Chapter 1148 Red iron broken tooth

Mukuro knew that Inuyasha would say that for a long time, so it wasn’t surprising at all.

Having traveled with Maitreya, Shanhu, and Ari for so long, Inuyasha was influenced by them, and his mentality has long changed to humans. Although he still has the blood of monsters and hates the weak human body, he still regards himself as a human in essence. It is impossible for him to hurt Zizhi.

Since he can’t do this kind of thing, of course Mukuro can’t do it either.

Mukuro said faintly, “That’s how you look at me? Don’t worry, I just asked you to cut the beads in Shiori’s hand.”

As soon as the voice fell, Shiori also handed the beads to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was honest, and slashed fiercely with a knife, suddenly splitting the bead in Ziori’s hand in half. Immediately after that, red demon power emerged from the beads and was absorbed by the broken iron teeth, and at the same time, the broken iron teeth turned red.

Inuyasha was surprised: “This…what’s going on? Why do the broken teeth turn red?!”

Mukuro explained: “Because the Iron Fragmented Tooth has absorbed the power of the enchantment, it can be used to slash the 16th realm in the future. However, in this state, the Iron Fragmented Tooth seems to be effective if it is directly smashed into the enchantment with a knife. I’m afraid it won’t work with wind injuries, but it’s still tasteless.”

“It’s tasteless for you, but I already think it’s very useful. If there is an enchantment, let me try it.” With that, Inuyasha pointed to Maitreya.

Maitreya’s face changed, and he quickly protested: “Why is it me again?!”

Mukuro glanced at Maitreya and said, “There is no way. No one else will use enchantment here except you. Although my repulsive force is similar to enchantment, it is completely different in nature, and it is impossible to be successfully destroyed by Inuyasha’s knife. “You must know that Mukuro’s repulsive power is invisible and innocent, it exists as a power, and even the god of destruction cannot break it.

If you want to make the repulsion ineffective, you can only break through with a more powerful force. With Inuyasha’s ability, of course there is no way to do such a thing.

Even breaking through the repulsion force is impossible for him. Even if the repulsion is really a barrier, Mukuro does not think his attack can be effective due to the power gap between Mukuro and Inuyasha.

Maitreya was unable to refute, so she said dejectedly: “It’s really unlucky to know you, but if Inuyasha smashes my barrier, won’t I die?!”

“No, with me staring at it, I can save you at the last minute,” Mukuro said.

“…” Maitreya had no choice but to admit his fate.

When Maitreya’s barrier was successfully set up, Inuyasha directly chopped it up with iron shards, slicing Maitreya’s barrier to pieces.

In contrast, Inuyasha tried it with a normal iron broken tooth, and the result was really unbreakable. In other words, the effect of red iron shattering teeth is indeed very good when breaking the barrier.

Confirming that the effect of the red iron smashing teeth is okay, Mukuro turned and looked at Shiori and her mother. After the beads of the Hyakkibat clan were cut by Inuyasha, the barrier that wrapped Zizhi has also disappeared, and their mother and daughter are telling their experiences during this time. However, although their mother and daughter can get along with each other calmly, other villagers still fear Zizhi more than they are concerned.

Mukuro stepped forward and said, “Ziori, are you sure you want to stay in the village? The half-demon’s life is destined to be bumpy. Think about it carefully and don’t regret it in the future.”

Shiori clearly understood what Mukuro meant, and looked back at the villagers, then said, “I know, but I just need to stay with my mother.”

“Well, since it’s your own choice, you slowly finish it, and we should leave.” After that, Mukuro didn’t stop and dragged Inuyasha and the others away.

After leaving the village, Kagura asked, “Mukuro, I want to ask you for a long time, why did you help that girl in the end?

“Because that little girl can save her mother without caring about being discriminated against.”

Mukuro said lightly: “I just dislike the cowardly behavior of those villagers, but the little girl is a real strong, so I am willing to help her, but whether she can survive in the village in the future, she still depends on herself.”

After a pause, Mukuro said again: “Don’t care about these things. It’s rare that Iron Broken Tooth has the ability to smash barriers. Go to Naraku quickly, otherwise Naraku will become stronger again. Maybe you will lose your brother even Inuyasha. .”

“What?!” Inuyasha was taken aback.

It seems that although he can’t get along with Sesho Maru on the surface, he still regards Sesho Maru as his brother in his heart.

At the same time, Mukuro could already feel the qi of Sasei Maru constantly approaching Naraku, but fortunately, the speed was not very fast. However, there is only the aura of evil views around the Sesho Maru, but it is weird to lose the aura of Xiaoling.

Mukuro pointed to the direction that Sesumaru was heading, which is where Naraku was, and said, “Sesumaru is going over there, and Naraku is also there. Let’s fly over.”

Inuyasha was startled first, then excited, and squeezed the broken teeth in his hands.

He excitedly said: “Unexpectedly, Iron Broken Tooth would find Naraku as soon as he gained new power. It was a good time to take Naraku to try my knife.”

At the moment, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others are flying at full speed. With their current strength, the speed at which they can use air dance is unimaginable.

In a short while, they rushed to Naraku’s location. However, when they arrived at their destination, they didn’t see Sesei Maru or Naraku.

“what happened?!”

Inuyasha asked, “Mukuro, didn’t you say that Naraku and Sesumaru are here?!”

“Here indeed.” Mukuro pointed directly below and said, “They are fighting in a 197 enchantment, so you can’t see it, you will understand when you go down.”

After landing on the ground, Inuyasha’s nose moved, and he said, “You can really smell the sashiwan pill. Has he already gone in? Humph! The sashiwan pill don’t want to kill Naraku in front of me!”

As soon as the voice fell, Inuyasha had already pulled out the iron shattered teeth and turned the iron shattered teeth red.

He smashed Naraku’s barrier fiercely, causing Naraku’s barrier to shatter like paper.

After the barrier was broken, the figures of Naraku and Sesumaru appeared in front of them. At this moment, the battle between Sasomaru and Naraku reached the white-hot stage, and many of Naraku’s strange hands wrapped Sasomaru’s body, and the fighting ghosts of Sasomaru also stabbed Naraku’s body, seemingly evenly matched.

“How is this going?!”

Kagura said strangely: “Nara has always been careful, why was Sesei Maru found here?!”

“Because he took the initiative to let Sesei Maru over.”

Mukuro replied: “Naraku is a monster made up of the bodies of many monsters. He wants to absorb the Sesho Maru to enhance his strength, so he will attract the Sesho Maru. If he really absorbs the Sesho Maru, Naraku’s strength It must have risen sharply. It may be the last time that the defeat made him get the idea of ​​Sesho Maru.”

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