if he is immortal, it is impossible for him to be immortal forever. If he keeps being attacked, he will probably die because his power is exhausted. Nalu, who found that something was wrong, flew up and fleeed away, not even the mutilated body that fell on the ground was taken care of.

It’s just that Maitreya, Shanhu and others have guarded him a long time ago, how can he escape easily? !

They used Wukong skills to catch up, stopping Naraku from all directions and blocking his way. Not to be outdone, Inuyasha and Sesumaru quickly caught up.

Naraku’s face was ugly as if he had eaten a bunch of dead flies: “What do you mean?! Do you really think that Naraku can be solved here?!”

“Isn’t it obvious?! You don’t want to run away if you don’t save your life.” Inuyasha sneered.

“Forget it, you’d better let him go, there are other things waiting for you to do.” Mukuro flew up to stop Inuyasha and the others.

“What?!” Inuyasha was taken aback, and said, “Even if you want to fight against Naraku who has transformed successfully, make up a better reason. Now what is more important than killing Naraku?!”

“Of course there is.”

Mukuro said lightly, “That is to save the lives of Kohaku and Xiaoling.”

Mukuro pointed in one direction and continued to say faintly: “Don’t forget that Kohaku has been controlled by Naraku and is now trying to hurt Xiaoling. It’s in that direction. You can’t kill Naraku quickly, even if you really kill Naraku, Kohaku and Xiaoling is also dead.”

Coral and Sesumaru’s expressions changed drastically at the same time, and they turned and rushed towards Mukuro’s direction.

Their reaction was exactly as Mukuro expected. After all, the lives of Xiaoling and Kohaku are the most important to them, and it is because of this that they keep chasing and killing Naraku.

If the person they were protecting dies, killing Naraku also becomes meaningless.

After the Sesheng Maru and the coral left, there was a gap in the enclosure.

Inuyasha, Maitreya and others hesitated for a long time, and finally flew away with the dance technique, only Mukuro stayed.

“Why do you want to save me?!” Naraku stopped in midair and didn’t run away immediately. I believe he also knew that he couldn’t escape from Mukuro’s hands.

Mukuro asked with interest: “Why don’t you go?! If you want to escape, now is a good opportunity.”

“Because you don’t want to kill me, why should I run?!” Naraku replied, “If I run away by myself, I might make you angry and lose out.”

“You’re smart.” Mukuro smiled and said, “If you have to ask why you let you go, it’s probably that you shouldn’t be dead. Go away, quickly complete the transformation, and then wait for me to kill you.”

“Hmph, I’m afraid that you won’t even be my opponent when I transform into success.” Naraku snorted coldly, pressed a cruel word, and then turned around and left here in a desperate manner.

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