Chapter 1151 Amber and Xiaoling

After driving away Nai, Mukuro looked in the direction where Inuyasha and others had left, still not at ease. Because Kohaku is still under Naraku’s control, once Kohaku really kills Xiaoling, then Seshowan will definitely be endless with Kohaku. Being targeted by a monster like Sesei Maru, no one except Mukuro is sure to save Kohaku’s life. But even Mukuro has no reason to protect Kohaku all the time.

So Xiaoling’s life must not be damaged in any way. Mukuro used teleportation and appeared directly at the location of Inuyasha and others. In a forest, Xiaoling had been recaptured by Sesho Maru and was not injured. Inuyasha and others also stood beside Sesho Maru, while Kohaku stood opposite them.

Seeing that Xiaoling was not injured, Shan Shan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Amber pitifully, but it was a pity that Amber could not have any response.

Inuyasha said to Sessumaru, “The little girl by your side is not injured. Don’t hold it accountable, otherwise Mukuro will definitely be with you.”

Shasheng Maru let out a cold snort, and turned and left with Xiaoling and Xie Jian.

When they walked away, Mukuro couldn’t help but vomit: “Hey, Inuyasha, what did you mean?! Use me to threaten the Sasomaru?!”

Inuyasha smiled dryly and said: “There is no way, otherwise it will be troublesome if you fight with Shishengwan. If Amber is killed by Shishengwan, Coral must have revenge again. What is this?!”

Mukuro was noncommittal and remained silent.

At the same time, Amber retreated silently, completely uninterested in staying.

And the coral didn’t mean to catch up.

Inuyasha asked strangely: “Coral, won’t you stop Kohaku?! Maybe there is a way to get him out of Naraku’s control.”

“forget it.”

Coral sighed, and said in a wrong tone: “If you take Amber back, God knows Naraku will order him to do something. It’s better to wait for us to find a way to get rid of Naraku’s control. Amber is still valuable to Naraku. He will not let Amber. It’s easy.”

“It’s not unreasonable to say so, just do it with you.”

Of course, Inuyasha is also much smarter now, and he didn’t let Amber away in vain.

After Amber walked far away, he followed the aura left by Amber and slowly traced it up, clearly wanting to use Amber to find Naraku. Mukuro really doesn’t understand. Instead of using this inefficient method, it’s better to learn how to sense qi. It’s not particularly difficult anyway. Following all the way, Mukuro and others recovered the city from the previous battle with Naraku, but there was no trace of Naraku in the city.

Shanhu asked: “Don’t Naraku likes to leave with the city?! Why did you throw the city away this time?!”

“Because Inuyasha’s red iron teeth broke his city barrier, there is no need for him to take the city away.” Mukuro replied faintly.

At this moment, a tornado suddenly rolled up not far away, and quickly approached here. But the scale of the tornado was so small that it didn’t seem to have formed naturally no matter how it looked. Under the tornado, there was still an air that belonged to a monster. Mukuro knew at a glance, this is steel teeth.

Gangfang ran to Inuyasha in one breath and stopped: “Hey, why are you here?! Where is the guy Naraku? I can smell him.”

“Naraku is gone, this is his city, which he abandoned.” Maitreya replied: “You are a step late. Now even we don’t know where that fellow Naraku has escaped.”

“Is it really late?” Mukuro smiled lightly.

In this city, Naraku does not exist anymore, but there is still a part of the Qi that belongs to Naraku, like Naraku’s clone, but it is a little different. However, Gangfang and Inuyasha both track people by smell. In a city full of Naraku’s smell, it seems difficult for them to find a monster with Naraku’s smell.

But even if they can’t smell it, they should hear what Mukuro means.

Inuyasha quickly asked, “Mukuro, is there anything wrong?!”

Mukuro raised his right index finger and struck out a qigong wave, tracing an arc and landing on the house where Naraku lived.


In front of Mukuro’s qigong wave, Naraku’s city of course could not have any resistance, and it was suddenly blown to pieces, and a bottomless hole appeared in the ground. As soon as the big hole appeared, a monster jumped out of it.

It was a huge monster with only a mouth and hair around the mouth.

He shouted: “Who hit me?!”

Coral’s face changed greatly and said, “What is this? I have never seen such a monster!”

“I have never seen him either.” Maitreya also said with a solemn expression: “But since he is hiding under Naraku’s city, he should be related to Naraku.”

“Mukuro, how did you know the existence of this monster?!” Inuyasha asked.

“I’m not you, don’t you know it’s normal? In a relatively simple way, I can feel his life energy exists.” Mukuro said lightly, “And now it’s not the time to talk about this kind of thing, don’t you think Should this monster be dealt with quickly? Otherwise, it will be too late for him to rush out to hurt ordinary people.”

“Leave it to me!” Gangtooth rushed up with a kick.

It seemed that the lack of sight of Naraku made Gangfang very depressed, so I looked for this big mouth monster to vent.

It was discovered that the Big Mouth Monster had a certain relationship with Naraku. From Gangfang’s point of view, as long as he could kill the monster in front of him, then it should make Naraku feel distressed.

But the fact is definitely not as beautiful as he imagined.

When Gangfang kicked the monster, the monster’s hair entangled with the steel teeth, and while counteracting the strength of the steel teeth, it even tied the steel teeth.

After restricting Gangfang’s movement, the monster used her hair to pull Gangfang towards his mouth, clearly wanting to swallow Gangfang raw.

Inuyasha rushed up quickly, slashed at the hair, and finally rescued Gangfang.

But while Gangtooth got out of trouble, those hairs also tied Inuyasha, restricting his movements of hands and feet, even if he had broken teeth in his hands, it was difficult to get out.

“What is this?! Is he really Naraku’s clone?” Inuyasha attacked furiously.

“It is said that it is Naraku’s clone, but it can also be said that it is not.” Mukuro shrugged and replied, “Isn’t Naraku changing all the time?! Since it has changed, there must be some abandoned parts. This guy was abandoned by Naraku. If it is Naraku’s official clone, it will definitely be much stronger.”

After a pause, Mukuro frowned and said, “But Inuyasha, you played so hard even the part that Naraku gave up. It’s a bit embarrassing. If Naraku knows, he will definitely laugh at you.”

“It’s so noisy!”

Inuyasha exasperated and yelled, “I just don’t know his abilities. If I know that he can control his hair freely, I can solve him with a wind injury!”

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