Chapter 1120 Helpless

“All attacks?”

Shan Shan asked Kagura again, her tone changed obviously, her voice trembling slightly.

She has realized the meaning of these four words. Since it is all attacks, it means that any attack method is invalid for Shenwu, including punches and kicks. As long as Shenwu’s hand is still holding that mirror, it means she has a shield that is absolutely impossible to break. How can such an opponent fight? !

“It’s ridiculous.”

Shan Shan said with a gloomy expression: “Why have I never heard of such a terrible monster?!”

“It’s because they didn’t have it before, so Naraku made her out.” Kagura replied in a cold sweat.

“Don’t show up on others’ ambitions, and destroy your own prestige. No matter whether it works or not, you have tried before.” Maitreya snorted and rushed forward.

Maitreya used the staff in his hand as a weapon and poked at Shenwu’s mirror fiercely. However, even though Maitreya said fiercely, he was actually very nervous. This can be seen from his expression.

Coral was also anxious: “There shouldn’t be a way to rebound an attack like this from a mage, right?!”

Kagura sneered and said, “You’ll know if you keep looking.”


When Maitreya’s staff was poked on the mirror, Maitreya’s body was shocked, as if receiving some shock, blood was spit out from the corner of his mouth, and his legs knelt down.

Mukuro hurriedly pulled the wizard back with gravity and said 773: “Mage, don’t be impulsive. Kagura has already said that her mirror can bounce off all attacks. Your attack like this will only hurt yourself.”

Shinigami said lightly: “Huh! Yes, your attacks are useless to me, so Naraku asked me to kill you. In fact, my main task is to kill Shinigami Raku and bring her body back. As long as you don’t care about your business, I can leave you alone.”

There is still no emotional fluctuation in Shenwu’s voice, and it seems that he is not proud of his own ability at all.

Maitreya thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said: “Want to try without the wind cave?! Forgive her mirror, no matter how magical, it is impossible to rebound the wind cave, right?!”

“What if her mirror can bounce back?!” Mukuro asked Maitreya back: “If it can bounce back, how are you going to deal with your own wind cave?!”

Maitreya froze for a moment, completely unable to answer this question. If he can deal with the wind cave, where does he need to worry about his life? ! Just crack it directly.

It was precisely because there was no way that he wanted to kill Naraku and break the curse.

Just when Maitreya and others were at a loss, Shanhu suggested: “Should we try together?! Even if the mirror of Shenwu is so strong, it is impossible to bounce the attack of the three of us at the same time?!”

Coral had nothing to do, so the three of them wanted to attack together. To some extent, Coral’s strategy is very correct, and breaking the limit of the mirror with violence is the most correct approach.

But whether the three of them can break through the limits of the mirror, in fact, Mukuro is not sure.

Mukuro temporarily stepped aside and handed the battlefield to Coral and the others.

Kagura hesitated for a while and said, “Three people? Do you count me? Well, since you want to try, I will try it with you, but if you fail and get hurt, don’t blame me.”

As soon as the voice fell, Kagura waved the fan in his hand and said softly: “Dance of dragons and snakes!”

Dragon and snake dance! ! This is Kagura’s most powerful attacking technique. As the wind messenger, she fanned out several tornadoes and swept towards Kamui.

At the moment Kagura shot, even if Maitreya and Shan Shan wanted to shrink back, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and attack.


Mukuro was watching from the side, and saw that when the attack of the three of Kagura and others was about to hit the mirror of Kamui, the mirror burst out with a cold white light, absorbing all the attacks. In the next second, those absorbed attacks rushed out again, and in turn attacked the three of Kagura and others, the offensive was rushing and fierce.

If it really hits Kagura and others, the result can only be death.

After all, the combined attack of the three people is not what they can bear.

Shenwu said indifferently: “The mission is complete.”

Before Shenwu’s words fell, Mukuro suddenly flashed in front of Kagura and the others, hitting the attack from the mirror with a palm, and said, “The mission is complete?! Hmph! Shenwu, are you underestimating me? Right?! With me, you can’t have taken Kagura’s life.”

Without saying a word, the god turned around again and looked at Mukuro with the mirror.

Maitreya, Shan Shan and others had suffered from the mirror’s loss. When they saw the mirror shining here, they all fled like a mouse and a cat. But Mukuro was seen in the mirror and nothing happened.

Mukuro said indifferently: “Shenwu, I remember your mirror can suck the soul of a person? But your ability seems to have no effect on me.”

“It seems like this.” God said without answer: “But my goal is not you, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Does it matter? Then I will make myself your target.” Mukuro stretched out his right hand, concentrated his qi on his palm, and a fist-sized gas bullet came out.

In the dark night, the light of the gas bomb illuminates the surroundings at once.

For Mukuro, the energy contained in this gas bomb may not be very good. However, people in this world are obviously too strong.

So after seeing Mukuro trying to attack with a gas bomb, Maitreya and Coral both had very bad faces and rushed up.

Maitreya stopped Mukuro and said: “Mukuro! Don’t attack! Don’t attack! If you can even rebound your attack, we will be done. We can’t take your attack.”

Shanhu also said with deep approval: “I finally understand why Kagura said that even you will have trouble. God’s power is indeed very special. But she seems to have no attack power. As long as we don’t attack her, she can’t do anything about us. ”

“Do you really think so?!”

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, then raised his head and said to Shinigami, “Kimami, I was not going to kill you today, but since the task that Naraku entrusted to you is to kill Shinigami Raku, then if you don’t kill Shinigami Raku, then go back. Naraku is sure. I won’t let you go. So show your true strength and fight me.”

“What?! Didn’t she use all her strength yet?!” Maitreya took a breath and said, “It’s already so difficult if she didn’t use all her strength. What if she did her best?!”

“Go! Go!”

Coral said in amazement, “Nara created a monster. Let’s not fight her! She is a clone of Naraku. As long as we find Naraku and kill Naraku, God will die without nature. There is no need to fight her.”

Mukuro can understand Coral’s mood at the moment, and the power of God’s inability really puts her under a lot of pressure.

But escape is not the way Mukuro likes it.

Mukuro said faintly: “Coral, don’t forget that there are still innocent villagers in the village. If we leave, those villagers would never want to survive. Moreover, Inuyasha is still being besieged by the villagers. We must quickly solve God’s innocence. How many times have you said it, don’t underestimate me.”

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