Chapter 1149 Naraku’s strength increased

“With Naraku’s ability, how could he be Sasomaru’s opponent?! His tortoise shell allows him to save his life at best.”

Inuyasha sneered disdainfully with his broken teeth on his back, clearly despising Naraku in his heart.

His thoughts are completely understandable.

Although, he always wanted to kill Naraku but couldn’t kill it, making things more and more troublesome. However, since he knew about Naraku’s existence and now, in fact, Naraku has been only dealing with Inuyasha with conspiracy and tricks, and almost never dared to go head-to-head with Inuyasha. As long as there is a chance to be caught by Inuyasha, he will quickly lose and run away hastily. Don’t say such an opponent is extremely arrogant Inuyasha, even a slightly stronger person can’t put him in his eyes.

However, this kind of subconscious judgment will obviously cause huge troubles.

Mukuro looked at Kagura, Shan Shan and others again, and saw everyone sneered in disdain except for Kagura, who had a shadow in his heart.

They set up their positions and blocked them in different directions to prevent Naraku from escaping.

Mukuro sighed helplessly, “Do you really look down on Naraku so much?! Then you must suffer a big loss. Naraku now is completely different from the previous one. Even if it’s Sesho Maru, he has already eaten it in his hands. deficit.”

At the same time, Sesumaru waved the fighting spirits vigorously to resist Naraku’s strange hand.

Although he had maintained a calm appearance, the situation was clearly developing in a direction that was not conducive to him, and Naraku had more and more flesh wrapped around him. When the Sesho Maru was wrapped up and down, it was probably the time when the Sesho Maru was killed. Naraku who had absorbed the Sesho Maru was definitely not something Inuyasha could deal with.

Maitreya also saw that the situation was not right, and said in a deep voice, “Inuyasha, do you want to help Sessomaru?! Otherwise, things are really troublesome.”

Inuyasha turned the broken teeth into the state of a demon knife, and said coldly: “Huh! Only I can take the life of the Sesho Maru. What is he Naraku?!”

As soon as the voice fell, Inuyasha rushed towards Naraku with a knife.

Mukuro was startled slightly, always feeling Inuyasha’s remarks a bit familiar. Isn’t that the line that Vegeta often said when he saved Monkey King? ! It always feels weird to say it from Inuyasha’s mouth. However, Mukuro thought for a while, and felt that if Inuyasha couldn’t say that Naraku would hurt Sesomaru or something, it would seem to be even more disgusting.

As Inuyasha got closer and closer, Naraku distracted and attacked Inuyasha, and at the same time said solemnly, “Why did you break my barrier? Did the human named Mukuro make the move?!”

“It’s not worth Mukuro’s action based on your barrier breaking, I can cut it myself!”

Inuyasha rushed to Naraku’s body, leaped high, and slashed at Naraku’s head: “I know you don’t believe it, then try it with your head!”

While talking, Naraku had already wrapped himself and the Shishengwan with a barrier, lest Inuyasha would disturb him in absorbing the Shishengwan. But Inuyasha’s knife smashed down, like a red iron piece pierced into the ice block, and it cut the barrier at once. While breaking the barrier, Inuyasha’s broken teeth indeed turned red.

Naraku was taken aback, jumped up and avoided, and at the same time was forced to let go of the Sesho Maru.

He was surprised: “Red broken iron teeth?! Why did your broken iron teeth change color?!”

Naraku’s face was full of shock. Compared to the last time he barely won with blasting, Inuyasha’s improvement in strength obviously made Naraku very jealous.

Especially after even Sashengwan got out of trouble, Naraku’s face became more and more ugly.

Inuyasha said coldly: “I don’t have to tell you! Bring me Xiaoming!”


At this moment, Shasheng Maru blocked the iron shattered teeth with the fighting ghosts, and the weapons exchanged and made a harsh clashing sound.

Sesumaru said coldly, “Naraku is my prey, don’t interfere.”

Sesei Maru’s expression was very cold. With his pride, he had suffered such a big loss in Naraku’s hands just now. It would be difficult to accept if he didn’t find the place himself. However, with his temperament, it is absolutely impossible to express his inner thoughts, and if he does not say it, Inuyasha certainly cannot understand, nor can he understand.

Inuyasha shouted loudly: “Don’t you know that Naraku has become troublesome now?! He is not an opponent you can easily defeat. If you are absorbed by him, how would you let me deal with him?!”

“That kind of thing can’t happen! It’s not your turn to underestimate the strength of my Shashengwan!” Shashengwan shook his hand hard, shook Inuyasha’s broken teeth away, and shook Inuyasha back at the same time.

Inuyasha was furious, and he was about to rush up again with a hard kick under his feet.

Maitreya hurriedly stepped up to Inuyasha, stopped Inuyasha and said, “Inuyasha, stop here, you are the younger brother of Sashengmaru, you should understand the temper of Sashengmaru. If you rush up, Sashengmaru will definitely fight you, until the end. It’s just cheap Naraku, it’s better to let the Sansheng pills have a try.”

Shanhu also persuaded: “Yes, Sasheng Maru already understands Naraku’s abilities. With the strength of Sasheng Maru, it is impossible to plant it twice in the same place.”

Mukuro was so happy that he just sat and watched the play.

After being reminded by Maitreya and Coral, even if Inuyasha was sluggish, he should understand the idea of ​​Sesho Maru. As long as there is no water in his mind, it is impossible to rush to make trouble at this time. However, even Mukuro is not too real to see how things will develop in the future.

However, what Maitreya and Shan Shan said is not without reason. Sesomaru is indeed a strong one among the monsters. After understanding that Naraku wanted to absorb him, even Naraku could not easily succeed.

They fought a fierce battle in the open space. You come and I go between the two sides, and you can’t even think about the winning percentage in a short time.

“It’s hard to imagine that Naraku couldn’t even beat me in the past, so he could only hide like a mouse. But now, he can even get a tie with Sesho Maru.”

Maitreya was also shocked and said: “If you let him transform a few more times, he will definitely not even be his opponent. Can we only rely on Mukuro?! But as long as I think that the revenge of killing my father can only be reported with the help of Mukuro’s power, I will Very unwilling.”

Shan Hu said in a deep voice: “If you can, I will end Naraku here today. You can’t let him escape.”

Mukuro interrupted them and said, “If Naraku is so easy to deal with, he won’t be able to live to this day. You’d better not have too much hope.”

After a pause, Mukuro said again: “Naraku once killed Coral’s relatives, so Coral must want to kill Naraku. Naraku is also the culprit of Inuyasha’s rivalry with Kikyo. Inuyasha can’t have the same idea. But, Naraku’s little boy. There is only one fate, who do you say should be given to?!”

Maitreya was startled, obviously he hadn’t thought about such a question, so he couldn’t answer Mukuro.

Mukuro had long guessed that he would be speechless, and said lightly: “So if it doesn’t work, Naraku will leave it to me. Don’t be burdened by it.”

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